*literally not even a day or three after PTB is open*

One of the "Devs": sO it iS A g0Od, wE defINitelY maDE tHe rIGht dECisIOn. We are happier, maybe not you, but we are :D
Like how the hell do you say this was a good decision or say ruin is doing well after the PTB being open for a couple of hours? This feels like ghostface all over again.
This update...if it passes with how everything is with little or no changes when it goes live, will literally put DBD into a dark state.
-BHVR survivor bias showing in their developer update post
-Ruin change being brought up out of nowhere with NO warning at all
-Ranks not gonna show even at end game post
-3 second cooldown
-Turning another killers power into a gauge power
-Ruin not being able to work with other perks other then surveillance
-Ruin still being a Hex perk
Have you played the ptb yet? How was it? Tell us everything.
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I haven't seen that quote, but it doesn't surprise me based on the way a lot of their posts have been worded lately. It seems that they are using the PTB to give the illusion that player feedback matters, when they had already made up their mind.
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Ruin still acts the same, gone within a minute or 20 seconds into the match, but now ruin barley gives any benefits to the killer even if you "work hard for it"
And the doctor....well, all he does now is just shocks people, that's about it, the counter clockwise skills checks are not even that bad, looks cool, but easy to deal with
That's really about it, other then you can't moonwalk and the doctor chase music sounds like trash muffed radio sounds
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The seseme Street character new killer you see
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I didn't quote what almo said directly, but it is basically what almo said after before PTB went live
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the post almo tried to clarify the ruin change which kinda made it worse imo
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For reference
Even though this was said when they were doing internal testing, this is still pretty bad and disappointing making a statement like this at that moment even before the PTB was out.
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Whats the point of the PTB then?
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or this...
Yeah its so fun to wait for survs to deactivate a perk so i can use the other *facepalm *
BOOM dbd is dying...
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Who knows, I mean almo has basically said without directly saying that our feedback won't matter since they are already happy with the change
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PTB is pointless and they decided they should just make it live if that's how it is gonna be.
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Honestly it just seems like its preparing you for what's about to go live :-/
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I guess to look for bugs/game breaking issues?
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I mean it will break the game its just not a bug which they will miss anyway because bhvr.
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So basically almo response is "You can't, but you can, but can't" because PGTW can't work if ruin is up, but PGTW can work if ruin is gone but that means ruin is gone. So there is no "however"
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I mean this almo guy just seems to be like a toxic def just like what he told us legion mains. I dont get how people like this can be in charge of changing. Why dont they just play the game themselves and make privated servers since ¨WE¨ the playerbase dosnt account for feedback anymore
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Oh okay, gotcha.
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Hitting skill checks is hard.
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Makes me question how this Almo person even got a position to be a developer lmao.
Apparently. I guess it's hard for people to move their index finger to press a key or M1 to hit a skill check to save their life.
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Yup... on a bad day I can hit over half my hex skill checks, (not paying full attention) and on a good day I can hit most of then depending how lazy I am. Gotta cater to the people who wanna eat/drink while they play though.
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Ruin will go live as it is in the PTB. Any negative feedback will be dismissed. Doc might get some tweaks before going live but the ship has sailed for the perk.
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Wow we are still spitting out this false info.
He wasn't talking about the PTB.
Nowhere in the post did he say PTB.
He was referring to *internal* testing. He was saying they were happy with out the *internal* testing worked.
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Except they still don't iron those out.
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Except no one expects them to listen to feedback at all. There was tons of feedback on the nurse basekit nerf and they ignored it. There is a ton of feedback on this ruin nerf and they will prolly ignore it... so meh
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Why even have a PTB or even forum posts about changes if they are just gonna plug their ears to what their players have to say about it.
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It gives the illusion that they give a #########
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Yeah, because they are known for spotting and fixing bugs that were in ptb promptly.
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Guys , please stop spreading misinformation
They said that they were happy with their INTERNAL TESTS not the ptb.
That post was also written before the ptb
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The cement the fact they are going to do what they want even with feedback. Blizzards little cousin
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Almo is literally a clown.
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It started as free beta testing so they didn't have to pay people to do it but it's slowly become a commercial for the streamers to hype it up and let dataminers show you what cosmetics are coming up. (At least that is how it feels to me)
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How is Almo involved?
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It doesn't sit right with me to single out a person like this. Can you have misread his/her intent with the posts you are referring to? Almo seems like a very wholesome person.
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Lol no. It’s basically what YOU said.
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Lmao right. "These aren't his words, but it's how I interpreted them. You know because they didn't go with my idea"
And like all sheep, players lined up for the free"toxic" (everyone's new favorite word) fodder without checking it out first.
I see a couple of free wills trying to herd the sheep back to the pasture, good luck mates.