Ruin, Thoughts and Opinions



  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    Then shouldn't they nerf ruin in the same patch as that second objective comes?

    Like... killers should suffer before the time comes? It doesn't make any sense

    These are clues that there is no secondary objective, because the most logical thing to do is to nerf ruin when a secondary objective is implemented.

  • Ledgy
    Ledgy Member Posts: 18

    Corrupt will be the next perk to get a nerf after 80% of killers use it after the ruin nerf.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    Excuse me? Survivors should not have to learn anything in a Survivor dominant game as DBD.

    How dare you?

    Side note.

    I, not being complete trash at survivor, actually enjoyed hitting great skill checks.

    Thank you, Dev Team.

    You have now LITERALLY showed your full hand and where you stand with this game. It is extremely obvious that you are only interested in survivors playing on EZ mode.

    All these patches have in common.

    "Survivors are constantly complaining about this, so to make their lives a little easier...."

    In every change mentioned, over and over again.

    GG Dev Team. The game is going to die. It's obvious.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited January 2020

    Id guess Corrupt will be meta on trapper, ruin will be replaced by PGTW. And noone will play ruin anymore as it does not stack with PGTW.

    And about the combination Ruin+Surveillance: Surveillance+Thrilling Tremors and maybe even + Surge works equally good as tracker without being cleansable. You could exchange Pop with Surge or both. Poor slow M1 killers, that have 3 perks already set to survive...

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I completely agree. Also, I laughed at the part about the Clown. It's so true, though. Thank you for the laugh... 😋

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    "- Rework of general hex meachanic, allowing hexes to respawn on random standing dull totems 60 seconds after they were cleansed, and optionally allowing cleansed dull totems to reform after 180 seconds. Combine with a very slight nerf to some more powerful hexes to balance it out."

    I would LOVE this base change and suggested something like it myself before

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I see why people are complaining it's still a hex tho. If I'm going for a late game hex perk I'll go Devour 100% of the time over new Ruin.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Doesnt help as much if the gen gets done before you get there

  • aderpymuffin
    aderpymuffin Member Posts: 97

    I personally can't wait to be forced to use 2 perk slots to slow the game instead of just one! :D I really don't understand why this couldn't have just been a new perk, instead of screwing every somewhat experienced killer. Ruin was the only regression perk that you could run alone, allowing creativity in the rest of the build. Now its gonna take 2 slots for the power you just ripped from an already dependent role.

  • GODQueenEvy
    GODQueenEvy Member Posts: 63


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    I am okay with what they are trying to do, it's the fact they only addressed the survivor problems and didn't do anything to help the killer actually keep the totem up for more than the first minute of a game (if even that).

    Like if they made the totem not light up or something, that would probably buy enough would also make using Noed with ruin extremely risky for the killer as it would probably be collateral damage.

    Two birds one stone.

  • Butcher_Pete
    Butcher_Pete Member Posts: 29

    Here’s a question; have you been trying this Ruin rework with other devs/play testers, or with actual players? Because if the first is true, then you’d be surprised just how differently we’d play against it.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Obviously it is best to test things first, but I will tentatively say that this is the worst change the devs have ever come up with.

    At the highest ranks, the first chase is the most important. This change makes it so that even if you get a quick chase in the early game, 3 gens will probably pop. This change is...mind boggling.

    Maybe the devs don't play in red ranks and don't watch high rank gameplay?

  • Widowmaker8197
    Widowmaker8197 Member Posts: 88

    Ah. So DS and balanced landing weren't nerfs? Go cry me a river.

    ELECTRIK_VISION Member Posts: 42

    Yeah pretty much, against even somewhat decent survivors ruin won’t do anything, I’m probably going to bring ebony moris or just 3 gen most games because with some killers they won’t be able to stop the gens being done anyway...

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620


    But this is HAG's perk

    Hag needs time EARLY to set traps

    After good EARLY set up she has no problems with pressure, trapping gens is more than enough.

    What you should have done is decrease synergy with killers OTHER than Hag and killers that need early game set up.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    This change is gonna make more mess than good. First you can forget about synergies with Surge or PGTW (all perks that needs kick gen). So if you pick new ruined Ruin with these perks, you will be playing literaly with 1 perk until Ruin is cleansed. Then you can use kicking gen perks. Second this will make easier games for survivor not only on rank 20 but across all ranks and god knows that red ranks dont need easier games. Old ruin was teaching new survivors how game works, skillchecks and finding totems. Now? They dont need even bother themselves. Third, BHVR changec this from early game hex to late game hex and late game hexes are nonsense coz hexes will not survive first 2-3 minutes.

  • nick_larking
    nick_larking Member Posts: 31

    End game with a hex that you can see to be active easely 🤣

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Peanits Just read the info about snapping out of it will not reset when stopping. Does that mean you can tap through the progress bar without triggering skillchecks like you can avoid hex skillchecks on gens?

  • HexMoriMeMommy
    HexMoriMeMommy Member Posts: 192
    edited January 2020

    So, trapper who needs all the time he can get early game to set up, is screwed.

    Gotcha, thank you devs for screwing my favorite killer again.

    Not that it matters tbh, a server I'm in dedicated to dbd of about 40 players, most of which are killer mains ranging from red to green ranks, 30ish of us just uninstalled.

    So, amazing plays for the killer playerbase.

  • bob_bobber
    bob_bobber Member Posts: 54

    This patch is like Deathgarden.

    So, Crazy.

  • HexMoriMeMommy
    HexMoriMeMommy Member Posts: 192

    Pray tell, what rank do you play at then?

    Because I will tell you right here and now, setting up traps and making a zone, is the only real effective strat, (Hint that being the second one) because the trapper by nature is territorial, it's in his design.

    And at rank 1, trying the first strat is basically suicide because if there is a SWF, those traps are basically disarmed unless you chase around them, which a good survivor WON'T chase around them.

    So, you then have to spend the time setting up, and hoping to god you get a good 3 gen that isn't around something like the wrenched shop, or god help you in one of the "We have no idea how to design maps" cornfields or sanctum.

    During that time you have to then just accept that you're ######### out of three to four gens.

    Absolute nonsense, but good for you I guess. Congrats, you can play without ruin?

    Here is the thing, I can to.

    Ruin isn't what wins me the game, ruin is what allows me to be nice in the game.

    Without ruin to try and get a grasp on the early game instead of consigning it to being drown like a newborn mean I can set up and then try to start a chase, I can then not have to sweat my ass off and play as hyper efficient and dickish possible.

  • What statistics? That a lot of killers use it?

    Imagine actually addressing WHY a lot of killers use it instead of just nerfing it.

  • HexMoriMeMommy
    HexMoriMeMommy Member Posts: 192

    "Ruin's not gone."

    The effect is basically worthless to anything more than one gen because,

    Lets say there are 4 survivors, one is being chased off their gen so it regresses, three others are still on gens NOT UNDER ANY SLOWING EFFECT.

    So the hex isn't helping where it needs to most, slowing down people so killers like trapper don't get [BAD WORD] on.

    So the theoretical "Creeping insidious threat" of this perk is nonexistent because the circumstance under it working implies that you can chase more than one survivor off a gen, and then if there were any survivors helping, they elect not to go back and continue working on the gen, which the idea of them not doing that ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY KNOW THE HEX IS IN PLAY, is so ass backwards.

    And by the time it musters up the fabled end game pity thrust of a disappointed #########, the survivors will have either cleansed it or promptly ######### off and cleanse it before it gets more than annoying.

    No hex lasts till end game unless you do something like Bloody coils and Oiled Springs Trapper with Thrill of the hunt.

    Because at it's core it's a hex that is designed to be late game, a very ######### late game perk that is outclassed by literally every other hex, in a game that hex's don't last to late game.

  • As a Trapper main this nerf essentially kills all desire from me to continue playing killer. And I won't play survivor much because it's too easy and too boring. I have no desire to load into a match and have three gens pop before I'm even done setting up my traps. This is literally the most idiotic idea I have ever seen a developer propose to a game already released.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599
    edited January 2020

    Only hex except ruin that could be considered as "not for memes" is NOED, because it DOESN'T EXIST until the end of game (and may not exist after that if all totems are cleansed). Every single other hex totem has a problem that "it does nothing at a start and then it gets cleansed". Now Ruin gonna join that line exactly because "in the start it's not so useful". Come on, it was discussed a million times. It means they never read totem suggestions or make it knowingly, and I'm not sure what's worse.

  • Wendig0_Bac0nman
    Wendig0_Bac0nman Member Posts: 8

    I think that the new Ruin seems decent enough. However, due to the current state of the game, I think it’s ultimately going to be a huge detriment to the perk. Being one of the best slow down perks besides Pop due to its ability to slow down the early game just a little bit. The new Ruin seems fine, but I think that there needs to be some other forms of change(s) besides modifying the Gatekeeper Emblem values. The first one obviously being absolute map reworks. The totem spots can be atrocious, and I don’t think that there’s many good spots in the current versions of the 33 maps that we currently have. Especially the older ones.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    At least they roasted survivors a bit lol

  • Devour_soap3193
    Devour_soap3193 Member Posts: 18

    Looks like we found the survivor main who can't hit great skill checks. Are you honestly complaining about ruin being used too often? What are you rank 13 or below? Yeah even if they can hit great skill checks it still helps more than not having ruin and some high rank survivors can't always hit them 100% of the time and will spend time trying to find it and could run into the killer while doing so, also hitting a great skill check with ruin up doesn't progress the gen as opposed to not having ruin where it progresses a few seconds or so. It also can last the whole game sometimes or it can last 10 seconds, it's high risk/reward type thing.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Maybe you should read AND understand the whole post before making assumptions. If it is too difficult, I can make my awesome Paint Skills work and draw a comic for you.

  • sketnax
    sketnax Member Posts: 1

    Really? Instead of thinking about why there are 80% of Red rank killer using Ruin, just to think about how it affect the new player? Do you ever know how fast can the gen goes in the Red ranks? It just takes around 40 seconds. Do you know killer sometimes cannot even find any survivor while the gen goes? Or have you guys really think to have all the AI instead of having killer in the game?

    Really feels bad you need to use a perk to slow the game down so you can get a chance while it can be lost in the very first 40 seconds and yet you still think about just nerfing it.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The nerf of Ruin has prevented me from playing nice, not winning.

    I do agree that they missed the WHY. Maybe they are working on something behind the scenes.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    It good it got nerf

  • Cayde1342
    Cayde1342 Member Posts: 96

    They're gonna nerf killer mains, meanwhile survivors are getting none what so ever

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Reminder the devs argued against re-lighting hex totems because the killer "Wastes time" doing so.

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    ok tried it out with surveillance

    cool combo and all and then it got cleansed 30secs into the game and now i was stuck with 3 perks, 1 of them being surveillance which is pretty meh, so 2 perks.

    thanks bhvr for enabling such cool combos!!!

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339
    edited January 2020

    Only high mobility killers benefict from your update, it's useless on slow killers like Myers/Hag/Huntress. Listen to me, make Ruin slow down the time required for repairing without affecting skillchecks in this way:

    1. 100s/105s/110s for solo repairing from 80s;
    2. Toolboxes don't affect Ruin;
    3. Multiple survivors working at the same gen have the old and classical repair time (np, we have Discordance from the Legion for a nasty combo)

    This woulb be a better change which every killer can benefit and still don't hurt newer survivors!

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    Vote up to make him read please

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    Perks aren't allowed to be strong anymore.

    First they came for borrowed time,

    And I said nothing, for I do not run borrowed time.

    Then they came for decisive strike,

    And I said nothing, for I do not run decisive strike.

    Then they came for balanced landing,

    And I said nothing, for I do not run balanced landing.

    Then they came for ruin,

    And there was no one left to speak for ruin.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    You wont tho because those gens get done in 80 or less seconds, cant aplly preasure if the survivors power through the gens, i play at red ranks and my record for getting gen rushed is about 3 minutes,THREE MINS!!

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    Well it boring second never use it and get 4k as wraith and third what annoyed me is that every killers use it when ruins don't fit on all killers it only fit for hag trapper spirit legion Billy but not clown leather and others because they are slow to protect ruins so it damn stupid that people use Ruins on all killers. Ruins is for weak killers not Good killers like me who know how to play well.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620
    edited January 2020

    I think new ruin must be usual perk.Not HEX.because for HEX new ruin will be weak.Regress 200% :D and what? if SWF take tool box with new detail,how this HEX help to killer?I think devs make that more survivors feel good in this game but forgot some people play killer but new killers or medium killers not feel good with this emblem system when need make 9 hooks when survivor can try unhook :D when always nerf and rework nerf and rework,now I wanna play in this game less unfortunately.

    PS nice argument! We rework RUIN because some players annoying this HEX.Omg!

  • Devour_soap3193
    Devour_soap3193 Member Posts: 18

    Don't condescend me, you halfwit, I did read the full post thank you, I understood it perfectly. It seems you don't understand though, yes, they can hit great skill checks however, even a great skill check with ruin up doesn't increase the gens progress incase you wasn't aware. pop is only useful after you hook someone and if the game is over in 3-5 minutes, against good survivors you're not going to get many hooks during the game before all the gens are done. it's clear you're a killer who's never played against sweaty survivors who can finish all 5 gens in like 4 minutes