STOP Complaining!!! Take a break from playing killer.

Hi everyone, let me start by saying that I have not used ruin in the past weeks, and we all know how well that goes. We do well against some bags of potatoes, but we get really short games against a half-decent team.

Despite that, I also understand how detrimental RUIN is for most of the killer roster thanks to the atrocious map design in this game (have fun scaring survivors of gens in corn maps or red forest).

I also know many killers won't be affected at all by this change, and I admire these killers for their skill, but the majority of killers seem to be pretty upset, thus the current uproar on the forums.

I believe the biggest problem isn't Ruin itself, but how blatant biased the whole dev update was. Not even once did they talk about the "fun" aspect for killer players.

What about new killers that get looped to oblivion? Are we nerfing all the loops as well? Cause new players can't deal with them. (hell, some are so broken that even good players can't).

What about the fun for the player playing AS THE DOCTOR? uh, guess is an oversight.

With that out of the way, here is my idea.

some time ago, the Anthem community had a weekend OFF, in which players weren't supposed to log in. It was supposed to send a message, that they weren't happy with the direction the game was going.

Did it work? I don't know; but the message was loud enough that even I who never played Anthem got to know about this weekend off.

This is what I would like to propose to all the killers that are considering quitting the game. Just take a break. A whole week break. Play survivor, go finish a game you've laying around on your desk.

If you insist on playing whilst you are this frustrated, you won't have any fun in the game; thus my suggestion.

