Why are the Devs removing player ranks from the score board

As someone who has recently stopped using ruin in their killer builds, the nerf to Hex:Ruin won't impact me as much as other players. Although in my opinion it was a perk that did not need to be nerfed, survivors that were struggling with ruin just needed to learn how to hit great skill checks (I am a survivor main).
The thing that has alarmed me the most is that they are removing the player ranks from the end game scoreboard. I have no idea why the Devs are making this change. Personally I like to get to see the rank of the killers and the survivors that I'm playing against. The reason is that I want to know whether I had a good game, or the reason I played well was due to playing against less experienced players.
When I loop and outplay a killer and I see the killer is a rank 2 it's far more rewarding than if I just looped a rank 7 or a rank 10 killer. Likewise if I get a 4k as a killer, it's far more rewarding to see that I got a 4k against four rank red rank survivors.
On the other side I mainly play solo survivor, I use perks like bond so I often see the other survivors mistakes and I know if they aren't being productive. If at the end game screen I see that the survivor that was making the mistakes was a rank 10 or even a rank 20, I'll be more understanding if I see that the survivor was of a low rank. Otherwise I'll just assume they're a red rank so I will be holding them to a higher standard, as a rank 1 survivor you expect the randoms to also be red ranks.
I'm tagging @Peanits because I don't see the reason why this change is being made.
Its to fix match making
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How will it fix match making?
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You can't complain about it if you don't see ranks
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In a nutshell
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At lower ranks, there are disparate and unfair matches. The solution is to make the rank invisible. I think we did a pretty good job so far.
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Remove ranks from lobbies to reduce dodging.
Remove ranks from score board to reduce complaints.
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So they don’t have to actually fix the matchmaking.
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It's definitely concerning, if it's true. We don't actually know yet that they are doing that, because it hasn't been officially confirmed yet. While it may be likely, it's best to wait until the patch notes are released so that we can give feedback on something the devs have actually done, instead of something someone else said they might be doing.
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''See no evil, hear no evil''
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Harry Potter and the Censorship of the broken matchmaking.
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Why would they be radio silent if it wasn't true? It's been circulating in the forums for a few hours now and the devs have not been silent on forums pertaining to Doc or ruin.
And yet, they are mysteriously silent on forums that are asking about that.
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I feel this may be due to a background change we don't know about yet.
Who knows maybe the matchmaking is being opened up and just mixing everyone into one huge group.
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They are sweeping all the problems under a rug
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That's my thought as well.
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Utilizing the "weapons of mass distraction" tactic. RUIN NERF! DOCTOR REWORK!... let's just, uh, sneak in removing post game rank reveals and hope that nobody notices.
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Just give em time. Ptb is today I think.
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Because they are always silent on "leaked" information, whether it's true or not. (See the frenzy over the potential for an "IT" chapter a couple of months ago as an example of the latter.)
The most they'll say is "this isn't official information, we never said this, so don't draw any conclusions from it".
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See, normally I'd agree, but this is something pretty damn big to the point the general consensus I've seen is that this is nothing but a scummy lazy move from them, something that is actively besmirching their name, it would be without a doubt better to confirm or deny this at it's head because if it's true then they can try and explain themselves now.
If it's not then they can simply say.
"We aren't lazy and trying to sweep a massive issue under the rug."
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It will be either confirmed or denied as soon as they release the patch notes anyway, which will be very soon now, so they might as well work on that instead of going around addressing threads individually that are about to be addressed en masse. Afterwards, perhaps we'll get some more information regarding the motivation behind the changes.
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They already made one giant post about the hex changes and trying to explain themselves, I fail to see why they can't do the same about something like this which again, is causing a large part of the games playerbase to question their moral integrity.
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I wanted to agree with the negative sentiments here, at first, but after thinking more about it I decided the rank is misleading information. Why? In my case, I can get fixated on trying new builds. During that time, I tend to be lower rank. But, when I find a good build and keep playing, my rank tends to rise quickly.
When judging other players, I tend to feel bad when I dominate as killer and see that everyone is yellow ranks, but then see that everyone has various teachable perks at tier 3. I wonder, how can they be low rank, but have leveled teachable perks? To me, it seems that they aren't newbs or bad at the game, they just haven't played in a while, maybe.
Not to go off the deepend, here. But, most societies indoctrinate everyone to appreciate the hierarchy of profession and government, it's only natural to use ranking information to determine the value of a win or loss. But, those systems we tend to trust are more fleshed out than the ranking system in dead by daylight. In a way, it's a bit of an incomplete mess, and I think the devs are doing the right thing. Even if I do enjoy drawing conclusions from other players' rank.
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Once the patch notes are released, I would love nothing more than to see a post like that released. Open communication is always a net good, in my opinion.
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Lol. I thought everyone agreed... Rank doesn't matter! Apparently the devs agree too. I honestly think it's a good idea. Now let's remove offering animation before match and make ready the default.
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They don't generally responded to leaks false or true.
MoM was a classic example as that was talked about for a while before they discussed it with the players.
Sometimes The community managers don't have all the information at hand and they also need internally discuss the matter to fully understand why and if a change is being made before commenting here on it so they can answer everyone's questions properly.
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Can't complain about matchmaking if you don't know it's broken
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EVERY killer match I play on PS4 the survivors are ranked 5-6 ranks above me.
Its annoying.
They don't want me to see that's what happens. Ignorance is bliss.
Tbh wish they would also delete the PSN ID's as well. Then I could play truly in a bubble without pride or ego. Might be a good thing...
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And that is dbd's arguably largest problem.
They near refuse to communicate until they are all but forced to.
I imagine there would be way less of a outrage if they had simply said something about changing ruin and tossing some idea's out then waiting for responses from the community then being like "Well this is what we feel like trying."
Not just dropping it on us all with what reads like a smug survivor main telling killers that they don't care about how they feel when playing.
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You are right to a point and I can understand that, but Dev's are commenting on Ruin and doc and even made a thread about it.
If it was just perks or nerfs I'd totally understand, this however is largely being viewed as them trying to be lazy and giving up on rank all together.
Which is seriously bad PR.
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Patch notes are out. No changes to rank in tally screen. Lets hope this was a fake leak or worse case the Devs saw this to be a poor change and removed it.
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Just came here to mention that it wasn't in the official patch notes, but Mr_K beat me to it. As it turns out, we had nothing to worry about... which is why we shouldn't assume leaks are accurate to official information, even if the source has proved reliable previously.