Dedicated servers in ps4

Hello to all members
As soon as the dedicated servers entered the game the waiting time is up to 15-20 minutes...what is going on?do you think this will destroy than fix the game?
Thnx a lot
Mine's got shorter 🤷♂️
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The only waiting time for me is when playing survivor. Im in red ranks and usually get low rank killers that is kind of lazy.
When playing killer, the waiting time is usually almost instant. Less than a minute.
I think more people play survivor rather than killer, because it is much more chill in my opinion.
I have been playing killer more lately, because I have bought Freddy. It have been a lot of fun. But I hate when survivors just run as soon as they see me to not get hit.
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There's been zero change for me. Much smoother game play, though.
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shorter??? aaaa lucky one !!!mine takes over 20-30minutes and i'm survivor main
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I'm rank 1 solo survivor main and the game is unplayable for me because of waiting time.i just hate to wait so much...yea the matchmaking is not working i agree but sometimes they are swf
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The change for me is that from 150-200 ping i play with 70-90 but with lots of spikes...
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Are you wifi or hardwired?
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hardwire...never connect with wifi
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That's weird, sorry :( In a couple games I have rubber banded for like 10 seconds but that's really the only problem I've had since the change
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Then play killer, and when you get tired of killer go back to survivor.
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you think that's the point?to switch just because the game is not correct.I don't think so.If the provlem continues i will just stop playing the game
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Waiting times are longer, but I've had no actual issues in the game so far which is good.
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Only Crossplayer can fix lobby query time.
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Wait times for Survivors at high ranks and SWF is just bad at the moment. It's not really due to servers, it's the fact that so many survivors play with friends and they get matched with Killers based on the highest rank in the group thanks to the somewhat recent changes. Solo wait times are also bad since there is such a higher population of Survivors looking for games, while Killers are lesser in number and get wait times from ten seconds to maybe one minute at the most.
But as far as gameplay goes, the connections have been exceptional.
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the only problem for me is the distance that the killer hit me..i have many videos making a hit from way down town
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I don't think this is the answer..if cross come in the game then the pc players will have the advance
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Between consoles!
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If they can get fps to at least a consistent 60 for console we'll do just fine playing against the master race xD also not "needed" but controller sensitivity bein turnt up would finish closing the gap if fps was rockin'. :)
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I never saw a difference instant to almost instant killer lobbies and 2-5 min survivor lobbies
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when I play with my friend it takes about 10 minutes, shorter when I play alone :/
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I haven't seen a difference in wait times, at least not when I'm solo queueing or playing killer. The matchmaking did change for SWF's though. The only difference I've found is that sometimes I'll get hit from a mile away, or that my frames sometimes go to s*** when I'm playing Doctor.
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Taking away killers ability to restart the queue time by lobby dodging has been the single best part of dedicated servers. We need more remedies to community toxicity like this in 2020.
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How is a killer lobby dodging 'toxic'? Game hasn't started. He hasn't insulted anyone. We need to ban the word toxic.
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Killer queue is almost instant cuz almost no one plays killer, don't know why but ok
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Pros: My queue times as killer are really short.
Cons: Can't grab. Goes through the animation on my side then stops when the survivors is suppose to start their animation. They instead just run away while I don even get a hit.
Haven´t played survivor yet so I can´t comment on that.
EDIT: Spelling
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i agree for the time as killer but as survivor we talk about 30 and more minutes for every game
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60 fps in ps4 is almost impossible
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i'm main survivor and i have to switch to killer cause queue time i agree it's instant. But that's not the answer
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My games seem to take about the same amount as before dedicated I play with my gf and we’re both red ranks so it’s like 5-10 minutes. I’ve noticed my ping has been at a steady 30-35 though. It’s never been that low which is nice lol.
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As a killer yes i agree. But as survivor queue times are much longer and the hitboxes some times are out of this world. 3 meters away from the killer and the hit connect
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aaa OK maybe yes.I'm ps4 player and i don't know how popular the game is on other consoles.From many streamers (noob3,monto,puppers)and others i know that in switch is just terrible
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The queue times have not changed much for me since the dedicated servers started. Killer is almost instant and survivor I wait around 5 to 10 minutes. I just get a bit of reading in while waiting on queues.
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You must be a low rank survivor or something because I don't wait that long
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before rank reset i was lvl 1 my friend
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Me too
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a bit of reading or you finish all lord of the rings and hobbit together...
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Majority of the matches feel crisper, but def very long queue times. The only exception is going against The Huntress, getting struck through walls and barriers every match with her. I watch her toss a Hatchet and it flies way off course but still hits behind a wall.
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I finished War and Peace between matches last night.
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Look it's not about that kid it's about fun and who cares if killer on pc has advancements how many games you see with crossplay have a keyboard and mouse setup for Xbox and ps4/pc? Most of the time they have mouse and keyboard if they are gonna crossplay with all platforms but even still bruh the game would not only be better but the game would be more fun because you would be mixing it up and you could play with friends that play on PC , Xbox and PS4 . But if ur solo then idk if you like playing solo and don't care then keep playing solo. But still PC won't have that big of an advantage when it comes in this game. All it will do is help the game and make the game better. In my opinion that's what I think.
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Blame dedicated servers my guy. And u should really play survivor more if you are one of those killers mains that disagree with everything survivors say. But I'm neutral I play both sides. Between killer and survivors there both cool to play and have a different side. Ones chill and ones serious and sweaty. So if you are looking to be a sweat for a round then play killer guys! Nah actually don't play killer that sh*ts as
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you make a mistake...i agree crossplay with other consoles..there are many advantages in pc..fps for example. the frame drop in consoles is terrible.if you are console player you have to know that
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the game is unplayable...over 45 minutes to find a game in ps4...this is just wrong..garbage's like "friday 13"..the game is going to die in ps4 or there will be no survivors
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This happens to me all the time. Also when i down a survivor, they are usually not down where i hit them. They usually teleport a meter or two away. I end up looking like a fool trying to pick them up where they should be when they aren't lol.
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Que Times are very long for me as Survivor and I usually get Killers lower than my rank, for Killer they're almost instant and I usually get paired with Survivors that are way above my level. (Red Rank Survivor, Green Rank Killer).