Being toxic can be fun

I go out of my way not to be toxic in this game, theres too much toxicity already....but its mostly from the survivor side. I have only ever seen a couple of toxic killers (may have all been pigs actually, imagine that) but have seen countless toxic survivors. And it sucks when youre messing around with survivors you could have easily killed for the sake of not being a ######### and they taunt you and send hate mail. So with the new ruin change I thought now would be the perfect time to be toxic! And Ghostface is the best t bagger so obviously I had to play him
Then the first game I go into someone asks to me go easy on them and long story short I ended up letting the whole lobby go and we all butt danced together lol
BUT my next two games were extremely toxic, I brought a mori to both but it was because a guy caught my eye, not gonna say why. You could probably figure it out tho lol
So I got his ass easily lacking in a corner, t bagged him for a minute straight, hooked him, t bagged some more gave him a wack on the hook and then downed him again, brought him to the top of the shrine, t bagged a little more in front of his friend, then got out the camera and moried him. Then I went for one last T bag. The party invite followed soon after and as I expected homophobic and racial slurs followed and it was ######### hilarious lol. Although to be fair he said I was lucky he wasn't on his red rank account.
Called it a night after that, got back on tonight and had a challenge for leatherfaces. Then I see someone else that catches my eye and for some reason......the mori came as swiftly as hate mail. For this one I put the little emoji with a turban in my response and that just set him tf off. He told me to go back to my ######### hole country, called all muslims ugly terrorist, talked about how theyre all gonna die and how I actually lost because, and I quote "You are muslim scum im white and Christian so I WIN👌" a black satanic Texan lol. It literally only took an emoji to set him off on this rant 👳 he ended the convo by spamming the name of a certain political figure he admired
So yeah both of those were hilarious and I really enjoyed the dark side, the problem is most survivors aren't toxic and you never know when youre going to get one, its like 1 in 5 chance. No idea how I got two games in a row like that lol
Dont be a #########. Its not cool to bully someone because of their beliefs or opinions unless their outwardly hateful, no matter what they are or how much you disagree. That's a new level of toxicity. Now there are some people where you can just look at their name or pfp and tell theyre a #########, and you know what.....its pretty fun to make them rage. I highly recommend it lol
I know. Saltiness makes me want to play more killer
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I think it actually takes away from the enjoyment most of the time, like Ill think we just had a really good game and rather I killed them or not ill send someone who did really good a "ggwp" but half the time theyre already sending me a message telling me to go ######### myself and how im trash. Win or lose it doesn't matter the reaction is normally the same
But when they deserve it....yeah that salt is pretty sweet lol
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Exactly. I used to talk seriously with salty people, but after some time I realised that they just wanna be annoying, so I started to say for these people only "gg ez get reckt"
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I am training myseful to play without ruin and experiment with being devious.
I am avoiding getting into chases, I do now identify baits like progressed generators, hooked survivors and so on.
Using noed and insidious. Camping and tunneling. It is fun. Gonna try mori next time with all the rest.
All games get 3-4 survivors at endgame. Only noed and bbc and demo teleport saves the day.
The devs will unleash a new monster with that ruin nerf...
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Use Ruin it’s OP apparently.
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Black satanic texan? I'm intrigued
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What would it matter if that guy was on his Red Rank account or not? He still would've got t-bagged and Mori'd. So that was a very hollow threat just trying to make him sound big and bad. And the other story gave me a laugh. Too bad Survivor mains can be [Bad word]s.
I don't play the game enough to really say for Killers, and since I play Killer/Survivor at a rate of about 7 games to 3.
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Legit since they announced the patch I've been only playing toxic.
Iri heads and infantry belts
Bleeding suvivors out after slugging all of them and then mori'ing them.
I used to put survivor fun at the top of my priorities.
Not anymore. :)
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So... how are the small animals in your neighborhood doing?
This must just be immersive backstory for an upcoming killer.
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I said the same thing and mocked him in a whiny voice and actually got a laugh out of one of his friends lol. Still got kicked tho
LaVeyan btw lol
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Im mainly a survivor, but there will e that moment when I get pissed. One game I had a nice Ghostface. When we were down to one gen, I decidedto butt dance with him.We crouched around the map for the reminder of the game. After letting me get hatch, he sent a friend requedt. I accepted of course. A survivor in the end game chat called him trash for not being able to kill anyone. I told him we screwed around for over half the game. Didn't listen though. Kept calling him racial slurs and homophobic slurs. I played a few survivor matches with the Ghostface, now a Feng. The desicion to play killer was random but I had luck. The same guy who was an ass ended up as one of the survivors! Brought a mori just for him and let everyone else escape! Dont be a ######### people!
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Chaotic neutral
But fr that's what up. Toxic survivors suck, I wish them nothing but game. Because that's where they suck, in game. When you start talking about slurs or like personal hate messages that's not being a toxic gamer, its just being a ######### person. Some people really cant tell the difference
One of my first experiences online was playing Red dead on 360. I was in middle school, my brother was like in 5th and he calls me in the living room and theres a group of grown ass men calling him a ######### and ######### on the mic while killing him over and over. My dumb ass gets on the mic trying to figure out why they were mad lol, you can guess how that went. Nowdays its whatever idgaf outside of the game either way but not everybody got thick skin like that, and a lot of people use video games as escapism. So when people get on there telling them their ######### because their black or gay or whatever that's really just some pussy ass bullying because you know theres no chance of you getting beat the ######### up
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My fav is when you let the survivors go, drop them to let them squirm off and down all of them and let them go and they tell you what a terrible killer your are.. Galaxy brained survivors. I'm a survivor main and I agree there is way too much toxicity. I have had toxic killers but pretty rare And usually because they are pod at survivors juking em etc. So sick of toxic survivors tbh.
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Love them keyboard warriors.
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I had to get high to realize what you meant by galaxy mind lol, like the meme
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You put your fun first, not the survivors and you know it. Don't try and justify playing like an ######### just because a perk was nerfed. That's pathetic.
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Hmm... Salt... Sweet? I cannot make connection. Salt is salty.