Do you feel Doctor is stronger or weaker with this rework?

Levitika Member Posts: 230

Do you feel Doctor is stronger or weaker with this rework? 40 votes

Doctor is stronger; ride the lightning!
Aven_FallenFlexmanGabbieBen 3 votes
Doctor is weaker; a shocking outcome.
CamoRangerNoxeriasMiriamGDemiurgOMagic_ManOdfrenchieeemyungAhoyWolfanonymous31337ShinduRin_is_my_waifuEnderloganYTAAAAASirumalDeathBeamJokerPMrWhytetherikoTwinCrowReaper_xx 23 votes
Too early to tell
Mc_Hartydbd900bachzirumioxsmappdoodalunaticliftersnowflake102then4321musstang62TaigaBloodMoneyMercBrucecastro81RagicusPokTistolPimb 14 votes


  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
    Doctor is weaker; a shocking outcome.

    I'm not saying this out of outrage, that's how he is right now, he gets punished for a semi decent power.

  • Shindu
    Shindu Member Posts: 89
    Doctor is weaker; a shocking outcome.

    They should fix a cooldown after shocking.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    Too early to tell

    Rather do more testing for his add-ons, but Confucius say he still need improvements.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558
    Doctor is weaker; a shocking outcome.

    Absolutely, that takes away ALL his chase potential

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658
    Doctor is stronger; ride the lightning!

    provided they look into the Cooldown after shocking.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    Too early to tell

    Right played him enough.

    He's garbage. The only saving grace he has is the Static Blast and even that has issues.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    His power hurts him to use. He's stunned for 3 seconds, while survivors are stunned for 2. I think that the devs will fix this, but you never know.

  • Uncirtyne
    Uncirtyne Member Posts: 2
    Doctor is weaker; a shocking outcome.

    The fact that with non-ptb it takes you ~1 second to switch to punishment mode after using shock therapy before being able to interact again and the ptb 3 seconds of unable to interact after using shock therapy is seen as somehow equivalent is mind boggling, especially considering that the temporary prevention of any interaction after getting shocked is only 2.5 seconds.

  • Reaper_xx
    Reaper_xx Member Posts: 173
    Doctor is weaker; a shocking outcome.

    This what happens when someone from one side doesn't know what they are talking about wanting to change things. Doctor is good the way he is now. Don't understand why people think he is unfair.