Just ask yourself

I read a forum when new update is comming to dbd. And i still saw post like "killer sided game" "killer perks are too op" " Killer_name is too powerfull" and in post like that i see often argument "kill rate is 60-70% so game is killer sided"

And i'm asking you what you playing? It's DEAD by daylight asymmetrical killing game.

In this game killing is an idea. Kill rate should be high or we need change name of game to "escape by daylight"

You try to change game to symmetrical typical 50/50 game BUT in basic dead by daylight is 4vs1 game.

But it's only overall

Killrate is inflated because of dc's, killing self survivors and low skill survivors

Yes low skill survivors! Rank in this game tell exactly NOTHING. Even in red ranks i saw so much low skill players who don't know how to play this game and complain about everything.

"Noed is carrying bad killers"

So destroy totems if killer was bad! You have time to search for 5 totems it's not that hard!

"Killer was too op"

Hmm maybe watch video how to counter and try to learn? Yes i'm serious because we have 2020 and i still saw people hidding in looker when i get instinct with legion frenzy.

And we shouldn't forgot about what killers carry this kill ratio? Not all killer are adapt to this game now.

Typical game as wraith is suicide. No one like matches when you are looped and can't do NOTHING.

And why i write all of that? because only small group of people saw real problem.

Problem is low skill players try to change a game and crying about EVERYTHING instead of learn how to play this game. If you killed red rank you not good. if you get red rank your not pro. Please learn something about game before you write your "idea" of balance asymmetrical game about killing named "Dead by daylight"

You thing i'm in mistake? Or i forgot about something? Write! That's a discussion.

Have a good day :)
