New Hex Ruin and Surveilance = very strong?

adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,110
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Apparently the new Hex Ruin will cause all generators to immediately start regressing if they are not being worked on. Surveilance perk is:

"All regressing Generators will be highlighted by a white Aura. Once regression ends, Generators will be highlighted by a yellow Aura for 8/12/16 seconds."

So the moment a survivor leaves a generator, you get information from it going white. This is better than just running Surveilance alone because you get additional information of someone leaving a generator. You also get all the other benefits of Surveilance such as knowing when the generator is being worked on again for mostly free.


  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Maybe, but ruin at red rank play is typically only there to stop 3 gens popping while you get your first down. Now that is wide open to happening at all times, so while the combo will be extremely strong, you would probably only have it for 1-2 gens at red ranks unless you are decimating the team.

    And if that is happening, you didn't need the perks anyways. Corrupt + discordance is probably the new meta.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Yes totally super strong. I think surveillance needs a nerf too.

  • Khallaria
    Khallaria Member Posts: 73

    Yes. Please create a new bandaid for gen speeds that now requires 80% of killers to run two specific perks without addressing the underlying problem so we can nerf that in to the ground in the future. Nothing really changed with the devs stance they're just more open about it. The game is balanced for new survivor fun only at this point, but i ask you how fun will the game be for survivors when the queue times start getting irreversably and exponentially longer once the game is no fun for killer in the slightest?

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2020


    That's 50% of your perks for a Totem that probably won't last that long and Surveillance is usable without it, this just makes it you so you don't have to kick it.It wouldn't really help since the chances are you aren't going to have that many Gens regressing since Survivors usually pop Gens out as fast as possible without moving between multiples.

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    whats the point of this combo if its gonna be destroyed in mere seconds as always :D so no new hex is dead and no one is gonna use it anymore.. yes ruin needs to be nerfed same with some of survivor perks as well yes bt, adrenaline, ds, but you need to change maps as well, totems spawns as well

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    But there will be no reason for a survivor to leave a gen unless you Chase them off in which case you know they are there anyway.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,349

    In all fairness, its generally good to have SOME sort of tracking perk. Survalence would just fill that roll. Using the combo, youd know where survivors are, and when you chase them away...would get the slowdown aspect of the gen they were working on going back down.

    This is all theoretical though, so we'll just have to try it out when the PTB hits to see how useful it actually is. Feel like high mobility killers would be pretty good for this kind of combo.

  • PalletOrWhat
    PalletOrWhat Member Posts: 265

    I don't think so. Ppl still gonna cleanse ruin. I also hate it when perks are only good when you have to combine them with another perk (Spirit Fury and Enduring is NOT included because Enduring is an amazing perk by itself - I wouldn't say that about Surveillance - and also ruin alone is kinda trash)

  • BC_Jack
    BC_Jack Member Posts: 29

    Ruin isn´t strong

    1. 80% in Red Rank with Ruin and the survivers can do perfect skillchecks and new players come only together with Killer that have ruin becouse SWF and the new broken Matchmaking
    2. they never asked the question, why all players on red rank use ruin (becouse prevent gen rush when only 1 survivor on start can drop 10 pallets?)
    3. 80 sek - for every surviver on it and and perks + toolbox nice
    4. the gens will go down slowly, when no one work on it doesnt help, when on red rank in SWF 1 survivor runs to the other side from the map with the killer or never down 1 surviver becouse he wants to protect the gens all the time

    Nice changes I win most of my Rank 1 games as Survivor and struggle on a few Rank 1 Games as Killer becouse good opponents and rendom map pallet and jungle placements but Ruin is a Joke as Surviver and for Killer it helps only against worse players or the great skillchecks

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    Yeah it might be strong… FOR 1 MINUTE

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    not worth the 2 perks slots. Not worth it specially because it’s still a hex perk and can be cleansed at any moment.

  • VII_Seven
    VII_Seven Member Posts: 65
    edited January 2020

    especially when the hex will only last 20 seconds most of the time then cant use the combo with surveillance so wasteful

  • TheAntiSanta
    TheAntiSanta Member Posts: 128

    I think Surge would just be better option, than Ruin. It won't disappear from the match, if you get bad RNG.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,110

    Couldn't you defend Ruin better with Surveilance though? For survivors to know you have Ruin, they would have to work on a generator (survivors will probably not auto-assume you have Ruin after the change). If they get off the generator and you are not nearby, they are probably looking for your Ruin, which means gives you the cue to go check it. Having Surveilance also reduces the amount of generators you need to patrol, which makes easier to defend Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    That cake should say

    "GG EZ!"


  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,110

    Hex Ruin is slow down. A generator only has to regress for 8 seconds for it to lose 5% (the same amount as old Hex Ruin).

  • NeaKarlsson123
    NeaKarlsson123 Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2020

    I swear someone is gonna take this seriously someday and with someone maybe the devs O-O

  • Reivur
    Reivur Member Posts: 14

    I'm honestly annoyed that the concerns about Ruin are tied to "But it synergizes with Surveillance!" when that synergy can be broken at any moment via totem or even better that Surveillance is tied to a copyrighted $ killer which means its not an iridescent shard option. I already have Pig, so its w/e, but its cute that the synergy just happened to end up being attached to a pay wall.

    "Oh but there's the Shrine", lol have fun waiting around. What was it for those people, a year for BBQ and Chili? "Random".

    That said I hate Ruin. I either consistently land checks or I don't and in either case its annoying in general. I won't miss it. But I'm also aware of why it existed, and ripping the bandage off before treating the gaping wound that is base Generator speed (or more importantly in higher ranks Great Check progression speed) is just asinine.

  • last0ne
    last0ne Member Posts: 88

    Lmao two perk slots to attempt to make ruin great again...

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441
    edited January 2020

    Let's just nerf a killer perk that only lasts 45-100 seconds in high ranks compared to survivor perks that you can't get rid of until end game. Very logical BHVR :)

  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    After trying it for myself in the ptb i find it a bit overrated

    It's not bad but i find the information you get is often redundent. It happened a lot that i saw a gen turn yellow and said to myself yeah i kinda knew they were going to be working on that gen

    Once you get some awareness where survivors are this becomes less and less valuable and my awareness isn't the best so if i already felt this i feel a lot of players will

    It also doesn't work at the start of the game unless survivors tap to check for ruin for some reason

    And it only tells you that a gen is being worked on, nkt by how many. You will often see 2 gens light up, chase one survivor of one and then hear the other one pop a couple of seconds later amd you realise they were with 2 on that gen

    I personally found ruin+ discordance better

    It works at the start of the game, tells you wich gen is going to pop the fastest and i find discordance better then surveilance once ruin inevitably goes

  • anormalman
    anormalman Member Posts: 105

    You don't understand gen rushing fundamentally.

    They repair gens a killer isn't watching.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It depends a lot on the killer as well ofcourse

    I think mint rag hags will have fun pulling survivors of generators with this

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It depends a lot on the killer as well ofcourse

    I think mint rag hags will have fun pulling survivors of generators with this

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    Yes. In fact, the new ruin alone is so strong that it will lead to the death of this game.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Pretty much,

    it was funny and sad to see that, especially when Tru3 said "oh" that sounded in a depressed way.

    This new ruin isn't gonna last long, and im using the last of my ruin and already found a build that works for me without Ruin.

    Sadly, it requires tunneling to keep momentum up, but that's the price to pay for the lost of Ruin.

    So far its, NOED, Corrupt Intervention, Spirit Fury +Enduring, also if you want to make this build more effective just add in a Mori and then you are setup

    It's an effective build, and makes survivors really salty when using it.

    Best part is when you use their own phrase against them "GG EZ", and gets them more riled up

    IDGAF if its considered toxic, now that ruin is going away playing "Nice" is off the table as there is no time. I'll be playing with the mindset of "winning by any means necessary".

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    Totally op and unfun for survivors. They have to nerf it


  • HexMoriMeMommy
    HexMoriMeMommy Member Posts: 192

    IF only there was a perk that showed you what gen you should be focusing on outside of a chase.

    IF ONLY.



  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    It is a hex perk. It won't last long enough to do anything

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Nobody wanted this new hex, Most of killers wanna back old version so join this peotest and you dont have to face this.