A Noob's perspective on the great RUINING

Hey everyone! WOW the forums are on fire right now! I though I'd share my noob perspective on the changes if anyone cares, let's try and keep it polite and civil in here :)

I can see the Killers are really really angry but from my noob survivor perspective these changes are much welcome. I just started playing this game having found in on xbox live game pass and I actually thought it was a completely different game, I never would have downloaded it if I knew it was a 1v4 multiplayer hide and seek game but I did and I really liked it alot!!! I was really suprised.

One of the things I noticed that made this game so fun and engaging is how deeply personal it feels either running away from the killer or getting a survivor always feels like a great victory, and I think it's obvious to everyone even if I cant explain it well, that something about the game really hooks you becuase I've never played a game like this where so many people will message you on xbox trash talking after a game, people really get into it!!! So I get the passion over Ruin.

Idk how many hours in the game but I got a Feng min to the mid 30s and a Claudette to 40 and played primarily survivor, on my own solo queue. For me Ruin was really frustrating because when I played matches without it they honestly felt really good and well balanced. When us survivors were always working on gens with 1 person leading the killer around or 1 person saving a hook we tended to win, and when noone did gens and everyone went to save 1 hooked guy, or a few people have been hooked before any gens popped we usually lost. But with Ruin on, most of my teams couldnt even get 1 gen done, after 3 matches of complete obliteration when Ruin is present, I started leaving matches immediately when I saw it was being used. Everyone acts like it's so easy to hit great skill checks, but for me on the original xbox crappy framerate on my wireless control I'm pretty bad, and when you go for them when you miss on the front side it's a HUGE penalty lost progress, stopped progress and exposed!

All of the changes were really great for my noobness. I hated playing against the doctor because it was so hard to snap out of it, the visual and audio effects of it are incredibly annoying(I dont care about the negative effects they are just grating to hear again and again), and I could see most of my low level teammates were not able to snap out of it either and there would just be three people screaming every 2 seconds on the map getting 0 progress on anything until gg.

I think its clear theres a big divide in the balance between noobs and experienced players. When i queue on Xbox it looks like there are far more killers queued than survivors because when I load into a lobby many times it will just be me and the killer waiting for 3 more survivors to join in. And in my experience being the killer takes way longer to find survivors to play against visa versa. Which makes sense because not only do you have to find 4 people for one side, but on survivor you take the risk on being the first one hooked and killed and "tunneled" getting unhooked right in front of the killer, so the whole game you get farmed and get very few points, but killers always get a few hits and hooks if not kills, especially the ones with instant downs!

I get the killers perspective about the red ranks for sure though! When you have a good team the gens can go very fast I cant imagine what playing against a pro team of survivors with all the best perks unlocked for all characters talking on headphones etc. Maybe the solution is that the Devs need to increase the difficulty for survivors in the high ranks and especially if they are playing a lower ranked killer, with the expectation that survivors playing at the highest levels should be expected to us voice chat, vs new casual players who bumble around in pug groups with no voice chat. BUT I think all of it should be based of statistics on win%s and maybe this change to ruin is based on ruin being too good? The debate on here between survivor and killers reminds me of L4D people who played infected would also say that the best survivors were just untouchable, I do think it's a bit inherent in the game design that if the survivors play perfectly then yeah the evil side is screwed, especially in DBD where its 4 people having to play perfect vs 1 player playing perfect.

Anyways I hope we get to a place were everyone can feel the game is balanced at all levels as hard as that is :) Thanks for reading!


  • casualobserver
    casualobserver Member Posts: 2

    Bummer that's a shame becuase I really tried my best to look at the situation from all sides as best I could.

  • Eclipse4598
    Eclipse4598 Member Posts: 14

    I understand that ruin is not fun for new players but with all due respect a game should never be balanced solely to cater for low rank players

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited January 2020

    I've read your post, but bad manners aside @gorgono1 has got a point: you know nothing, Casualobserver Snow.

    You know nothing because you don't play killer (and certainly not at mid to high ranks), and you know nothing because you play solo - which is good, don't get me wrong, but solo is a more difficult experience for anyone, and you are self admittedly a noob.

    Eventually you would have figured out why Ruin is (was?) mandatory to at least try to counter genrushers. As a survivor, when you join a game without ruin you already know it's going to be an easy 3-4 gen popping - as for the last one it really depends on the map, survivors competency to avoid a 3 gen situation and killer skill (..and character).

    So yeah, I don't know how impactful the new Ruin will be on game progression, but what I do know is that even if it's very fair you can have an opinion even when you are a novice, you have to understand that it will be intrinsically biased and most probably wrong, generally speaking. You can't extrapolate general assumptions right now, I mean, you don't even have Sprint Burst unlocked yet :P.

    Try the socratic approach: I know that I don't know :).

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    Imagine complaining about a killer that is so forgettable and barely played.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    This is a very short-sighted point of view..

    If you balance a game around the experience of the top tier without giving the newbies any entry level mechanics to level the field and make the game more accessible for them, all you will get is a tiny community of veterans with no new blood who stick it out long enough to discover that they love the game enough to care about getting better.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Thing is bud game balance shouldn't be done around ranks 20-15, it should be done more about 8-1. I think they should've given new players a separate queue where they can only go against people their own rank and it would only open up if the queue took too long. At rank 1 the game totally changes and yet the devs are still stuck with a rank 15 mentality hence why they also nerfed Doctor.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    Interesting read.

    I get you are new... and these changes make it easier for you.... but what about a large portion of the player base that have thousands of hours or are just more experienced than you are where ruin and Dr aren't "annoying to play against". What about them? Balancing around newer players is just bad design. Green to purple ranks really should be where the sweet spot for balance is.... and at that point most people should learn how to hit a great skill check or learn to snap out of it pretty easy.

    I also play on xbox with a wireless controller.. and yeah sometimes hitting those greats on ruin is a son of a b* but I understand why killers use it... otherwise those gen speeds go waaay too fast - especially for killers who need prep time like trapper.

    And not to be a #########.. but leaving matches is really #########. I kind of just assume now you are the type of person who gets downed instantly DC. You ruin the game for 4 other people because you aren't taking the time to learn the game. Very shortsighted and selfish. DC penalties for xbox cannot come fast enough.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Enjoy your matches where you never interact with the killer.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    @casualobserver - very wholesome post, thanks for sharing your experience! It's good to see that new players are appreciating some of the recent changes. I think the devs have been doing a lot lately in order to make the game more welcoming to noobies and it's good to see evidence that it is yielding results.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    ...and I'm crying inside.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    Well, I hope they anticipate a mass amount of noobies to be strolling through soon because all this does Is hinder your dedicated fan base of players instead. All because they want to cater to "newer" players without actually learning how to play the game. Great decisions BHVR. Sigh

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I don't necessarily agree with you. I've seen a lot of mixed feedback on the recent direction that BHVR are taking and although a lot of the dedicated fans are not happy, there are just as many, if not more who actually appreciate that things are getting mixed up. At the end of the day, even some (arguably, a lot) of the people who are complaining right now will adapt and continue to play their favourite game.

    My theory is (and I might be wrong) is that the ghostface and stranger things chapters kind of flopped and failed to retain too many new players, so perhaps the devs recognised this and are looking into ways to improve the new player experience going forward (aka focus on long-term game health). This makes sense to me.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    When I was a noob I always ran small game to look for the totem; that solved the problem to me.

    Then as I ranked up I saw how some survivors would be able to power through ruin so I tried doing the same until I stopped caring about looking for the totem and got better at hitting those hex skill checks. I also learned that if there's ruin it's better not to have more than two people working on the same gen.

    Sometimes you don't even have to do more than two skill checks when repairing a gen. Then, I noticed that games without ruin felt like playing the game in an easier difficulty setting, which made them kinda boring and uninteresting.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I agree but honestly the changes seem fairly reasonable except for the hex part and absolutely no real reasoning behind it. But I can personally play games without Bex Buin cuz piggy wiggy slow gen down just a little bit.