A Reasonable And Fair Solution To Hex Totems That Need To Stick Around For Any Value

There are a number of Hex perks that are rarely used. It's not because the perks "suck" either. I'm referring specifically to Third Seal and Lullaby. Ruin rework may fall in this category too. Time will tell. But the reason these rarely see play is because the risk vs reward ratio is off. They are definitely too strong to not be hex perks but if they don't stick around a while they definitely aren't worth being hex perks either.
What I'm suggesting is something of a middle ground. What if the following clause was added to these perks? "The first time the related hex totem is destroyed, if there is a dull totem remaining on the map, this Hex is applied to it." So they would still remain a hex totem but survivors would have to cleanse them twice before they are actually destroyed. This is something that would require actual play testing to determine how fair it really is. But it sounds fair to me. What do you all think?
@Peanits I'd like to hear your opinion too.
Honestly I'm all for it, this PTB has shown me just how much of a problem it is having hex totems. For a perk to be worth it on a hex it has to be really powerful. But then it's a game breaking issue when the totem isn't found and cleansed immediately.
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What about aditionall time of the effect after its clensed? Like bonus 30 seconds.
Or maybe new Hex perk that switches places with another Hex (eg ruin) when that Hex (eg ruin) is clensed and the "new hex" is cleansed instead
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Yes, there is a problem. It's 16 perks versus 4, and the survivors can disable some of those 4. This is a bad game design.
I am not sure how to resolve this. The most powerful killer perks should be hexes - this is fair. However, disabling a hex should be more challenging.
How about making it default that the killer is always notified when someone starts working on a hex totem? TotH would have to be reworked, of course. But I still think that's not enough. Maybe the Entity should block the hex totems for the first 2 minutes of the match? That way even if someone finds a hex totem, they will have to come back for it later. And 2 minutes is not long.
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I like your ideas. Blocking it for 2 minutes would be a nice change and at least guarentee value out of most Hexes instead of risking even getting their effect off ONCE.
And I have always said that 16 vs 4 is a dumb design if they can disable some of the 4 and there are only a few on survivor side that can actually be disabled by the killer.
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And yet with 16 perks, 4 man SWF has just under a 50% survival rate. Funny how that works out despite all the wailing about "swf Op pls nerf"
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I think hexes should just respawn after some time, like 90 seconds or something, and lose all tokens
Seeing how all hexes now take time to get going i don't think this would be so bad
It gives survivors also more to do apart from generators
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And yet the totems get clensed in one minute...
50% rate is high, considering that its almost impossible to pip with a 2k, unless you are playing a very balanced match
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I dig the idea to be honest. Worth testing.
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But those stats can't tell you how many groups weer perfectly fine and gave the game to the killer
or were overly altruistic
or played with their food too much and lost some people along the way
Point is there is a lot the stats don't tell you. All you need to do is experience it first hand and see that yes, SWF ARE indeed a problem.
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Honestly all respawning ideas etc feel kind of bad to me. They take the reward away from the surv when they destroy totems and keep frustration of killers when totems get destroyed early.
One solution that could work and be consistant would be: Make every Hex function like Thrill is right now. Each perk having 5 stacks and getting progressively worse or better as totems get cleansed. This way their worth is much more consistant but still clearly defined. This also makes rainbow map and other totem revealing less of a free win.
Other thing is adding passive effects so you always get some use out of them.
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I hear what you are saying. But I'd think of it differently if I was a survivor. I would think "okay, it wasn't devour hope, thrill of the hunt, ruin or haunted grounds and I get bonus bloodpoints for finding the next totem". Really, if any survivor complains about having to deal with third seal or lullaby for an extra couple of minutes then you know they are just nitpicking.
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I agree about Devour Hope. That is appropriate risk vs reward. Sometimes it gets cleansed before you get any value out of it, but sometimes it absolutely takes over the game. It's hard to say the same about lullaby.