A smart change for Hex:Ruin

Wesker Member Posts: 339
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

As noticed and predicted your update is pure crap I'll suggest something fair for both sides:


"The time required for repairing solo or with toolboxes is 100s/110s/120s for each tier. The perk affect totem cleaning speed, which goes from 15s to 30s, more survivors working at the same generator are not affected by the Hex (don't mind becouse we have Discordance)


  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    All you are looking for is sit down on a generator and get relax at watching the progression meter until it fills up, so this is a good change

  • Rockatanskyrenzo
    Rockatanskyrenzo Member Posts: 30
    edited January 2020

    With this update you´re making a big mistake... a point of no return for your killer playerbase.

    Let´s see, Do you, as devs, really play your own game on higher levels?, let me doubt it.

    Making wrong decisions doesn´t fix a game... just a reminder by a friendly high rank killer main.

    The main problem here, on high levels, it´s the gen rush, (totally normal on the other hand, if the survivors haven´t another secondary objective), It´s extremely easy to do gens, and the 80% of the survivor playerbase doesn´t know really how to play this game (the importance of the chase or the mechanics for pallets for example), and to fix this problem do you decide that it´s better to touch ruin... yeah very smart move.