Just my 2 cents as main killer

Ok, i calmed down (after a bit) and started thinking about this ruin nerf.

I see many ppl wanting to start mori, slug, facecamp... lets just say "being mean" to survivors during the ptb.

Now, devs do PTB to see if the changes they made are ok and working.

First, i'm pretty sure that a barrage of 4k after the ruin nerf wont make the devs think "well, yes, this nerf is too much, we should revert it" they will probably think it is not enough...

Second, wile there are survivor main who think killers will just keep playing happly, i see there are many other who understand the situation.

My 2 cents are simple, lets see how it goes, i belive that if the devs see this change literally bombing the statistics, like if after the change every survivor escape every match, they are going to rethink the change, if instead nothing change, maibe this will turn out to be just a little nerf, not something terrible.

Lets just wait for the ptb and see how things change.

Also, to all who cry for survivor sided game... yes, everybody know that, deal with it.
