Which remaining licensed character without cosmetics do you want to get some?

These 4 poor souls haven't had any outfits released for them yet. So it begs the question. Who do you guys want to get cosmetics the most out of the 4?
Which remaining licensed character without cosmetics do you want to get some? 62 votes
The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)
bill has a sweater
Cannibal has faces
quentin can't fix his ungodly face with makeup
freddy cool
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Quentin Smith
I meant proper outfits not separate cosmetic pieces :/
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The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)
oh well I'd still go nightmare. all are good choices though
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Quentin Smith
Sackface for the win.
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Quentin Smith
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Quentin Smith
Swimsuit Quentin.
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The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)
I know there's copyright issues w englunds Freddy, but what about a skin for pre-burnt Freddy? You know, his human form that he CAN shape shift to?
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Quentin Smith
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Quentin Smith
Believe it or not, a lot of people get scared more being chased by a regular looking guy than someone that looks like Wraith as an example. A normal person just feels more realistic and more unnerving.
So yeah, pre burnt Freddy. It's from the remake, it can happen. If they can manage to change his weapon from the glove to an actual small garden rake he could work.
How about Freddy completely set ablaze. A burning Freddy chasing after you eh? That would be awesome too 😂
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The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)
Yeah, that would be cool, but the burning Freddy would stick out like a sore thumb. They'd see you coming half way across the map. Lol. And nah, I keep his glove. Same attire, just human. Maybe give him the tan overcoat but leave it unzipped so you still see the iconic sweater. It'd be funny if you could lay rakes down like trappers traps though and get the 3 stooges effect on survs. I think I would die laughing tho. I'd never win, I'd just be setting up rakes non-stoo everywhere and enjoying the laughs. I already do that with trapper. 😂
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Quentin Smith
😂. I mean let's be honest about a burning Freddy. There are many outfits that both sides have that are already in the game that make them stand out like a sore thumb. What harm does ablaze Freddy do if he happens too? Lol.
Pre burn Freddy would probably get like:
Pre burnt face
Pre withered sweater (the one we have in game now is dusty and has several burn holes)
First prototype claw?
Burnt Freddy:
Burning scalp
Burning gardener's clothes
Burning claw
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The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)
I think Freddy and Quentin should both get cosmetics but I main Freddy so I'd rather see him get cosmetics because then I could actually use them.
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The Cannibal (Leatherface)
I bet it's easier for bubba to get cosmetics than Freddy and Quentin.
besides, bill has a chrismas sweater, don't you think he'll get more?
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Quentin Smith
Yes I think Bill will get more but I didn't count his sweater because I mean proper full new outfits, not a separate piece.
Lionsgate own Bubba and the SAW franchise. Seeing as Tapp and Pig are getting quite a few cosmetics I think Bubba will definitely get some soon.
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Quentin Smith
I main Freddy on the killer side too so I'd love some Freddy outfits
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The Cannibal (Leatherface)
Until "The Cannibal" doesn´t get his Pretty woman skin I will no be happy... Oh c´mon it´s the next logical step in terms of licensed content.
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Quentin Smith
Lionsgate own the TCM rights and SAW rights. Tapp and Pig have got several cosmetics it won't be long until Bubba I'm sure. They're probably just finishing off the deals.
Leatherface has a lot to go with
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Quentin Smith
I voted because of you papi
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Quentin Smith
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Quentin Smith
But r u ok?
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Quentin Smith0
Quentin Smith
I thought not
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The Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)
Please give more faces to Bubba (i did a suggestion post about that lmao)
but Freddy is the only one that doesnt have ANY cosmetic except his Prestige. Tho it will probably not happen as it seems the rights for Freddy are the hardest to get, since even Laurie and Shape got cosmetics, but still not Quentin and Freddy
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William "Bill" Overbeck
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William "Bill" Overbeck
You are welcome for that picture xD
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Quentin Smith
When they eventually rework Cannibal, they should add all the original survivors as potential head skins for his cosmetics, they are so creepy looking!
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Quentin Smith
They all need them, but it was a pretty close pick between freddy and quentin
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Quentin Smith
He's really the only one that needs cosmetics...and a face-lift. Quentin has a cute baby face in the movies so.
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Quentin Smith0
Quentin Smith
Pls behavior I beg of you...face-lift Quentin.