The "Chainsaw Bros" are next!

Giving love to the Nurse, the Doctor and "The Chainsaw Bros" was mentioned in a stream not so long back. I know they "gave love" to the Spirit before her time but the first two are pretty much done now.
What are we hoping for or expecting from these reworks?
Leatherface: Making him more unique. Especially his Add Ons, they are either useless (Chili Add Ons, which are even the one for the Character) or simply Copy&Paste from Hillbilly. Change to his Chainsaw Mechanic so that it works like Hillbilly (automatic start when fully charged), less Slowdown when revving.
But mostly Add On Rework, all of them would be great.
Hillbilly: Only Nerf/higher Rarity to Tuning Guide and Nerf of Cooldown Add Ons, because missed Chainsaw Hits should be meaningful.
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I have no idea. Hopefully they actually mean love and not nerfs? both the bros are incredibly easy to loop. LF has zero map pressure and a huge terror radius. Running sprint burst alone and being smart makes it hard for him to get anything going.
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Speed limiter base kit
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If you nerf cd addons billy will never get anyone as 99.99999% of the time you will reach a window or pallet.
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- Leatherface base buff (increased movement speed whilst charging chainsaw or something)
- Leatherface big addon rework, lots of useless ones that could be made to do something
- Leatherface perks are fine
- Billy base untouched, apart from trying to fix his false chainsaw hits which they have failed to do for 3+ years
- Billy smaller addon rework, some are bad/uninteresting and could be changed, and they should nerf his charge time and cooldown addons imo
- Billy perks are mostly fine, maybe Lightborn should be reworked? It's not the worst thing having super niche perks though
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They are on a binge
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You're not meant to miss :p
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Guys remember, it's just an addon rework, meaning they will somehow get their basekit changed and will somehow get power bars.
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Spoiler: They will nerf hillbilly AND LEATHERFACE(remember they nerfed legion) to make their basekit less frustrating for bad survivors.
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Remember, Nurse was "mainly" an addon rework too. They will tweak the base powers. I think Bubba will have his base power buffed.
Edit: I will learn to read before replying!
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Bubba needs a buff to make him more enjoyable for both sides and billy just needs a nerf.
if you really look at billy he is the strongest killer bc of his ability to be the fastest killer in the game and also the strongest killer having the ability to just 1 shot whenever he pleases and before people say he takes skill to hit with his chainsaw are you considering how bad hitboxes are and how there is no punishment for missing like how legion,nurse,oni,demi, and huntress all have a cooldown on a missed attacked.
they could do many things to change him but imo he needs to Be punished more for missing and not be able to just rev his chainsaw right away after a miss or a hit but thats just one thing i think could make him more balanced
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I won't be surprised if they add a recharge time on the chainsaw.
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You mean: nerfs and more and more cooldowns
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I hoped for Nurse buffs, Doctor buffs, Leatherface buffs, and Hillbilly nerfs.
I expect only nerfs.
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Hillbilly will have to hit survivors to get gas for his chainsaw and then he can use his chainsaw sprint. But his gas tank springs a leak when he picks up a survivor so he has to hit people again......
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Leatherface chainsaw and tantrum will no longer down survivors in the injured position because we've established that it's really freaking annoying to go against.
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Based on the doctor rework?
Just to move some numbers around and call it a good change and then saying their numbers are bugged on the ptb
Based on both reworks?
Cooldown city
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In all honesty, they will put a cooldown on billy's sprint. Then give him a max range on how far he can run. Maybe increased TR while sprinting and decreased while walking?
Leatherface will get a complete rework like multiple survivor hits will just inflict deep wounds or something. They'll probably make his chainsaw glow really bright so insidious is useless on him. And then if he misses his chainsaw hits, he just sits down and cries or something.
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Can u remeber, when they mentioned, they r gonna change just the addons of the nurse? IF they touch her, than slighty adjustments to her basekit.
Maybe Billy also gets his cooldown ?
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Hillbilly will depleat his chainsaw and will have to wait for his charge to recharge until he can use it again
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Oh gee, oh boy, am I ever looking forward to how they're gonna jam Deep Wounds into this somehow.
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Without add ons, Hillbilly is super balanced, I think he just needs a look at his add ons.
Leatherface does not need a rework, just numerical buffs, like how fast he moves when charging and chainsawing, maybe extend the range??? He needs a massive add on rework.
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If LF gets updated/reworked maybe they can get him some more outfits, there's interesting options...
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Expect both of them to have a power bar, and all of Billy's best addons will be turned into memes. They'll both probably need to pick up gas cans near generators or some ######### to recharge the power.