Why Pig Needs A Buff

I don't main pig or anything but here it goes. Pig at this state is the worst stealth killer in the game. Anyone could say wraith is, but at least he goes completely invisible. Pig's traps were nerfed so there useless with 1 gen left and, then there's the "Ambush" when it has a loud sound queue that she's coming. When I think ambush, I think like on assassins creed where the hop off a building and attack that's a ambush. Go ahead and be like, "She's not a stealth killer, she applies pressure with her traps!" No they don't it takes ages for the trap to go off, by the time it would tick down there probably t-bagging at exit gate. If anything change Amanda's letter to where there's no sound queue when she ambushes, and make Rules Set N.2 have it where after the time is 50% then they see the boxes. And please don't say, "Get good baby killer." because no one likes a Justin beaver.


  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    The only Buff she needs is to remove the Survivors ability to see Jigsaw boxes. It makes the traps more effective rather than a survivor quickly checking each box they see glowing.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    I think her add-ons need looking into primarily. Half of them don't have enough influence on a Survivor's actions.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited January 2020

    The reduced speed while being crouched is only fair, the fact that GF moves faster when crouched is just bad game design.

    I think that Pig is a potentially a viable killer but needs a serious look at her add-ons and, perhaps, try and give some more power to her trap.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    I wrote a long post what I would like to see for Pig. This includes mostly Add Ons, since her most useful Add Ons are brown and yellow (but she also has some decent in higher rarity) and her Ambush, because it is not really worth using.

    However, I dont think that Pig is in need of a severe Buff or Rework, she is a lot of fun to play and not as bad as people claim. When I see Pig in like D-Tier on Tier Lists, those people are simply wrong.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    One big issue with Piggy's power is RNG. Her party hats are about buying her extra time. If the survivor gets lucky at the first party hat box, that's almost no extra time for her. If the survivor gets lucky at the last box, that's great for her.

    RNG makes this part of her ability vary from very useful to almost useless.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited January 2020

    I'm pretty sure GF moves slower when crouched. Both of them have the exact same movement speed when crouched (without addons)

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    At first I thought that as well but GF definitely moves a tad faster. That's why most people ask for a movement speed buff for Pig when she's crouched.

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 496

    GF is definitely faster than pig when crouched, but it's still slower than his base movement soeed

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 496
    edited January 2020

    I think an appropriate pig buff would to be make one of her add-ons base kit. I can't remember the name of it, but jigsaw box auras are only visible once the trap is activated

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    I agree that is the greatest problem with her power the RNG on it is just weird.

    If your a survivor you could get into a situation where you have to go to every single box on the map to get the key. While as Killer you could get into a situation where not just one but multiple survivors find the key on their first or second try

    Which for a very finite main power is incredibly bad. I'm not sure how to touch this without reworking a large chunk of how the power works. Perhaps if the survivor gets lucky first try the Trap is refunded to the Pig?

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited January 2020

    I think she's not as RNG based as a lot of people make her out to be. And her traps give her slow down and is lethal in that it can kill survivors or she can ambush survivors at traps. However, I feel that she could do with the following changes.

    1. Slightly reduces Ambush Attack Charge time could be base kit and remove John's medical file as an add-on.
    2. Slightly reduces Crouch Activation time could be base kit as well and remove the combat straps as an add-on
    3. Remove Workshop Grease as a brown add-on
    4. Make Razor Blades ,Utility Wire, And Face Mask brown add-ons
    5. Add 3 new yellow add-ons.
    6. Yellow Add-on 1. See aura's of survivors wearing traps within 32 meters while crouched
    7. Yellow Add-on 2. Aura's of Survivors within 12 meters are revealed to The Pig while crouched.
    8. Yellow Add-on 3. Slightly increases Jigsaw Box Search time. Slightly increases Reverse Bear Trap Death timer.
    9. Change Amanda's Letter to "available Jigsaw boxes reduced by 3." There would be no other attributes.
  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470

    She doesn’t need much, just increase her crouch movement speed from 90 to 92% & increase the duration of her ambush attack by like .15 seconds.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    That's literally just a nerf. The only ranks that benefit from that would be low rank killers.

    Once you remove the option of Gen or Boxes then you have effectively just removed the RBT from ever being useful.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    It's actually op as #########.

    He didn't say "until activated". Imagine having an active trap and not be able to see where the boxes are

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    As a Pig main, I think she's fine. The only changes she needs are slight crouch speed increase, addon rework and do something about getting traps off at first box. It feels bad when survivors are lucky enough to find the right box first try.

    I don't understand people thinking she's bad just because they can't do endgame Piggy anymore. I do well with her at red ranks even without Ruin.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    These are the changes I suggested for Pig changes to bring her more in line with the movies and buff her at the same time.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited January 2020

    No all he wants is RSN2 at base which is a nerf. Ya it might be OP against some low rank or new players, but overall it's just a nerf not a buff. The choice is what makes an RBT strong. Ya they might do the gen then do the trap or they might waste time as intended and do the trap. The choice is what makes it useful remove that and it hurts in more games then not.

    They don't put the time into trying her then suggest changes which are stupid and obnoxiously bad.

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 127

    Pig main here as well. I don’t think she’s bad, I think there’s some fundamental issues that kinda screw her over, the main one being that her best Add-ons affect either A. Her ambush/stealth, or B. Visibility of Jigsaw Boxes. The mangled, blindness, exhaustion, tampered timer, gears, ect. all are underwhelming because of the variance in her “main” powers strength. I’ve had a full 4K by RBT while running ambush add-ons, and I’ve had all four remove them first try with tampered/crate. As a “slow down” power, it’s variance in slowdown is anywhere from 18 seconds (running to first box and getting it off) to infinite (they die.) This level of swing is far too luck based, and I’ve had Survivors rage in chat because they died by RBT due to the unfortunate luck of last 3 gens were all by the last box they needed. So, it’s not just killers who dislike the rng disparity, it’s Survivors as well.

    I’ve had fun moments with her, don’t get me wrong. Getting a full Survivor group to do all gens except the last, hat them all, and play the real Jigsaw was fun as hell (not coordinated either, just happened.) I think her Addons just need some love. Have the Blindness one block seeing Boxes until the trap is active, and make Ruleset 2 block them always (except for map vision) but increase the timer by 30 seconds. Since bleeding and mangled do nothing, how about replacing one with Oblivious, while also increasing the timer by 45 seconds (saying the Pig can sneak up much easier.) Make the other cause Skillchecks to have 2 zones you have to succeed at to not fail when searching a box. I agree with a lot of people who say the “roar” should happen after you already start running.

    Hell, I think a cool idea would be for each RBT to have two boxes that each have “half” a key. This way, it’ll double the slowdown without making it impossible to get it off.

    Just my thoughts. Again, not Bubba status, but could use some love.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Maybe that's what he/she meant, but it's not what was said. Unless you're claiming you can read other people's minds, we go by what they actually said, ok?

    Also, I disagree. I think pig would be a lot stronger if rsn2 was base. Or are you saying that tempered timer + crate of gears + rsn2 is weaker than anything else the pig currently has? Every single perk and addon combination she has, is better in rsn2.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I love playing Pig, but I think she is pretty weak. Not "weakest in the game now and forever" or "beyond saving," but she could really use some love IMO. Make the traps more consistent at stalling, make the crouch just a tiny bit less molasses-speed, make the ambush attack a bit less telegraphed, revert the EGC nerf and just pause the EGC timer while people have Traps on., and for the love of god give her add-ons some revisions because far too many of them suck IMO.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    "When I see Pig in like D-Tier on Tier Lists, those people are simply wrong."

    Some killers have got to be D tier relative to the rest, and Pig fits that consensus.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2020
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm not necessarily saying I agree with it, but I see the logic. If you make RSN2 base kit, competent Survivors could have little incentive to look for the boxes while their Traps are inactive. So they might decide they are better off just popping a gen so they can see the box auras and waste less time searching the boxes. If this happens, it means that any stall benefit the Pig gets from the RBTs is delayed until after a gen has already been repaired.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Meant or not that's exactly what that addon does. So unless your just arguing to argue. I'll continue to go with the removal of traps as a RSN2 was base. If there just gone for the sake of being gone. That's unbelievably broken.

    Why are you using crate of gears and TT? Its inferior to TT + JS it was mathematically proven already. I still think base RSN2 would be a nerf. I prefer the option of removing or gen vs the option of being forced to do a gen then get the box.

    Your entitled to your opinion I'm not saying your not allowed it.

    Removing them completely yes in fact that's broken, but as RSN2 that's just a nerf.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    That's part of what the addon does. But we agree that removing the ability to see the boxes all together would be broken, so it's all good.

    It was the first I could think off. 🤷‍♂️

    Same with you. I do think I have a better base for mine, but until it's tested we can't be sure either way

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Honestly if they were honestly gone if someone just ran Last Will plus Tampered they should get 1 to 3 head pops a game very commonly.

    I used to have them all saved for the time when I learned Pig and everything, but I think this is all I got left now.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Just gonna throw this out here, i think the fact her traps dont work when the survivors leave was a huge nerf to her. If they changed that that would make me happy, its fine to escape via hatch but watching survivors with RBTs just waltz out the gates like a denied date on prom night.

  • BugReporte
    BugReporte Member Posts: 102

    Ok props with the date night joke but diff would fix piggy if they re added RBTs block exit gate

  • tetsuo
    tetsuo Member Posts: 151

    That would be hard for survivors so they're gonna whine and then the devs will make them visible again

    But we can hope a feature like this one would see the light of the day, I think it's a great idea

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I play a lot of all Killers and in my honest opinion this would be a buff. Removing the survivors ability to see Jigsaw boxes would lead to more survivors trying to help the trap survivor locate said boxes. It would also increase the lethality of her traps by actually making people search the map instead of just ping ponging to the nearest box they can see highlighted.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    It depends if its RSN2 it's a nerf. Or its just they gotta run across them it's a completely OP buff.

    You can play a lot of all, but I main Pig that is where I'm arguing from.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I play pig in red ranks alot of what I notice is when a survivor is attempting to remove a trap a survivor will usually try to curb your attention away from the box. This is a substantial buff as it makes the Survivor panic and more prone to make mistakes.

    It punishes SWF too to the extreme that friends will usually leave a gen or too just to speed up the search. It's either that or decrease the amount of time a survivor has with each Generator finished.

  • BugReporte
    BugReporte Member Posts: 102

    Broken timer is good to apply pressure too! I went against someone that got pissed because I kept finding them using the box even though I had box of secrets (Doesn't let you see box auras but shows you survivors auras that use a box)

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I'm not quite sure why you think rank matters when everyone knows it had not mattered for a long time especially those who do play at red ranks, but ok I have played her from rank 20 to rank 1 with her 3 unique teachables on a separate account to see if I could do it. Guess what I could.

    So now that we got our bragging about how good we are out of the way. May I ask is your intention to make the RBT a better delay tactic or a Kill tactic? Because even tho I think you are trying to say something important or your experiences with her. Your not being exactly clear with it in your last post man. I also dont want to just dismiss what your saying either.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    You could any one can I only bring it up because that's at the tip of the spear where the sweaty SWF's play that's where my head is at.

    My honest assessment of the Pig is that her traps are a delay tactic but only against low rank teams. In red rank Survivors will pump out Gen after Gen regardless of the trap or not. While you put pressure on the Gens the survivor with the trap can just bounce in-between Jigsaw boxes without much trouble because they know where they are.

    Removing the survivors ability to see boxes will cause more panic in the match to remove it slowing the game down significantly.

    Let's face it the traps lethality rate is almost abysmal. This change will add significant pressure on all the survivors to keep that 4th man alive. By scouting out boxes for their teammate the less people they having doing Gens.

  • ThePhantomKnyte
    ThePhantomKnyte Member Posts: 2

    I like the idae of a trap being refunded. like you said. if it comes off first try, then refund it. I mai pig currently but she feels weak. especially against discord groups.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm interested In any changes to make her better while not being overpowered but can we also make it so that she can't stand in front of the boxes?

  • ThePhantomKnyte
    ThePhantomKnyte Member Posts: 2

    well that's not too bad. It is like camping. It will work on one survivor, but while your camping a box, genies are being popped left and right. 1 maybe 2 kills for sure but not good for pipping

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    One thing they could do is change the color of the Jigsaw box once the surv gets their hat off. Kinda like Plague, the killer interacts with it for a duration and regains a trap.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    How about only having the farthest box be lit when a trap is active... like Freddie's alarm clocks

    So survivors have to think of what to do... go to that box or try to find one closer

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Pig is kind of an interesting one. She truly struggles to down skilled players, but her traps are more lethal than people give them credit for. Take a map like Rotten Fields or Ormond for instance. It's not possible for a survivor to search every box before the trap goes off with Tampered Timer+Crate of Gears. They can go straight from box to box and still not make it to the 4th.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Pig has a lot of problems, honestly. Her traps are good, but she has practically no chase ability. She's also way too slow in stealth. I mean if she and Nurse were in a race over 40 meters, Nurse without blinking would beat her by .7 seconds. As strong as her traps are, she needs some help in chase in exchange for more balanced traps.

    Pig's one of those killers who if you're better in a chase than the survivors, unless you get totally screwed by RNG you're probably going to 3 or 4k. But if you have 4 survivors who are good in chase, then you're going to have a MUCH harder time than you would with pretty much any other killer, who have some method of dealing with chases. And if Pig isn't getting any downs, she's not using her primary power at all. (Which is limited as it is, and restricted to before the generators get down)

    Pig needs some reworking IMO. Not too much. She needs some trade off, so she has an anti-loop ability that is stronger than what she has (which, while not useless, is easily countered most of the time, and a bit too punishing when you miss)