Contest Winner Costumes

The people who made the Elephant Clown and Demon Feng Min get these outfits for free right? You're not going to force those beautifully talented people to grind away the Rift to earn the thing they conjured up are you BHVR?
Also, I am vastly disappointed that if I want the one outfit I have been waiting months for I actually have to play the game to get it, I'm taking a break from it so hopefully I'm not depressed from this game by the time this Rift comes out. I know I can maybe buy the cosmetic in 6 months times from this release but gah damn, by then I might have quit entirely; I sincerely hope not though because it's not what I want.
I am vastly disappointed that if I want the one outfit I have been waiting months for I actually have to play the game to get it
Is that not reasonable? Why would you want the cosmetic if you're not going to play the game?
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True but the point is that I have to play at a specific time period and if I don't play and grind within that period then I have to wait even longer to get it. I can buy all the cosmetics I've been missing since I went on break but this specific one I need to play at a certain time for who knows how long or I can wait half a year and hopefully my interest is still in the game.
Basically my complaint is the same one that people had for Event cosmetics, they weren't around to earn them so they couldn't get them which makes sense but hopefully those Event costumes are coming back every time they have that specific event, this is a Rift not an event so it's different. Basically I want to enjoy this costume during a time where I actually enjoy the game instead of waiting 6 months and hopefully when it releases to the public again I am still enjoying it, maybe not. If I had quit the game by the time it gets releases publicly then I won't care about the costume and I would never have used it or added it to my collection because it would then be worthless to me; I'm thinking ahead.
I understand my disappointment is strange and makes no sense but it does makes sense to me since it is my personal problem I'm dealing with. On the lighter side though it looks like the costumes are in the Free track so in a way no one has to buy them to get them which is nice, I just realized that.
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Omg the Lantern is in this 😱 I forgot about the charms, do you know if charms are coming into the shop or not? I haven't been playing for a while but when Tome 1 released I was already kind of burnt out to begin with so maybe I'll feel more energized than I was when this one comes. Thankfully the good stuff is free.
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Where did you get this information from? As far as I know charms will stay exclusive to those who participated in the rift.
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The people who made the cosmetics get them for free.
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It is quite nice to have the possibility to get them for free. And even if not everyone will reach Tier 70, a good bunch of people will and those who dont, will have a few pieces unlocked, reducing the prize for the rest of them significantly.
Especially for Clown,only the Knife is on a really high Tier, so you just need to grind to Tier 39 to get the important Parts.
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I can understand your disappointment. Not everybody enjoys the Archive or has the time to grind to Level 70. And it may be more than a 6 months wait, I'm pretty sure Devs said one year in a post.
Shop skins leave you the decision, you can grind shards for them (without a time limit) or buy them. If you can't complete the rift you'll have to wait for months or pay alot of money (1000 aura cells for the battle pass, 100 for each tier, that can sum up pretty quickly).
If they had put the Community skins in the first Tiers like the Event skins I wouldn't be so disappointed but they didn't.
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I'm almost 100% sure they said charms will remain exclusive. It's the cosmetics that enter the store later, not the charms.
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I almost forgot these existed.
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yup only cosmetics will be in store aftr 6months to a year after riftt close