BHVR, Killer players are paying customers too

Killers are not played by A.I.s or people paid to be there for the enjoyment of survivors. They are people who bought your game, the DLCs, cosmetics, and rift pass. Perhaps it might be a good idea to view balance chances from their perspective as well.
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Nah, gotta be lies.
Everyone knows killers are just A.I baby sitters there to change survivors pants when they ######### themselves.
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Heresy! Burn the witch!
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Thank you for reminding me of this word. It requires far more usage.
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Enough of the tomfoolery, good sir.
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You just gave all the devs hives.
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not nearly as much as survivors. they're buying way more due to the fact they can see their cosmetics. anyone playing the game can see that. Incredibly, they especially like buying the brightly colored cosmetics that make the game harder for them. So it's not surprising they're destroying Doc and Ruin specifically to make the game easier for new survivors, in their own words.
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In low ranks the game is balanced pretty well. And that is the majority of the player base.
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You're not wrong. The problem is they are ignoring the killer's perspective altogether.