I propose to use Moris in all our games at the release date of the mid-chapter

F in the chat for Ruin.
We will avenge you, little friend. I promise.
Do it for the perk that helped most of us to not be genrushed since 2016!
Release The Attack of the Moris at release!!
F and I will constantly use all the mori's I have stored if we start a protest/revolution lol.
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"After changing ruin we've noticed a severe increase in kill rate. As a result we've decided to cut the effectiveness of Ruin by half. We think this change will make the game more fun for both sides and introduce lots of counterplay."
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Make the game annoying for survivors when they didn't even ask for a ruin nerf
Good idea
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Noed, proxy camp and moris. Between all my characters i have nearly 700 moris to unleash.
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Yeah, let's make them suffer. Slug for 4 minutes and then mori them. Get ready for the sweet sweet salt
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I'm in. I'm 110% in.
I'm not just gonna be using tons of moris, I'm going to do everything survivors hate. NOED? Check. Franklin's? Check. Slugging? Check. And I'm going to fully become a Hag main.
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I will not be bringing moris and I don’t understand why you wanna punish survivors when hardly anyone complained about ruin.
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Good luck doing so with all the DC‘s
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Then Mori's will be nerfed by making it so there is a 99.99% chance of survivors escaping the mori halfway through the animation
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That's like saying why do you demonstrate if the people who disagree with you will feel upset.
We do it as an act of protest. We do it for our beloved Ruin.
Edit: typos
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Sadly I won't help you my fellow killers with avenging our old friend… Destiny just gives me too much fun right now to go back to this… THIS
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You just want to make sure moris are the next thing gutted, huh?
Just stop playing killer. You want to hurt the game, make survivor queue times unbearable. I play half and half survivor/killer. I didn't ask for a Ruin nerf. I think this is a bad change that only addresses the problems on one side. If you play killer using all the stuff survivors hate, you're just going to get that stuff gutted all the faster. Don't play killer at all, and maybe the devs will realize killers aren't having fun.
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I like ruin but I think this is dumb, the survivors aren’t nerfing your perks.
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Go ahead bring them on, and be prepared to really get genrushed because survivors only have 1 hook stage. 🤣;)
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Already giving out moris
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Stop playing the game if you want to protest. You will literally achieve nothing by using moris. The only thing you might achieve is getting them nerfed sooner lol
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This is cringe.
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I'm pretty sure that makes it even more sweeter
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Except, there was no problem. Half the time, survivors spawn right next to the Ruin and cleanse it making it utterly useless, hence the 'high risk high reward'. Can't believe these mongs are actually balancing the game for yellow and green rank players without a sole consideration for red ranks *facepalm*
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At nearly 3000 Ebony Mori's between all my killers, I'm down. Let's go.
The tunnel/mori meta has begun.
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imagine punishing survivors for a nerf that they didn't ask for. the issue wasn't hex ruin the issue was killers relying on it to win games. you can play just fine without ruin. i play huntress at red ranks and dont use ruin and i do just fine. just learn how to properly apply gen pressure. bringing moris is gonna do nothing but gut moris and make survivors dc. you wont be helping anything lmao. if you honestly believe bringing moris just to make survivors salty and then roll around in it like a dog you're part of the problem. making people mad for a nerf they had no control over isn't going to fix anything if you know how bhvr is.
in my personal opinion, ruin isn't that great anyway. its very useful yes i will admit. it can help during pre-game but once it's cleansed, its a dead perk and the gen rushing starts. ruin has disabled killers from learning how to apply proper pressure. killers get carried to the top by ruin and pop. its stupid. i think the ruin nerf will benefit people more than they realize but they're throwing a fit about it because they never HAD to learn how to apply gen pressure. if i can play a slow killer at red ranks and still clap without ruin, that should honestly say something.
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I've got a better idea: just lobby dodge every game that has at least one toolbox - killers queue times will be instantaneous anyway :).
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Are you kidding me? Survivors have been whining about ruin forever.
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I approve. I thought about it instantly when calmed after nerf found out.
Mori and Spirit await.
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Actually, Ruin (as it exists right now) isn't that great. In part for the reason you listed: it's often found at the very beginning and cleansed immediately, making it completely useless. Another problem is that it has a huge negative impact on inexperienced survivors while experienced survivors, the ones who actually need to be slowed down, can either A. power through it/hit great skill checks, or B. know where to find the hex totem. But, Ruin is still used by a large number of killers because it is the only perk that slows down gen speeds from the beginning of the game, keeping three gens from popping by the time the first survivor is hooked. That's why it's popular, and the change to Ruin completely takes that away.
So, there are problems with Ruin, but these changes only benefit the problems survivors have with it, not the problems killers have.
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I used to be someone who rolled their eyes when someone said the devs only care about survivors. But this has made me into an actual 20%er. I am forced to conclude that either the devs are complete idiots or they only listen to survivors.
So I intend to get on the toxic killer protest bandwagon. If we make the survivors whine because killers are being toxic over the Ruin nerf, either the devs will either revert Ruin (or add something else to keep gens from being done super fast), or nerf killers more. If it's the first option, great. If it's the second, bye.
So yeah. I'm gonna start stockpiling moris. And I'm gonna start searching the blood web for NOED and Franklin's. And I'm going to pray BHVR comes to their senses.
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Noed and Franklin’s aren’t exactly toxic and neither are moris
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its people like you that dont realize this "protest" will do nothing because the devs aren't gonna care. they're gonna nerf all the things you guys are using and make killer even worse. so honestly? yeah go ahead with this protest, see where it gets you
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That is literally one of the dumbest ideas i have ever heard
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It's what will get the survivors complaining
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Like I said, if their response is to nerf killer further then I'm just done.
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Cool thanks
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I couldnt care less about the ruin nerf, i never equip it because its boring and tends to get broken way to early into the game.
PGTW is far better and it doesnt rely on a totem to keep working.
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getting rid of moris isn't a nerf to killer lmao
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How is it not? Moris are a huge advantage for killers.
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If you think that would actually accomplish anything worthwhile whatsoever, I don't know what gave you that idea.
If you're specifically doing it in an attempt to make random players that probably never wanted a Ruin change in the first place miserable you're kinda silly, or even worse you've gone head first into the cringy my side good your side bad tribalism bullshit.
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lol these posts are so cringe
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Actually yes please so mori's are ######### gutted next chapter
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no hooks, just let them bleed out on the ground, saves up the offering and is way more fun
edit: and make sure to spread the love and joy at lower ranks aswell
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How about instead when the mid chapter patch drops we all just stop playing killer? I think it will be more fun for both sides that way.
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Killer mains the only way to protest this is to not play the game at all. The devs want to cater everything to survivors so let them. No killer should play the game for a few days to show them you mean business. No killer players means no game
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If they gut mori's they should also gut keys since keys are basically survivors versions of mori's.
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no they arent. killers have to hook someone once and kill them, instantly putting the rest of the team at a disadvantage. survivors have to do a specific amount of gens to even get hatch to spawn, then they have to spend time actually looking for it, under the assumption they even find it at all. i get what you're saying but moris require less work than keys
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Already ahead of you, got my stockpile over 30 for each Killer.
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To be fair, it wouldn't be a bad thing if Moris got gutted.
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Oh ffs. Yes, try to make everyone miserable. Excellent plan. If it is that big of a deal for you, don't play killer. This change to Ruin is stupid. But your "protest" will do nothing.
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shh it might get mori's Nerfed faster
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Lmao, ok. If this really becomes a thing or very common.
Enjoy last second switching SWF's with haddonfield offering and 4 BNP's.
I don't mind making Killers "suffer" in return, you're asking for it.