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General Discussions

Matchmaking needs fixed before anything else in DBD...

Member Posts: 29
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

"Survivors are matched to a Killer as close to their rank as possible. If the Survivor is playing with a group, the highest ranked Survivor’s rank will be used for matchmaking purposes. (e.g. If a rank 1 and rank 10 Survivor are playing together, the game will search for a rank 1 Killer.) If a match of the same rank is not available, the system will gradually expand the acceptable range until it finds a match. This has a hard limit of 6 ranks above or below your rank. "

Its been nonstop games passed few days versus full red rank SWFs.. this is the 6th game in a row with 2+ rank 3+s in the game.

Post edited by Aesthetiks on

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  • Member Posts: 1,936

    They aren't lying, that's how it's supposed to work but it's currently broken.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    Nope, they deleted that from the patch notes. Probably decided not to do it

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    the 6 rank system is quite possibly the worst thing added to this game

  • Member Posts: 363

    This is one of the reasons why this game is very hard to balance. If a solo survivor playing with other solo survivors or playing with a swf group were forced to have the same rank color has the highest rank in the group and the same color of other solo survivors in the lobby and if killer had to be the same color of the solo survivors or the same color of the highest survivor in a group, there wouldnt be so many red rank survivors. The game would be more balanced and more easily balanced by the devs. 6 rank difference is just too huge. Since the ranking system itself is harder to pip from color to color, the killer should always be the same color as the survivors or highest ranking survivor in a group. The games would be more balanced and not a lottery like they corrently are.

    It's true that it might take longer to start a match but at least most matches would be worth playing. As is, most matches aren't even worth playing because of that rank difference that makes the killer experience very frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 363
    edited January 2020

    One more thing, about the 6 rank limit, it is correct! Notice that the post game ranking system turns out incorrect. Notice that the first survivor is probably a rank 3. At the end of the match if you are a certain rank with maximum pips, it shows up has you being a rank below.

  • Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2020

    possibly probably, it still is a mess... i shouldn't have to face red rank SWFs every match as a rank 9 killer, let alone Legion...

    last images of the night, Im done.. maybe I should literally only play face camper doc so i can get 80k bloodpoints per match and instagrab anyone who comes to save. Atleast this way i would downrank and be able to play normal M1 killers without being body blocked to the hook, hook swarmed, and ran around every map forever

    Post edited by Aesthetiks on
  • Member Posts: 363

    I read somewhere that they took it out of the changes list. I think they will keep showing ranks at the end.

    About the matchmaking, if they did a rank reset (everyone to 20 or an old rank reset like they did up to 2 months ago and changed the rank difference for color (like I proposed), there wouldn't be so many red rank survivors (I probably wouldn't be one or would stuggle a lot to keep it) and so the times wouldn't be as large as you might think. They just had to "start over" because implementing it with so many red rank survivors would be a mess...

    Also, they seem wanting to do complete cross-platform, that would significantly "increase" player base but first they would have to allow consoles to use keyboard and mice and I don't see such implementation in a near future. It is a complex subject by itself.

    The survive with friends ruins matchmaking because of the ranking gap between killer and highest rank survivor of the party. Again, if it were like I propose, the red ranks swf with rank 20s would rapidly go to purple because even with coms, would be very hard to pip aginst a red rank killer if you have rank 15 or 20 in your lobby!

  • Member Posts: 363

    Hate this forum bug of deleting our post on editing... I'll just write again:

    I read somewhere that they went back on that decision and they will keep showing ranks at the end of the match. Seems like it is no longer part of the patch notes.

    As for waiting times, if they did a rank reset like they did until 2 months ago and then changed as I proposed (killers rank always the same color of highest rank survivor and survivors all of the same color), there wouldn,t be as many red rank survivors as it is now and matchmaking wouldn't take as long as you might think.

    Survive with friends is a problem and if at least they did that with swf groups, the red rank survivors paired up with rank 15 or 20 would easily derank because even with coms, the red rank killer would most likely smash them all! As is, you get a rank 2 playing with their rank 15 friends and they do well against a rank 8 killer that might just gotten to rank 8 for the first time and decided to play a certain killer for the first time!

  • Member Posts: 624

    Hey, one of those survivors was me :D

  • Member Posts: 624

    That wasn't even a SWF by the way, it was duo fengs. The claud and I were solo.

  • Member Posts: 29

    duo fengs is still a SWF... 🙃

  • Member Posts: 3,388

    Yes the survivors all pipped so they were probably all on rank 3 at the start of the match so matchmaking was working as intended.

    But a rank 9 Legion having to play four rank 3s, probably SWF and on comms though is just wrong.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Yes it is currently broken. But I don't think it is always SWF you are facing.

    Official statistics they released once showed that across all platforms full team SWF was around 4%.

  • Member Posts: 167

    What a slimy response to a VERY REAL problem! Imagine your survivor que times when all the low rank killers leave. And it's still noticable with rank hidden. Killers are complaining because of the SKILL GAP it's like putting high school football players against NFL players. Try thinking instead of trying to insult less skilled players.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I could give you some of my screenshoots as well, but they basicly look the same

  • Member Posts: 117

    agreed, the old matchmaking was better. Not only red ranks are playing against green ranks killers, but also, with the new reset system i found myself playing against red ranks survivors who barelly know how to play the game or run tiles, with like 50 hrs in the game,

  • Member Posts: 363

    Yep, completely agree, like I said in other posts on this thread and that's also why I gave some ideas how it MIGHT help fixing it a bit.

    Although I'm a main survivor, I've played more killer recently than usual because of waiting times and I got to purple ranks for the first time. I barely ever get a match against purple survivors... is always red ranks and i feel powerless! Since I'm a main survivor It doesn't hurt me as much as it hurts a main killer because I don't really care about rank as killer (and as survivor as a matter of fact, sincve I already got the steam achievement as survivor, rank means nothing anymore). But I wouldn't like to be a purple rank survivor always facing red rank killers so I understand the frustration!

    I see many people say that ranking system needs fixing but in my opininion, it will never be fixed before fixing matchmaking first.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Nah, the sole survivor after the claud and I did all 4 gens by ourselves; when the duo fengs DC'd. Into NOED so the claud took one hit the entire game and died for it.

    Duo is hardly a problem. It's only when you have 3-4 man on comms that it is a real issue in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 363
    edited January 2020

    One more thing, I'm actually glad the OP changed the title os the thread because I completly agree with the new one.

    1. Matchmaking system it the base for almost everything that's wrong in DBD (exception being the bugs that is an ALMOSTcompletly independent problem). Let me elaborate a bit:
    2. Without a good matchmaking system it is impossible to have a good ranking system because there will always be (as things are right now) survivors in ranks way above the rank they should be in (and against me I speak). The ranking system can't be fixed because of that, they can never make a good ranking system with survivors being constantly paired up with killers way above their ranking color. Red rank survivors playing against green rank killers will always result in bad statistical data.
    3. Without a good ranking system it is impossible to balance the game. All the balance changes are just supported by the corrupt data stated above and so it will always be a mess because they are balancing the game around data and personal experiences from, AS AN EXAMPLE, bad red rank survivors playing against good green or purple rank killers or, AS ANOTHER EXAMPLE, bad red rank survivors playing against good red rank killers. Then you get average red rank survivors (that in reality should be struggling between rank 5 and 4, like probably the biggest majority of red rank survivors) that get a rank 9 killer and completly smash them and when getting rank 1 or 2 killers are completly smashed by them and complaint that the killers are just too strong!!!

    Then the balancing changes arrive correcting those mistakes and it loops back to the 2nd point (the bad ranking system point) and the problems start snowballing. And then they will have to loop back to problem 1 (the bad matchmaking system) and put an even bigger HARD LIMIT, so that people can be paired up to get a game because it will be even harder to play has killer and there will be even less red rank killers. And then even more ENTITLED survivors arrive complaining because they have an easy way going into red ranks and consider themselves great players! When I said above that aginst me I speak, I'm rank 1/2 but comparing myself with many survivors I encounter I should be one of those survivors that should be struggling in purple ranks or even between green and purple. I'm not ashamed of saying this because I can self analyze my skills compared to others and thats how I feel my rank should be and the thing is... I get paired up with red ranks that seem even a lot worse than me but ofcourse (everyone can have a bad game and so I can't confirm if they really are worst or just had a bad game... it happens! But analyzing my skills I can so I assume many other survivors are AT LEAST in the same boat as I am. And those entiled survivors will keep complainting and the changes will keep happening and the snowball will keep growing!

    When I get paired up against red rank killers I really struggle to maintain rank let alone pip up! At least I have the decency to recognize that I shouldn't complaint about the killers being too strong because I know that I got to the rank I currently am at because of many matches paired up against a lot less skilled killers!

  • Member Posts: 14

    In purple and red ranks I'v played multiple games in a row vs Boosted Myers in green ranks with yellows as teammates. As the Killers always say, take the L. I can't tell you how many games we have little chance because a team full of potatoes

  • Member Posts: 192

    Nah, it's much easier to just hide ranks.

    Or just not give a ######### about killer enjoyment period, because who cares if the killer gets ######### stomped by survivors way above their skill level?

    The survivors had fun and weren't frustrated so that's all that matters.

  • Member Posts: 10,418

    No lie, I'm a rank 2 killer, had 3 survivors around the same rank, and then there was a rank 20 survivor. He was not in SWF. #########, game?

  • Member Posts: 29

    A person told me to stop playing bad killers, they prolly right..

    But i only play doc, legion and trapper... maybe I should start dumping BPs into freddy and Billy

  • Member Posts: 1

    I am rank 11 killer, the past 3 games I played today was against swf and they were all rank 1 and 2. To say the least I want to pull my hair out because of this game. I'm still learning how to play and have no clue why this game would even make me rank 11, let alone put me against all red ranks. :'(

  • Member Posts: 749

    I disagree. I put up with a ton to play this game. The matchmaking the heavy unbalance, the bugs, etc. I'm not waiting 10+ minutes to play a game. I'll keep an eye out to see if it ever improves but I'm done playing as of now until I can actually get a game without needing to play a game on my switch to pass the time waiting on a game in dbd lol.

  • Member Posts: 29

    its been tragic.. seen a lot of matchmaking imbalance posts from killers and survivors alike.

    Im surprised (not really) that this hasn't been addressed by BHVR

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2020

    One of many examples. Mine is the one crossed out in red.

    Note: I'm playing on Xbox so PTB isn't a thing. That's why you can still see rank.

  • Matchmaking and ranking should be overhauled entirely.

    Anything that would detract from doing that ASAP should be shelved entirely for the time being.

    Every other issue, ruin, gens, toolboxes, everything- Matchmaking and making fair experiences for everyone should be their priority. The only reason it wouldn't be, is if they don't know how, or for more....profit driven reasons.

  • Member Posts: 742

    Aren't they still working on dlc? if so thats bad given dbd's current state

  • They have a lot of people and would have teams handling different things, you have to in order to meet production deadlines. Things like DLC would be passed through a pipeline depending on the stages, people doing the modelling and such or whatever else would not need to be pulled to fix matchmaking; but anyone who can or should be, if it meant halting that- yeah, they should.

    Thing is for $$$ sake I doubt that would happen.

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    It's not broken.

    Most of the higher ranking killers that face those there high ranking survivors don't want to play anymore, because... Well I think we all know what's going on this time around.

    So, the next killers in line, is everyone else. Not enough of the high ranked ones to go around. 1 to 4 ratio, it's unbalanced from the start. There will always be more high ranked survivors to go around than killers. Regardless of if killers want to play right now or not, it's always going to be an issue.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2020

    I decided to check out the forums today because I was really confused. I already know im not the greatest player but I am usually a green rank. All day the last few days there have been ridiculous rank differences in my lobbies be it killer or survivor. Since it was rank reset since the last time I played I haven't had much play time so I was a low rank but in killer matches every time I turned around there was rank 2 and 5's in the lobby left a right. Same in survivor. I played a game while I was rank 14 against a rank 17 killer and there was red and purple ranks in the lobby. At first since there were only one or two I thought maybe there are just a lot of survive with friends with high rank differences but that can't possibly be the case at this point and it is ruining the game for me. Im an ok player but when im a rank 10-15 killer and you constantly keep putting red and purple ranks into my lobby its horrible. I just constantly get toxic people after games. It's always you suck at this game you need to quit. etc. but they clearly shouldn't be in my lobby. I love this game and I tend to put a moderate amount of money into it but Im about to just quit because I cant even have a decent game anymore.

    Post edited by o_Melon_o on
  • Member Posts: 1

    I am very new to this game(less than 2 months), better late than never, and wish I had played it when it first came out. I am getting destroyed just about every game I play. When playing as the killer I’m consistently getting paired against level 2-8’s. The game is over in less than 5 minutes and I’ll be lucky to get one kill. For new players it’s very discouraging for this to happen. A part of a good games success is to bring new players in consistently. The matchmaking the way it is will cause new players to uninstall the game faster than it took to install it. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s my opinion. Hopefully they fix it soon.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I get exactly the same thing with toxic players after the match.

    Ive started hook camping them now just to annoy them as much as they’re annoying me.

    one game they surrounded me and flashlighted me for about 5 mins straight so I left them all on the floor to die. I was lucky that match but normally I can’t do anything and it just gets boring.

  • Member Posts: 89
    edited June 2020

    I'm seriously getting sick of this game. 10 minute waits to find a game and when I do I am against red rank swf teams. This is absolute BS. I think the game should give the ability to see survivor auras if everyone in the survivor party is friends with each other. They get to have extra information that wouldnt otherwise have so why cant we as killers get extra BS information.

    Edit: I am rank13 and cannot rank up because I get one game against people my own rank and then 3 games against red rank swf. This needs to stop. IT is ruining the game for killers.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Newer player. This isn't fun. I just don't even get how this is allowed to occur.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Yeah I'm a rank 13 killer..I bounce around between 12 and 13 actually and I get a lot of red ranks. Some will be red and purple mixed but rarely will I see someone in green.

  • Member Posts: 498


  • Member Posts: 2,697
    edited October 2020

    De-pip all you want, it won't help.😕 This was the last killer match that I played. I won't be playing killer again until the MMR is back up.

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