HEY KILLER MAINS!...Thank you ♥️

As a survivor main who dabbles in killer matches, I just want to thank all of you killer mains. The game in its current patch is heavily favored towards the survivors and you are all awesome for giving us games to play despite the one-sidedness. Thank you!!!
Thanks <3
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Wow, this is a strange thread. But thanks i guess.
Btw some killers are really toxic in here. 😂
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I mean, give it time, the ones that stuck around are just gonna get bullied or farm salt.
I appreciate the sentiment but this patch was pretty clear in its intent, the devs don't give two shits about killer enjoyment.
So I'm not giving two shits about survivor enjoyment and making matches as unfun and miserable as possible.
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Personally, I don't think it's too bad in the current patch. But as for the upcoming Ruin nerf, I think we might have a lot less people playing killer if that ones goes through.
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I love you
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You know what the funny part is, survivor enjoyment used to be my #1 priority as killer, so I would refuse to tunnel, I'd give hatch, if more than one person D/c'd Id give the last two as many gens as were left, I would never slug even if it meant getting zero kills.
I wanted both sides to have fun amd enjoy it even at rank 1.
But not anymore because I am not afforded the same. :)
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That's really cool brother and it is noted. I'll make sure to mori you last and give you some extra points if I can <3 ;oP
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Sure thing, bud. 👌
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How exactly is the game heavily survivor favored? Really? Per Devs even a fabled 4 man SWF has average escape rate just under 50%, despite killer mains making them sound like unbeatable legends.
Did ruin get nerfed? Sure. Just like self care and decisive strike and mettle of man and balanced landing and borrowed time were all heavily nerfed. Killers and survivors both have gotten a lot of nerfs, it's hardly one sided.
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You can be the calmest killer and still get treated like a punk. Someone's fun is always gonna be at the expense of another in this game and it shouldn't be like that but certain people kiss ass in this community acting like the game is fine...
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Talk to your boys the devs...
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I still play regardless of how hard the matches are. Sure i lost ruin but the only reason i fight for it is the killers with startup so trapper or hag. Or the killers with little map pressure legion and clown. So i can still play freddy michael ghostface ect.
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You're welcome, but don't get too comfortable... NOED's about to go meta.
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Please, if you see me as survivor, mori me last as well and give me those extra points too... I really have a long way to go grinding wise xD
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We tried.
They didn't give two shits and told us to deal with it.
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no it won't. The InnerFire + HeadOn + Detective's Hunch combo nerfed NOED to the ground. I can't count the number of red rank games I have as survivor where NOED never even had a chance.
Since I've deranked my killer to green and began my mori spree, Of of the few matches that have reached end game, all the totems were gone and NOED was not active. Even without Inner Strength, the good teams will do the totems for points and to do something to avoid working on a gen right away, or at least until the killer find someone else.
Sorry, Mori and some very unfun tactics are kinda all that's left for Killer's.
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I say the same to the poor Killers that entertain the system too.
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A survivor main made a thread siding with and being nice to killers?
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Loool this guy is clearly a killer main trying to disguise as survivor main. Very weak try
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Or they could just be someone whose being nice. Hard to imagine, but some such people exist.
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I'm just simply expressing my gratitude to the players who make these matches possible in the first place.
The new rank reset is a joke. Combo that with the difficulty of pipping as a killer versus the absolute ease of pipping as a survivor (I pipped in red ranks without touching a gen or healing anyone, including myself), the matchmaking has become atrocious. Four matches in a row of 4 red rank survivors with green rank killers last night alone. If I was a killer main, that would discourage me from continuing to play. I'm grateful to the ones who still do.
Empathy is more than a Claudette teachable in the real world. Google it.
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We can only hope for the best
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Sir a true legend here with some actual facts. I'm so tired of these cry baby killers making red rank survivors seem like skill check gods and totem eaters. All those perks have been nerfed heavily but still need to get nerfed. Da fuq again really. Such facts.
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Self care got nerfed because with the proper load out you could conpletely heal yourself during the killer attack cooldown
DS was more of a sideways nerf, as before the killer could dribble and make it not activate at all. Now it activates regardless while also granting a full minute of invincibility. You don't have to be 'tunneled'
Metal of man was purposely way over powered to sell a survivor. (Cash grab) and adjusted (too much). It also got a small buff, probably to where it was always intended to be from the start.
Balanced landing made certain maps unwinnable for many killers. The ones who could deal with it got nerfed (nurse, spirit)
Look at the reasoning for the nerfs. Look at it from a killers perspective when all 4 survivors are running these prenerf perks.
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Really? Funny how DS is still the #1 survivor perk and many still use self care. Sure, they were modified, but not gutted. Any of those perks use a hex totem that can be removed within a minute of the match starting? Nope. Did any of those prevent other perks from working? Nope. Did any of those ignore a specific need for which those were trying to remedy? No.
Not the same thing. Adjustments to perks are fine, when the perk is out of balance with the game. This adjustment was made without treating the underlying cause of why it was used so much. Nobody would care if Ruin was adjusted taking the underlying conditions into consideration, and balancing it, but it wasn't. Ruin was turned into a late game perk, that still relies on a totem that can be destroyed withing seconds of the match starting.
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I'll probably won't use mori in my next match after seeing this.. just the next one :)
(I'm joking btw, i never used mori)
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Good then maybe teammates will start doing totems instead of me having to cleanse all five with detective's hunch.
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You didn't answer my question. How is the game survivor favored at all with 4 man SWF having just under 50% survival rate?
Ds is still beloved because it's one of the few counters to the "your fun is not my concern" tunneling crowd. Self care is used by noobs who get killed sure, good players shun it.
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And you answered none of mine.
I don't know anything about those numbers or if they are even accurate. I'm not the OP that you were talking too. I have no obligation to answer a question to something I wasn't discussing.
My post was about you claiming that this nerf is the same as those survivor nerfs. The Ruin change nerfs the perk while keeping the hex portion that allows it to be removed from the game entirely very early in the game. That didn't happen to survivor perks.
Yes, DS is used as a counter. It still works, right? And it;'s not just used on tunnlers, is it? Ruin is also just used as a counter. Most killers would rather not have to use it. Most would not have care about the change it it didn't remain as a hex that can be removed from the game. A late game perk that rarely makes it to the late game is a poor change. If it had been changed, but remained useful, like those survivor perks, it would not be the problem it has become. As a hex it is not useful.
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We need more of this, I only play killer for the extra blood points or if queues are way better... both sides have flaws, OP perks, toxic things, etc.
But we just need to stop with this Survivor main vs Killer main divide
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The numbers are from the devs Mrs "i have no obligation" LMAO
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i dont care about ruin even though im not a great player:) i can deal with toxic survivors.
But the devs really need to be careful not to upset the cart to much:)
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I think this is a big part of it, it’s not JUST Ruin. It’s all of the nerfs and the wording of their release about this PTB.
I will switch from 50/50 to 100% survivor if it gets too annoying
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Not a Killer main just a shorter que main. Your welcome though.
I think the upcoming chapter will really be a massive failure. I don't think the Dev's give any crap about the killers having fun. They talk about how good some of these Dev's are yet I'm starting to question that.
Either way I hope we fight the good fight until the end. I will play, but mostly I jumped to another game.
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the killer is the victim in this game, the entity brings in survivors to torture the killer
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It's never going to stop when the obvious biased changes keep happening in this game. The BHVR team are literally the ones creating this divide.
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I love the people posting about the nerfs survivors got. It isn't like they were breaking the perks or the perks were taken out.
That being said, I'll still enjoy the game. It isn't like the ruin nerf is going to make playing killer impossible. Just going to be a learning experience to get used to the changes
That being said, thank you for the sentiment post and not an us vs them kind
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What are you even talking about? This was completely not needed. I know why all these got nerf been playing from the beginning since killers weren't able to kick gens. Insta gen brand new parts and etc. I love the state of the game now for both sides.
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And sir when the fudge were you able to heal during the killer attack cooldown........... you do understand the killer attack cooldown is only a second or two. If you mean during chase's and while looping then yeah that still happens. But plz explain that lmao
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What I was saying is I 100% agree with what mr Vincent said. I know they got nerfed I just find it funny people still complain that ds still needs another nerf and survivors in general. Killers make mistakes. Survivors makes mistake. Nobody takes this into account.
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I never really understood why some survivor mains were mean/toxic to killers when that person was the reason they could actually play a game. In a game like this, that toxicity will drive away an already small crowd of people that is required for a match. Then they'll complain about queue times and ask, "Why does nobody play killer anymore?"
Anyways, I do appreciate your thread, OP.
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Maybe glitch? I don't know but I read somewhere on here you could fully heal in like 4 seconds with selfcare
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No, that was legit what self care used to be like with botany knowledge and we'll make it.
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Glad I didn't play back then. I started off playing freddy last year lol
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I started the game last year as well. But I think it's funny how survivors bring up "look at how self care was nerfed." Well, yeah because it really needed to be nerfed. Imagine trying to down someone who could heal themselves in about 2.4ish seconds.
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You could even look at dark times part 1 and 2 by TydeTyme. Dead by daylight was a waaay darker place back then
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The people who play 50/50 also deserve a thanks
They have to suffer through every single nerf D:
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Watched them too when i was trying to learn nore about the game. It was kind of crazy.
I play around 50/50 but i started as a killer so try as i might I know i am still somewhat killer sided. Mainly because I know what killers get pit through.
The nerfs to exhaustion perks, self care, +10 seconds to overall gen repair time. It seems like these were needed to make killer viable in the game. The alternative would have been to buff killer to insane levels.
Mettle of man was broken on release, most survivors will agree to that i believe.
And yes balanced landing got more of a sideways nerf then anything. No other exhaustion perk had continuous effects. It makes sense to me.
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You´re Welcome I guess lol