(losing my mind) Devs why are you removing the ranks in tally screen?

*killers asks to give a swf indication on scoreboard tally screen*
*solo survivors ask to get that feature back to see ranks in the lobby*
BHVR: "Ok got u, we remove the ranks in scoreboard tally screen"
######### is going on in the office of BHVR?? Guys, you are sooo extremely out of touch with the community!
When will you realise that your decisions and priorities are wrong? When your game is only played by a handful of players? When it's dead and to late?
To hide matchmaking issues.
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There's literally no balance reason for it.
The only reason this is being done is because they either don't want to, or don't know HOW to fix the matchmaking. So instead of figuring it out, they'll just hide everyones ranks. It ain't broke if nobody can see it. BHVR in a nutshell, really.
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100%! You could tell from the last livestream that they couldn't figure out the issue with matchmaking, so now we get this. There is literally no reason for the change other than that.
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Yeah most likely this. I'm just speechless. "If I can't see the problem then there is no problem"
Logic of a 2 years old child, gg devs.
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This is hilarious in a really this-is-a-bad-portent-of-the-game's-future-health kinda way. The only reason for doing this is to hide that matchmaking is seriously broken.
Every time I read about this I can't help but laugh. It's just an absolute joke.
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This is such a terrible change. Instead of fixing the problem they just make this change to cover it up.
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I feel like it's just going to start going downhill from here.
I have hope this game will come back and be better, but this is not giving me a lot of confidence.
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If you’re on Xbox you can view someone’s hours if they’re not on private. It’s somewhat of a workaround but it’s a good way to dodge noob survivors before readying up.
This is still a band-aid fix and an even further nerf to solo survivors.
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They aren't talking about the pre-game lobby bug that was changed. They're planning on removing ranks from the post-game perk/items/addons screen.
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Me neither. I can already see this game being dead till the end of 2020. Especially when another dbd like game gets released which is better.
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It's because they're losing killers, and it's too easy for survivor to pip. I'm sure the ruin/doctor nerfs are going to solve everything.
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Yeah on steam you can do that aswell..but honestly, I can't be arsed to check hundreds of profiles every day. Solo Q is dead and killer is unfun.
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Oh and don't forget that the new rank reset system makes it even worse with tons of survivors chilling in red ranks when they actually belong into green lol
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They can’t fix matchmaking so they’re just trying to hide all of the bugs that they can’t fix. Watch them completely remove ranks one day.
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It's kind of sad. After Ghostface and demogorgon behavior was looking solid. But it feels like everything they've done since then has been mostly degrading the game. With these recent changes I'm really feeling like they don't even understand the problems their game has anymore. Talking about doctor being annoying to go against? He's a joke to anyone who is remotely competent at the game. But no, he gets one free location on every Survivor per game. Got to fix that bullshit for the survivors fun
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"Start" going downhill? Son, we've been on a descent for quite some time now. After all, ranks don't matter, right? /s
This looks to your player base like an inability to fix matchmaking. Either you have a legit code problem or people are giving up killer to play survivor. Your Steam stats show a relatively stable player base so what else could it be?
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I must have missed the announcement. Where did they say this?
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Where are these patchnotes? Please just link them.
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This is a change I really despise about this patch. Hiding the problem won't solve it, and it feels kinda dishonest from BHVR to do that.
It wasn't announced, but it's in the leaked patchnotes
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But that's what non SWF players want, they can't allow them to have fun
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They're not official patch notes, just leaked ones. From a source that is generally fairly reliable, but all the same, we shouldn't be drawing any conclusions from them until the official patch notes get released. Which should be within the next few hours.
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I thought they were leaked patch notes since I saw nothing in the patch notes tab. I guess I'll just wait until the PTB or mid-chapter comes out.
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I'm not sure that's allowed here, just search leaksbydaylight on twitter and you'll find it
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This must be a ######### joke! There is litterally no need to hide such basic information from us.
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They can't fix matchmaking so they are removing any semblance of it. That Nurse you just destroyed? Good job they were rank 18. Those 4 survivors who played really well and looped you to kingdom come? They were ranks 1-4. Good job devs, patch 3.5.0, the one where everyone is finally done with BHVR's #########.
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Wait wait, just hear me out: they're slowly killing their own game to finally release Dead By Daylight 2 when the first one completely dies!
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Im starting to form conspiracy theories that Ruin nerf was done to hide this new "feature" they are going to add, if they buff Ruin immediately after this nerf then this must be it lol
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Btw I have seen one thread about hiding ranks removed, we will see if it was on purpose too
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Even still you can only do this but so fast. Also, they can have 1000h in game, but have little to no hours on survivor.