Reason why nerfing ruin is the problem for me
Problem is that it will kill all the low tier killers.You won't be able to play with them,unless you get potato survivors.Clown,legion,etc all don't have good map pressure and relied on that. I never ran it on good killers,but it's gonna kill all the low tier ones. I hope the devs compensate for it by actually buffing killers instead of making them more fun to face for survivors.
It think it is all about fun. They once said that their goal is not to make strong killers.. Their goal is to make fun killers. Fun for who is the question here.
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Where is fun to play killers that can hardly 2k and watch only teabegging survivors next to gate? Its fun for survivors maybe but not for killers.
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I wish playing any killer was more fun and less frustrating,i wish the same as them but they just aren't making the right decisions i think
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I find it shocking that they decide to nerf Ruin while not addressing the glaring issue that caused ruin to be over used, Gen times.
That time spent searching for the first survivor is vital, Without ruin you have no pressure and it's safe to just start working on gens from the get go...
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Unfortunately the truth,if you are playing a killer with low mobility ingeneral.The size of maps destroys certain killers and ruin makes up for it.
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Another unfortunate truth aswell.Although i don't get offended by it personally,each killer should stand a chance at winning the game instead of barely getting a kill by camping the last person when EGC starts
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Honestly, here's what I'm going to do... Iri seal with devotee amulet on plague. PWYF, Monitor and Abuse, Ruin, BBQ or thrilling tremors. Yes, please do some gens while you become fully sick and I can basically kill everyone with one felt swoop. Because this is going to be the way to get around the gen rushing. Insta downs on survivors.
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you could use surveillance it could be a pretty good combo with ruin after it gets nerfed instead of PWYF.The problem is its a hex perk which means it won't last long
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Ruin basically changes nothing for survivors because if they find the totem it's a normal game, also they can hit the red skill checks and if they miss just lose a bit of their progress, sometimes I get no skill check gen, and to finalize, there are perks that makes easier to hit skill checks, like this is not happening and stack out
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Yeah, that's why I'd rather just use PWYF, Monitor, BBQ and possibly nemesis on Plague. With iri seal and devotee amulet. At this point, it won't be what's going to slow the game down at the start. It'll be "how fast can you kill the survivors." But trust me, even if I down or kill all four survivors early on with 0-1 gens actually being completed (this is as freddy without using ruin) I'm instantly a try hard sweaty killer.
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I definetly am not having fun when the first time I press W while looking in the wrong direction is the mistake that costs me my game