Regarding the upcoming Hex:Ruin update

 안녕하세요 저는 6500시간 아시아 1랭크 유저 salgu 입니다.

 Hello, I am 6500 hour Asia Rank 1 killer user "Salgu"

 이번 미드챕터 패치로 루인이 너프된다는 소식을 들었습니다.

 I have heard that this mid-chapter patch nerfs Hex:Ruin 

 이번 패치는 게임을 처음 접하는 유저들에게는 희소식이지만

 This patch may be a good news for players that recently started playing; 

 이 게임을 공포게임이 아니라 PVP로서 즐기고 있는 유저들에게는 나쁜 소식입니다.

 however, for the players who are enjoying this game as a PVP game, this is a bad news.

 루인의 채용률을 보았을 때 퍽의 성능이 과도한건 맞습니다

 Considering the rate of use of the perk, it is true that the perk's performance is overbalanced.

 하지만 기본적으로 루인이 없을 때의 게임 템포가 워낙 빠르기 때문에 대다수의 킬러 유저들은 어쩔 수 없이 루인을 사용하고 있습니다.

 Nonetheless, most of the killer users use the perk because tempo of the game being too fast without the ruin.

 이대로 패치를 진행한다면 생존자를 했을때의 매칭 대기시간이 훨씬 더 길어질 것 입니다.

 If the update proceeds with the notified patch, survivor players will suffer from drastically increased match-making time.

 루인의 패치 방향성은 어느정도 인정하나, 현재의 발전기 속도를 고려해보았을 때

 The motivation of this Hex:Ruin patch is somewhat understandable; but considering the current generator repair speed,

 아시아 서버 1랭크에서 살아남는 킬러는 극소수에 불과할 것 입니다

 only few killers will survive being Rank 1 in Asia server after the patch.

 저는 이 게임을 출시일부터 지금까지 3년 넘게해왔습니다

 I have been playing this game since its first launch, over three years.

 항상 생존자와 살인마의 1랭크를 유지해왔고 루인이 너프되는 지금도 저는 살아남을 수 있습니다

 I have always maintained the Rank 1 as both survivor and killer, and I am confident that I can perform well in the game even after this patch.

 하지만 대부분의 살인마들은 그렇지 않습니다. 

 But most of killer players cannot.

 그들은 저와는 다르게 이 게임을 6500시간을 하지 않았고 대부분 루인 너프에 살아남을 수 없을 것 입니다.

 Existing users usually did not spend over 6500 hours playing this game and they will have to greatly suffer to win the game due to generator repair speed being to fast.

 신규 유저만을 생각하는 거듭된 패치 방식으로 올드 유저들을 떠나보낸다면 신규 유저들이 나중에 올드 유저의 위치에 도달했을 때 이들 또한 떠나가버릴 수 밖에 없는 결과를 초래할 것 입니다.

 Continuing patches that only consider new players and disregard the original players will result in making these new players leave when they become more dedicated to this game.

 대다수의 유저들은 엠블럼 점수를 신경쓰기보다 본인의 생존여부와 생존자 킬 수를 더 신경을 씁니다.

 Most of the players focus more on the kill/survive factors rather than on emblems and blood-points.

 부디 패치가 올바른 방향으로 진행되어 데드바이데이라이트가 더 나은 게임이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.

 I sincerely hope that the patch will be done in right direction so that "Dead by Daylight" will be a successful game. 


  • communeko
    communeko Member Posts: 2

    Surely BHVR killed Hex: Ruin and all the other killers.

    Why always BHVR does the balance patches for suvs?

    Even though killers own 1/5 of the game, devs need to listen to killer users.

    There are many op perks for suvs(decisive strike, perks with exhausted effects, and so on) which helps them escaping from the killer, but these perks haven't experienced ""severe"" nerf like this.

    I also agree that current Hex: Ruin is overbalance, but this kind of nerf is too unfair for killers.

    I think that devs need to take care of killer noobs, not only suv noobs.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    They won't. I would love to see the Devs play against Red Rank Swf after these changes.

  • yoon920519
    yoon920519 Member Posts: 1

    I have been playing killer since Dead by Day Light came out. However I remember how it had been for first 50-100 hours of play as a killer. Without ruin, it had always been a chicken game. You don’t even want to chase one survivor you see because you know during the time you chasing, at least 2 generators will turn on. It is not the matter of whom good at and bad at something. There is minimum time to catch one survivor if we are equally good at it. Without ruin, I don’t think I will stay in Dead by Day light as a killer. Yes I can still play but like I said, people like me 2 years before, wouldn’t stay. They will have so much frustration and will feel bullied and leave the game forever.

    Yes Ruin is over-powered I agree with that.

    but this changes isn’t helping anyone. Finding Ruin totem was also part of fun. It was thrilling as a survivor and it always rewarded me after breaking it. If you are going to ruin the Ruin (lol) come up with other perks or make other perks that helps slowing down generators better.

    Thank you.

    BTW, I am not going to playing anymore until I hear better news for this. See you then.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    It all comes down to the conditioning of killer players....

    1. No you are not expected to get 4Ks every game... Getting 4K a match should be extremely difficult.
    2. When the first 2 gens pop after your first chase, it doesn't mean you lost. Stop thinking the match is over.
    3. Not every killer is supposed to play equally well at every level of ranked play. BHVR has already stated this before.
    4. Just because you play Killer allot, doesn't mean you should always be at rank 1. Sometimes players need to accept the fact, they just aren't that good.
    5. Change is good. If nothing ever changes the game gets boring and then people will complain more.
    6. Killer players were already complaining about the gen speed even while using Ruin. Those players will still be complaining even if Ruin was never touched.

    I love the.... Survivor queues are going to get longer. You know... There are many survivor players right now that would rather play killer but the killer queues are too long. Having some of the baby killer mains switch sides, will free up those queues a bit, so those survivor players can now play killer again.

    They can leave a hole, but there will be others taking their place.

  • Heonol
    Heonol Member Posts: 0

    Before I start the whole story, I really love this game.

    Hello, DBD crew.

    I can't hide my disappointment with this patch note.

    The reason for the patch is ridiculous from start to finish.

    RUIN is at risk already large enough and has strong performance.

    But the RUIN's performance doesn't include the killer's effort, so it has to be downgraded?

    Please don't listen to some NA players. 

    Survivors of the red rank of the NA server are only the green rank of the Asian server.

    We would like to partner with the authors of the above quotation as DBD tester.

    He is passionate and knows DBD better than anyone else.

    I want you to make a wise decision.

    From Your Fan in RoK.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    The problem is I like to play both sides.... If I find something unfun on the one side, I try my best not to do it on the other side. Ruin I find unfun, so I don't use it.

    With or without Ruin you can have a match where you are squeezing the biggest turd out trying to win, that when you do, you're still not satisfied.

    So I play for fun... I don't play in the high ranks as killer, cause that ######### gets boring really fast. Some people enjoy playing in the high ranks as killer. The changing of ruin doesn't change that.

    If you were relying on a perk to make the game fun for you... One perk... Then maybe...You weren't really having much fun anyways. Maybe it would be good to find what you enjoy in the game and the level at which you want to play it, and have fun.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    edited January 2020

    Maybe it wasn't the perk itself... Maybe it was being able to down one person before 2+ gens pop due solely to map generation.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Killer queues have been almost instant for like the past month, at least for me.

    Also, I don't expect myself to get 4ks every game, but the ranking system does. No 3-4k = black pip or depip.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Well to be fair the last month times have been better... but I find it gets faster the higher the rank you are. Once I got over the rank 15 hurdle I was getting matched quicker. I also believe BHVR has lessen the restrictions on the Match Making a bit.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    AGAIN. You sound like an entitled survivor main. Even when you say you play "both sides" you discredit your entire argument by admitting you aren't a red rank killer and that you just play for fun.

    That's the problem. You are claiming to be playing the game casually for fun without care of the outcome.

    Newsflash: Not everyone likes to play this way. A lot of Killers like the competitive nature of games, and would like to have some resemblance of balance to cater to this way of playing the game. Not every killer plays the game to cater to the survivor experience. Most of us understand there is two sides of the fence and it SHOULD be balanced for both sides of that fence to ensure that BOTH parties have fun playing this game.

    If you are actually trying to win, as killer, unlike you, It's not fun to lose every other game. Even when you are playing well. It's not fun to lose because of circumstances outside of your control. That's not balanced. That's just BS.

    You are trying to spin this narrative that if killers complain about ruin, they are just relying on that perk. That literally isn't the problem. Its obvious that's not why most people are complaining about the change. It's the underlying issues with the game that is the major issue. The fact that it wasn't addressed even remotely before this change was made, is where the true anger lies.

    It's common sense.

    I don't like ruin either but taking it away was not smart without actually doing something about the real problem behind the perk.

    It sure AF wasn't the emblem system that was the issue.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Edys Nah.. I got my achv. That is the only reason why I ever wanted to get into the high ranks. I've only found killer fun to play after the last year or so.

    Some people enjoy the challenges of high rank play, so I for that reason alone I don't understand why they are upset because of the change.

    Queue times for me as a low rank killer have been brutal the last 6 months, but the last month it has been a bit better... but still not huge enough to where I play more than a match or two a night of it. I mostly just stick it out for dailies and now the Tome Challenges.

    Funny thing though is I dump all my points into killers and have most at P3.

    I mock the high rank killers for the fact they play high rank killer for the challenge and are getting mad once the challenge is presented to them.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Yeah I play mostly survivor. The entitled part I don't understand, cause I don't feel entitled to win. I play for fun... Goof around... I'm a pretty easy kill most nights since I'm usually high or had a few beer when I play.

    I also understand that allot of people play this game for different reasons. Such as myself. I stopped wanting to be a top player and just want to have fun playing the game. So I thought about what makes it fun for me, and I exploit that in my play.

    Like you said... for those who want to play competitive. So... Now it might be a bit more competitive. Are they afraid of the challenge? They are the high rank player... Not I.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    It's not a challenge if you can only win by waiting to get randomly matched with potato survivors.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180
    edited January 2020

    The entitled part stems from your biased views. You are not looking at the whole picture from both sides of things, you are clearly favoring the survivor experience and the benefit of your play-style with this game. Which is fine alone, but, you are advocating against people that actually see problems with this change, you are confronting these people all the while offering little support behind any of it other than what benefits you and your play-style. It's entitled and It's extremely subjective.

    To try and make killers feel less than for pointing out an obvious flaw with this game and how It revolves around the underlying problem with a specific perk. Yet, still being completely biased, Isn't a good look.

    Instead of seeing that side of the argument, you just want to call people bad or reliant on a perk, when that isn't even close to what any reasonable complaint being made on the issue actually is. It isn't that simple, no matter how badly you want it to be so that It fits your agenda with the topic. It doesn't work that way.

    There is a HUGE difference between competitive and challenge, and both revolve around balance. It can't be a competitive game because It's simply not balanced. It is one sided, in favor, of survivors due to poor map design mostly. IMO

    Challenge is another story as well. Stripping things from one side of the game, making things unfavorable for that same side, that isn't challenge, that's just frustrating and unbalanced.

    Gen speed is an issue I think in large part because of how big some of these maps are.

    Either way, there is a problem.

    A challenge is within a balanced construct within the game. That is not currently being offered. It is lop-sided, frustrating, and simply not fun.

    That, again, is using a cop-out to try and justify how unfair this change truly is. It's not a good excuse, there is ZERO reason that the killer players of this game should be the only ones that require skill to play this game at high ranks. That's ridiculous.

    They LITERALLY just removed GREAT SKILL CHECKS from the game because It was "too hard". GTFO. Absolutely absurd.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2020

    I don't think it's about killers wanting a 4K, but more of, I want a fair chance to win.

    If you think it's all about killers, you should check the last few patch notes again, you will see a variety of nerfs/buffs on both sides. 👉👉

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    The very fact that you have the luxury of goofing around is purely a survivor privilege. Unless you're farming along with survivors, any goofing around on the killer's part is basically 4 minutes till all the survivors are at the open gates once you get high enough in ranks. I'd love to have the fun of Scratched Mirror Myers again without having to significantly derank, but that's not in the card for me cause I'm too high up to play that without survivors being able to escape any downs unless they're too busy laughing at me to loop right.

  • FeBLeSs
    FeBLeSs Member Posts: 15

    These all could've been fixed only if they added Normal Match-ups and Ranked ones. Obviously the current ranking system is broken. You just play a lot and you rank up. You can literally be brain-dead and still be rank 1. Because the way to "pip up" or get more points has a lot to do with surviving for a long time. Unskilled or scared players don't run gens or save survivors (literally cleansing totems or searching chests all game) ends up surviving and gets out through hatch or dies.

    (I've been in rank 1 all seasons NA server since I started playing 2018 Summer).

    Some people actually play to get better (both surv and killer), and others just "enjoy" by goofing off and doing nothing. That's why we need to make rank system way harder and more delicate (not just surviving the longest = more points = rank up), and have it separated from normal queues. Queue time will suffer quite a bit, but I assume most "competitive" players will agree, I'd rather play with hard-thinking skilled players than with brainless monkeys.

    I know this is besides the point of Hex:Ruin nerf, but I just can't stand the way developers are doing. They need to have a better game testers or something, because the one they have is Mathieu.

    I'll leave with my favorite quote from the movie, Steve Jobs (2015).

    "Your products are better than you are, brother." -Steve Wozniak