Why do the devs do nothing to help curb toxic behavior from Survivors?

I'm relatively new to this game, but more and more frequently I'm becoming the target of Survive With Friends groups of players who make it their goal in life to make mine as miserable as possible for the crime of playing the Killer. Why are there no preventative measures to stop flashlight spam, generator rushing, teabagging, hookbombing, and bodyblocking? Why are players allowed to queue up with their friends for unfair communication advantages over the Killer, with absolutely no incentive to play alternatively? When are developers going to try and make the game actually enjoyable for Killers at all levels of play, instead of making it feel more like an uphill struggle the longer you stay?

Reporting has done nothing. I run into the same toxic people, sometimes even multiple times in the same day. It's genuinely discouraging, and making me regret playing the game.


  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Because it's none of the above are reportable offenses and they've made it nearly impossible to tell if your facing an swf (there's not enough time to go through their profiles to check their friends). Honestly I just bring along Nemesis and Play With Your Food leatherface and hope they blind me.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    yes but you can’t know if you’re getting toxic players until games started. Do you bring a Mori every time?

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    If you use it on everyone yes, but that's assuming you get to play against 4 idiots.

    I don't think most of them would be rewarded with a pip if you take them out of the game really fast, but for me it's hard to tell because I rarely get moried.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    I used to bring one everytime I had one, but I'd rather burn map offerings now. I still do bring moris if I don't have map offerings tho.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Body blocking isn't toxic *there are perks designed for it*

    Flashlight clicking is them wasting their time and item battery

    Tbagging is in most games... I mean just ignore it or hit them on the hook... same thing.

    Hook bombing is great for the killer, it wastes time the survivor could sit on the hook.

    If you are struggling at higher ranks you might want to try a different killer, some are stronger once you get the hang of it.

    And the friend que is because people like to play with their friends. The game has slowly become less disastrous for killers over the years, it still has much to work on but its inching closer and closer to a balanced game.

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226

    Whether or not their behavior is to their detriment is not the point. The point is that it's deliberately done to try and harass the player.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905
    edited January 2020

    It sounds like you keep queuing with the same survivors which isn't uncommon in some regions, depending on the time of day and rank. Are your queue times really long if you dodge them?

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226

    I wouldn't say they're extremely long, but it's just frustrating having to play with the same people.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    case you didnt know already survivors still dc

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Not much the devs could do, other than to record every match and watch tens of thousands of hours of gameplay and then make a determination if the behavior was toxic or not...which is not going to happen. Toxic chat however is much easier for them to deal with.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    How is surviving as survivor toxic? The only things may be flashlight spam, which doesnt really do harm cause blinds can be avoided pretty easy, and teabagging, which doesnt do any harm to your gameplay just yourself if youre mentally that "unstable" to get triggered so easily. Gen rushing, literally doesnt exist cause thats survivors objective, bodyblocking is for rescueing the survivor?

    But you know imagine people playing together online games with comms. Hilarious. OMG

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226

    Perfect example of the deliberate antagonism problem.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Both sides are guilty of this.

    And don't expect any action from the devs.

    Just learn to accept that this community is terrible, and try not to let it bring you down. That's all you can do unfortunately.

  • None of what you said there is toxic, it's called teamwork and having a plan to escape. Are you one of those killers that thinks survivors are supposed to swoon when they see you and make it easy, then all go hook rushing to save their pal?

    Seriously, grow up! Life is filled with other people doing things that benefits them over us, we are not supposed to like it. We are just supposed to deal with it and adapt.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    People don't seem to realise that it's the players that are toxic, not the actual survivor or killer side.

    The toxicity comes from those that find joy in pissing others off. It comes from every PvP game, not just dbd.

  • Negan4891
    Negan4891 Member Posts: 53

    Very true. Look at fortnite. You can tbagg there or do the L dance. But i agree with ya

  • Negan4891
    Negan4891 Member Posts: 53

    Be straight out and foward. The devs made this game like it is. So they wont change that. They even said this game supposed to be frustrating. And someone aint going to be happy about it niether. But what you can change is how you play. And just dont listen towhat ne body says.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Mori them. It will make you feel good. If you're a killer, you need to ignore survivor complaints to maintain your sanity. Otherwise you're just prostrating yourself by seeking approval.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Devs are doing things about it, it used to be waaay worse in the past

    Flashlights used to blind in less then a second and actually blind you as a player as well

    The entire end game crisis is their to male sure survivors leave after the last generator is fixed

    When they bodyblock just either hit them or slug them, they won't bodyblock when injured or downed

    The biggest problem right now is that matchmaking is broken right before the devs went on holiday, so new players get faced against much more experienced players. they'll be back about now i think so it will be fixed soon

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Not every match is like that. You'll get coordinated, communicating friends from time to time, some who want to make you feel like a fool. My advice, if you can't beat them - join them! Just start having fun with them and make the most points you can knowing they will all escape. You'll enjoy the game more.

  • BodamEscapePlan
    BodamEscapePlan Member Posts: 75

    That's what I do. I mean, why not just join in on the fun?

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    If they fixed the game, there'd be less toxicity, but that takes more effort and makes less money than cosmetics. So fk it, right?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    What would you propose they do about it?

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 370

    There's toxic behavior on both sides, it's not just that of survivors. Killers can be much more toxic than spamming a flashlight and tbagging if they choose. Generator rushing isn't exactly toxic behavior, it mostly means you're not applying an even amount of pressure as a killer.

  • scat
    scat Member Posts: 33
    edited January 2020

    You are just bad and need to adapt to the game. Maybe try learning new tactics instead if reporting people for being better than you. I'm rank 3 surv and 8 as killer and u know what I do when survivors body block? I hit them. When they t bag? I nod. They flashlight spam? I hit them on the hook.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • slashnsmack
    slashnsmack Member Posts: 4

    I love how everyone is chastising you for the list you made and here the kicker i play survivor 90% of the time and i feel bad when i get games with new players (killers) and they get gen rushed or harassed unfortunately its the current state of the game since the only objective a survivor has is gens and then door, i personally avoid swf but i do use it for when i need to farm BP and farm my friends but when i do that i let the killer hook and kill me.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    As if killers cant and dont play toxic and use frustrating game strategies. You say you're new. Played surv for awhile yet? I can bully survs much worse than a few flashlight clicks. Heck, I can equip Spirit and be ultra toxic, bm and 4k if I really wanted to. You dont know what toxicity is son.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    You should play the other side so you can experience toxic killers too. It's not just one side so, in essence, that is the balance.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Remove SWF. I guarantee if you removed that mode, you'd remove a huge portion of the toxicity. I've found that swf players are much more toxic than solo, because they have friends that can bail them out when their skill fails. Usually they only bully when they have somebody that's laughing beside them. A solo doesn't have that, and needs to use their brain most of the time.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    same thing could be said about killer head nodding and smacking on the hook. those aren’t bannable either.

    besides, teabagging and flashlight clicking mostly helps you as killer... they lose distance from teabagging after a pallet stun/drop and you also have an extra survivor off of gens so they can spam their flashlight.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    if a survivor teabags then they want the killer to chase them, so they do it to taunt the killer into chasing them over their teammates

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    Right now on console there are teams out there who spam invites to party chat. I ran into one a night or two ago I didn't join and they literally farmed me hard sandbagged windows and brought the killer straight to me while healing.

    Luckily after 2 games of it I got a killer who decided to go after them and leave me alone nice of him.

    The fact is coordination kills the fun. When survivors run builds that synergize together it makes life hell for the killer. I personally ran into a 4 stack that used Breakout/Adrenaline/ DS/ BT.

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226

    I do play a balance of Killer and Survivor for reference; I'm well aware douchebag killers exist, and have encountered the joys of a Basement Bubba or Iridescent Head+Infantry Huntress. But just using basic math, statistically there will always be more toxic Survivors than Killers by factor of there literally being four times as many Survivor players in any given match.

    Attacking me or anyone else for expressing frustration with this, claiming that "oh you can just counter it with X, gitgud" or some other nonsense just means you're part of the problem.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Is the intent of the Survivor to be aggravating or toxic?

  • Gamer29
    Gamer29 Member Posts: 26

    This is why I don’t play anymore. I can’t stand the entitlement, the arrogance and the poor sportsmanship!! The developers purposely created this. They will never change it. This is game is ruined. It’s become a free for all for spoiled children that have constant temper tantrums to which the developers cater too!!! Fk them and fk this game!!

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Weird, I think these types of games as a killer are hilarious. You take yourselves and this game far too seriously - instead of whining and running from SWF, make your own fun of it. If teabagging triggers you, that is especially laughable - does that actually hinder you in some way besides bruising little feelings? Getting tougher and dealing with these issues is part of the game.

    Like it has been said already, it's not just survivors who are toxic - you obviously haven't been camped on the hook while a killer just hits you over and over again until you die just because they can; or get body blocked by the killer for 20 minutes in the basement; or left to slug for 4 minutes while the killer just revs their chainsaw over you. And these are not in response to anything the survivor did besides getting caught; since that is the first reaction of most killers is to blame survivors for everything. Killers are supposedly just helpless little victims just trying to eliminate people from the game - no they were just toxic.

    And the thing is removing SWF is not an answer - it will just turn off a large portion of the player base. You think everyone has the fortitude to put up with the solo experience? It takes a special kind of masochist for that.

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    Because it's the internet and nobody cares about anyone's feelings.There are as much toxic survivors and swf groups as there are toxic killers or trollers looking to ruin peoples fun.It's there and it will always be there so there is no point in getting upset.Just take it like a big man and move on with your games.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    As killer main I can say that 80% of survivors are toxic and dont know how to behave. If you win you are considered camper, tunneler, noob, kid, idiot...etc. If you lose game survivors are teabagging you near gate and you are called noob, bad killer or looser. No matter if you win or lose, you are insulted anyway. Im automaticaly skipping engame log with chat to prevent reading toxic chat. Problem is thah if you dont report toxic player immediately by report button, you cannot demand action from BHVR throught ticket.

    My example: I was playing vs 3 SWF team and 1 solo. Standard game. I killed whole SWF team and solo escaped via hatch. After game I skipped chat as usually. Suddenly I notice that someone wanted to add me on steam. I noticed that it was member of that 3 man SWF. I declined což its common that frustrated player want to add you and insult you personaly on steam chat. It was twitch streamer so I watched his stream and I was horrified by his behaviour. During replay of our match they were constantly insulting me whole game (I understand their lang). As I saw on replay they were insulting me aftergame on chat that I skipped. But I continued watching and this group was insulting every single killer opponent after every match. No matter if they won or lost. I got insults like "Czech idiot", "fuc*ing camper, tunneler"or 8yo kid. Other killers got wish of cancer, die soon or fuc*ing piece of sh*t tunneler. 15yo streamer is insulting all around with his same year old group. After this I sent ticket with screen but I got answer that they cannot take action coz I didnt report him after game.

    Survivors are extremely toxic and there should be some automatic system that detect insulting and automaticaly take action like chat ban or game ban.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    both in a way, it just depends on how you take it.

    getting extremely frustrated and mad at their tbagging is giving them what they want, as they WANT the killer to be thinking less clearly and make rash decisions (like tunneling that survivor endlessly or not focussing on other things in the match)

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838
    edited January 2020

    Pig and Goatface.

    Not that they necessarily prevent anything, but they help me to cope with tbaggers, cuz I will tbag back.

  • randomBob
    randomBob Member Posts: 9

    Sounds like you've had a few tough games, we all have these and I agree that it's a ball ache having survivors gang up. Just remember that you can kill them but they can't kill you. Try new killers and strategies to knock them off their game.