Its everyone

I have stalked the forum for awhile and I have been playing awhile and really everyone on every side is terrible.


-When the door is open leave. Stop trying to get extra flash light stunts, healing in the door way, generally just messing around, stop and leave.

- I get you have bested the killer there is no need for all the tbaging be it in the exit at every single pallet and window. Darn your good you should also rub it in.

- stop camping gens and hooks its just as annoying knowing your right there waiting just like the killer but there the bad guy for it.

- stop tunneling gens work on some other ones getting too focused on that one get that's almost done keep the game going if you cant finish it in one go then find another and come back later.



- stop camping hooks you can get more hits and more hooks and stop gen progress if you take a walk

-stop tunneling for the same reason as gen tunneling keep a good match going spread the love

-slugging should be reserved for finding someone soon off the hook or continuing chase after someone is down and you can get another doing it to find the hatch or for no reason trash

I play both sides pretty evenly and the reality is dont be the d bag and if you come across one hit them with the gg and keep stepping



  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452


  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Or just play your own game because people are going to continue doing these things no matter what? T-bagging is not a problem, it's only a problem when the person getting tbagged makes it one and it really shouldn't get to them but it does all the time in this game for some reason. If people have holes in their gameplay, get salty or even tbag because they're feeling themselves and wanna be cocky that's their problem, not your problem.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    It's fine for survivors to want to get points for late heals during the EGC. It's fine for them to hang around a hook or generator waiting for an opportune time to rescue their teammate or do some repairs, and it's definitely fine for them to employ the most effective tactics to secure their objective. "Stop working towards your objective and go do something else for a while"? I don't understand how you could even say such a thing with a straight face.

    As for killers, tunnelling isn't a lot of fun but in most cases it is the most effective strategy for securing their objective. Same with slugging, I apologise if this sounds harsh but really, who are you to dictate when it is and is not acceptable for players to employ certain strategies?

    The only things on that list which are at all reasonable are the points related to camping (unrewarding) and teabagging (unnecessary and unsportsmanlike). If you think any of that other stuff makes people "terrible", "trash" or "d bags", then I can see why you're not having a very good time.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I actually appreciate survivors waiting at the door if they give me free hits. I love it when they camp the hook, gives me a free hit or an easy down. Everything else I can agree with.

  • lamekiller
    lamekiller Member Posts: 23

    Bad comparisons here but it like it's not enough that Jeff Bezos make more money than you he also has to go to your house and burn twice your yearly income just to show you. You get dunked on by steph curry then he he is sure to let you know you'll never be a professional player. I know your better I get it I can see it in the play you dont have to be a dick about is as well

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Here's one for you:

    • Stop trying to gatekeep how other players play. So long as it isn't against the rules then they are allowed to do it if they so please.
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    The survivors let you hit them in the exit gate? Lucky. I stopped going to the doors because they always run out once I cross the threshold, it's absolutely pointless.

  • lamekiller
    lamekiller Member Posts: 23
