You Are Overreacting

Killer main's input: if y'all can't live without Ruin, then you probably need to reconsider how good you are at killer.
I’m not good. I’m rank 15 and just started. I keep getting matched with rank 5-8 survivors who spank me. So what now?
I used to be survivor main but wanted new challenge. Guess I got it.
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just like survivor's who cant live without DS or borrowed time.
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That attitude is how games die.
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Im Rank 1 killer right now, Ruin helps weak killers build pressure, and without it they are even weaker. Behavior took out the "what" without addressing the "why"
Im just gonna past my reply from another thread:
It's the maps and how most killers lack any sort of pressure. You get a larger map as a lower end killer, gens are going to fly by as they will be close to popping if not already by the time you get there because you had to walk for 2 minutes to cross the map.
It's why killers like Spririt or Billy who have that movement speed to build pressure do well on most/all maps, they can play around the size, but legion or clown just get rammed and now that ruin is a best a passing thought, they are even weaker
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Ok lets nerf Dead hard then, survivors rely on that perk way too much. I wonder how they will respond.
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I honestly can’t imagine gen speed at rank 1. Like I stated, I’m getting owned as rank 14 killer at moment and I have no control over it. Feels bad as gens keep getting done. Rank 1 must be impossible as killer and I hope I never rank that high honestly.
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Map control is the most important thing. I definitely think they went too far too fast, but people saying they are gonna stop playing just because of the Ruin change are REALLY overreacting.
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Ruin is used to build up momentum, which every killer lacks at the start at the game by design. Low mobility killers more so than the high mobility killers and by removing this, you're essentially removing a plasterfix for the gen times, bad map design/low mobility of certain killers and the lack of momentum at the start of the game.
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Imma just drop 90 donuts because survivors are probs going to bring 30 toolboxes enough to fix the entire empire state building!
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But Dead Hard isn't even that good. Once the survivor uses it, the killer just has to wait for them to use it. Easy counterplay. Something like Sprint Burst is better in most cases.
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It's simple we don't need ruin just slug everyone that's a way to get a 4k don't complain when killers start slugging
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What if they’re good with dead hard and use it to reach pallets or windows? Not calling dh op but you can’t bait it out when someone good with it uses it.
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Say that to the Nurse.
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Lemme guess. You're at max green rank, and thus, don't require Ruin against your potato groups.
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You never played against people who are good enough to wait for the killer to start the swing animation and Deadhard instantly have you... I've had people Dead hard against me meanwhile I'm literally on top of them and I try to do the quick swing only for them to Deadhard it perfectly and reach the pallet. Sprint burst doesn't let you reach a pallet/window midchase after you make a mistake either
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yep. i can 4 k nearly ever game and NEVER USE RUIN
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Such a shallow comment
Not everyone like playing the meta killers.
Not all killers can teleport across the map to pressure every surv and every gen. Get real, dude.
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same here and i only play killer without ruin.. this new ruin will be so good with surveillance and thrilling tremors and i dont need to kick gens.. how is this not a great change and how doesnt more people realize it?
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Initially I thought this was a horrible idea, but after some thoughts I'm starting to think of unique builds. This also comes from the fact I stopped using Ruin awhile back. On the other hand I know a lot of killers needed this to enjoy the game from the killer side.
So while I think of cool new builds I feel bad for less experienced killers.
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Yes!!!! Because It's so easy to deal with big maps like Red Forest or Rotten Fields without something to slow survivors to work on 3 gens who will be done in 2 seconds!!! Dude, please... Try to be more realistic
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Ruin is simply a good perk and it sounds like it's going to become worse for reasons that seem questionable. If your answer to the complaints is that you should reconsider how good you are at killer then the same reasoning can be applied to the survivors who complain about it and are unable to power through it.
If the change has been done because new players get frustrated then in my opinion the change is more motivated by money/sales. They may be trying to find a middle ground between profit and balance, but I think they are unable to find that middle ground properly.
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Easy there. Speaking the truth tends to hurt people's feelings. They don't want to acknowledge Killers like Fudge and Scorpionz do just fine with 0 game stalling perks in red ranks. And consistently, too.
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Said survivor that runs (insert current meta perk here) and then complains when it gets nerfed I love how surv mains don't get the role that ruin is playing
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I agree 100%. The same thing happens with every update on people read on the forums before testing it out.
Trust me, this is an overreacting and you will be fine.
If you aren't fine and killers and just getting stomped left and right without Ruin, the devs will do something about it. Calm down.
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Don’t be mad when killers tunnel and camp you to death. If you get tunneled to death, you’re just bad at the game.
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You are talking about streamers who play the game on a regular basis for hours and make some money out of it. The game shouldn't be balanced around the best killers and at the same time around the worst potato survivors who can't power through ruin.
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No... theres no room to bait it out if they use it on a pallet or window therefore no counterplay. If you use DH to dodge then your using it wrong. Its literally instant distance with a press of a button, no skill needed
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Good survivors get through great skillchecks and people learn totem spawn points. Ruin is usually gone the first minute of every game majority of the time, and sometimes less. This gives people the opportunity to either A) see how new Ruin synergizes with other perks (like Discordance), and/or B) try new builds out.
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A completely uninformed statement. It holds zero worth, thanks for the troll post.
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Pig kinda doesn't need ruin because she has her own slowdown ability BUT is so easy to deal with her... You're taking one case in particular to justify something who isn't acceptable to other killers. Imagine Umbra or Scott using Huntress without CI or Ruin
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I wanna see survivors here on forum if DS or BT get nerf. That will be hundreds of crying posts. 90% of survivors is using BT and DS so most of survivors rely on these two perks. Like killers rely on ruin.
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You said it yourself; good survivors get through hex skillchecks. If you are going to use streamers as a reference for balance you should take the good survivors as reference aswell, but the devs are doing the oppositte thing; they are balancing around people who get frustrated by the perk; little to do with balance and more to do with money/sales in my opinion.
I know ruin normally doesn't last more than two minutes, but two minutes of denying the great skill check progression bonus plus the time good survivors might waste looking for the totem and cleasing it may be good enough to prevent 3 gens from popping before your first or even your second hook. Besides it's a bit harder to finish a gen with 3 people on it while ruin is still up.
I would approve more the change if hex skill checks remained the same and at least denied the progression bonus.
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Depend on how the survivors are playing and what items are bought in.
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As a survivor main that is rank 4 I can say that ruin wasn't a big problem for me and I agree it's survivor sided unless it can be kept up all game. It reaches it's full potential when there are only a few gens left that are more packed together, allowing for map pressure. Trapper, Hag, and Demogorgan will probably be the most effective at this. Reason being Demogorgan can teleport to check every so often (if survivors don't get rid of the portal, but then you know they're there), Hag will get a notification and most likely teleport there if survivors are stupid enough or don't notice the traps, and Trapper can just trap the hex so people have to close the trap to get the totem. Thrill of the Hunt will also be very useful as well. I do kinda think killers are overreacting a bit but it's a meta perk and we overreacted a bit when balanced got "nerfed" (I prefer the newer balanced I dont get why you guys hate it so much now.)
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You need to reconsider your current job and apply for the dev team then.
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Because, shockingly, Low teir killers have better perks they could be using instead of now having to have 3 dedicated perk slots to get a MUCH shitter version of something that DOESN'T EVEN WORK TO THE EFFECT OF WHAT THEY NEED IT TO.
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They have been. The original DH could be used while standing still, now only works while sprinting, not to mention exhaustion nerfs that affected all exhaustion perks. BT used to protect both the rescuer and the hooked but now only protects the hooked person. But yeah it can be used multiple times now instead of just once. Outside of swf it is a selfless perk.
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Entitled survivor main input: Killers need to git gud.
Entitled Killer main input: You ######### better prepare for an endless slugfest.
Non-entitled survivor and killer main input: Ruin didn't need a nerf at all, it was in a great spot. The problem is green ranks are green ranks and they complain NON-STOP. The devs listen to this entitled survivor-base and change the game accordingly so they don't lose money. This is bad...