When are the meta survivor perks getting nerfed?

DS, BT, Arenaline. You see them in nearly every match, right? Clearly there's an issue there. So, when do we expect them to get nerfed? I mean, what about the new killers? And SWF? How are new and inexperienced killers supposed to get around a 4 man on comms teabagging their way out the gate? Surely something needs to be done there.
Doesn't matter. Survivors are having fun.
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DS and BT have both been nerfed.
DS has been changed now 3 times.
BT was changed a long time ago.
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DS, BT: Don't tunnel
Adrenaline: Don't let them finish the last gen. And if you fail at that, they deserve the heal and sprint burst.
SWF: Deal with it, you can't nerf people playing with their friends.
No nerfs needed.
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And yet, amazingly, they are still top perks picked by survivors. By the devs own logic, Ruin was nerfed, among other reasons, because it was used to much. Plus, 'survivor frustration.' Killers are people too, what about the new ones? They get frustrated, why not nerf what frustrates them?
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Only Nerf that matters is killers.
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While I agree DS should deactivate after a seperate hook since YOU AREN'T TUNNELING, devs wont do it
BT and Adren are fine imo
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Adrenaline is hit or miss.
Decisive Strike has been nerfed into the ground and is barely useful.
Borrowed Time only works within terror radiuses; stealth killers counter Borrowed Time.
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Haha nice joke
BT has been buffed so many times that I have lost count
DS was nerfed one time and then was buffed another two times (5 secs timer and enduring nerf)
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It's fun to play a nice, easy game of Dead by Daylight with my three other 2,000+ hour friends on microphones coordinating! I just equip my adrenaline, dead hard, decisive strike, and borrowed time. If the killer even comes near me, I run to the nearest broken window while my teammates get the gens done quick!
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Cannot say it better. Key perk of killers was destroyed so now it time to destroy some survivor key perks coz new killers can be frustrated to play vs SWFs and good survivors.
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The devs justify perk and killer changes with the survivors' fun. Where would be the fun for survivors if BT/DS/exhaustion perks would get nerfed? 😯
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I got 2 hooks in basement, they got saved, catched them both, had to eat 2 DSes
Wow I tunneled 2 people at the some time.
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BT is okay though
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Tyde made a very good video showing how DS wasn’t nerfed, but stealthily buffed. BT nerf/change only made the unhooked be in a risky situation, which doesn’t matter if the hooked survivor knows how to “walk towards the killer and body block.”
Look, you can say they’re nerfed and weak, that doesn’t change that if Survivors want to play with the strongest perks, you take DS, BT, Adrenaline, and Unbreakable. Killer can’t pick you up because DS, can’t leave you slugged because Unbreakable, you’ll get a free heal with Adrenaline, and the killer can’t secure a kill because BT blocks it.
However, as already stated, because Survivors are having fun, they won’t be nerfed, because the devs have made it clear who they cater to.
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But it's frustrating for new killers so it needs to be nerfed, right? That was the motivation for the nerfs in the new patch! \s
In all seriousness though, DS isn't an anti-tunnel perk it's just a 60 second immunity. I've lost count how many times I was hit with DS and thought to myself "What? It hasn't been 60 seconds already when I've hooked another survivor" but I guess I've tunneled right?
Or how about survivors body blocking when I'm carrying a survivor so I down the bodyblocker and the survivor wiggles out. I pick up the only person I've downed and get hit with DS, guess I've tunneled right?
BT isn't a problem for me so I have no comments.
Adrenaline: I feel like it's a slap in the face when I win a chase and inevitably the last gen pops just removing all of my work. Unless the survivors are complete potato, the last gen will get done if you chase a survivor and with the amount of atrocious loops it's not really too difficult for the survivor to prolong the killer long enough to finish the last gen unless of course it's on 0%.
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You should've just slugged and camped both of them (in case they have unbreakable too) in that situation.
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Adrenaline can award players even if they don't do a gen.
Decisive strike is clearly still useful by its pick rate, and besides the fact that it has a 60 second use timer, it has the same amount of stun time it originally did and now there has been a nerf to enduring.
And for bt, tell me how much killers you see in high ranks that use stealth killers, I'd say 1 every 15 games, close to that definetly.
Your definitely a survivor only main, or bias them as much as the devs.
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DS, BT and Adrenaline you say? What about Self-Care? So many red-ranks are running that now, surely that should be nerfed first?
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I'm my own main; neither killer or survivor.
Enduring should be buffed to where it effects the stun on Decisive Strike (Decisive Strike has been nerfed directly quite a bit into not the most useful perks, indirectly would probably be better).
I tend to see quite a bit of Ghostfaces. 1 in 6 or so for me.
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Or Botany Knowledge? That's a simple perk who's passive nature provided offers huge potential with very little effort or risk from the survivor.
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What you just said maybe one of the dumbest things I've read today, and I've read a lot of joke comments. You have never made it past rank 11 have you?
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Had a similiar situation later, I ate 1 DS and slugged the other. The other guy DCed after 60 seconds passed. Also I thought camping was toxic or something.
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Ds and bt need no nerfs. Just don't tunnel and camp and they're a waste of a perks. I run both because killers can't help but camp and tunnel so it's your own fault if they activate
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Not only that but you can't complain about adrenaline when all killers run noed. That counters any survivor perk anyway
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The point has completely gone over your head. This isn't about how to logically use the perks. This is about the devs feeling the need to handhold new and inexperienced players, and cater 'fun and frustration' over balance. Their reasoning, being as lackluster as it is, is that Ruin is frustrating to new players, that it requires little effort on the killers part, it had to fit with their new emblem, and was overused.
So, that can be applied to just about anything. DS, BT, and Adrenaline are three of the most used perks. You can't go one match in higher ranks with at least two people using two or more of these perks. By the devs own admission, that goes against their beliefs. In light of that, following their logic, they should be nerfed, because they're 'frustrating' to new killers, and aren't fun to go against. Their words.
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survivor main KEKW
go play the game both sides at red ranks then come and talk again
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I already do.
And how about u try getting good at the game? lmao
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Games should be catered to fun and not balance. That's how you keep a player base by making the game fun to play
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thats the answer i was expecting from a survivor main congrats.
i will see you here again when you create a thread and cry about finding survivor games take 30+ min KEKW
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So just because i dont struggle playing against those perks like u do, makes me a survivor main and therefore my opinion invalid huh?
Haha, git gud.
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BT got buffed twice. Mend time reduced and doesn't tick down when running. All when Oni got released.
DS is easily abusable for the power it has. It's ''nerf'' wasn't so much a nerf.
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Which perks do you find difficult to play against as a killer?
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But a new killer wouldnt know how ds and bt worked so the perk would punish them. So they can punish new killers but new survivors cant be punished by ruin?
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DS doesnt need a nerf because it counters a specific, toxic playstyle.
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Ds and BT = don't tunnel
Adrenaline = if you picked someone up and you are taking them to a hook drop them and hit them to get rid of their adrenaline.A strategy i see many killers not using.
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DS is needed to stay alive while killers play cheap and tunnel out survivors.
BT is neeed cause killers play cheap and camp out survivors.
Adrenaline isnt anymore that much seen, so why should this be an issue?
And new killers playing against new survivors wont get teabagged, cause ne survivors cant even bein so stupid.
Surely you dont have any logic behind your post at all.
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Yeah, as killer im so frustrated to play vs BT, DS and Adrenaline and its very annoying. When do you nerf it?
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Jesus. Can we stop this already? Yes, the Ruin change is dumb. Calling for ridiculous nerfs to perks that are fine (with the possible exception of Ds) is pointless.
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I'm pointing out the stupidity of the Devs in this regard. Instead of looking into the core issue, and WHY Ruin was used to much, they simply look at it from a surface level. Considering how bias the patch notes were written, it greatly annoys me. So, if I simply turned it around on meta survivor perks, shouldn't they, by their own logic, do something about it? New killers get frustrated. They need some hand holding when facing said meta perks, same as new survivors, right?