Trapper should start with his traps.

As you know the trapper has to look for traps around the map, but a lot of time is lost looking for them, in what you look for and place 2 or 3 traps already repaired a gen, why not do it that carries all your traps in his hand?

pls comment your opinion


  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    It would not be very balanced.

    However, starting with 3 traps right off and then needing to go get 3 more laying around (making six) would be better and much more balanced.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Because he would be too strong this way :). Keep in mind Trapper mains were doing alright all this time with worse map balance, rigged pallets and much longer trap set up time and much lower trap disarm time.

    I think that he should be able to carry 2 as a base (start with one but beeing able to carry two). Trapper sack would just grant one more trap in hand at the very beggining.

    Right now +1 trap is a must have for trapper and you are left with one addon slot. If not killer is at huge disadvantage, even with both good addons.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030
  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    @underlord99 Its literally his best addon. No.

    @12powak @Colton147 I think it would be too stong. Grab stitched bad and iridescent stone/tar bottle and you can place 5-6 op traps in one area in less than 20 seconds. If killer spawns bear basement its instant win.

    Be reasonable guys, not beeing able to carry more than one at a time is the biggest issue and time waster. Giving him one starting slot more isnt op because he still have to collect them but doesn't have to run back and forth one million times. It opens up more builds and is reasonable.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I agree. His name is Trapper, after all, not Trapfinder!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited January 2020

    mind explaining why?

    cause i dont see at all how this would be "too strong".

    you would literally just be able to get your setup done before 2 or more gens pop. thats it.

    trapper is the only trap based killer who does not start with all traps in hand, he is the only one who can not carry them all at once, he is the only one who cant place endless traps (deleting the first placed), he cant use his traps mid chase very efficiently, he is the only one whose traps can be disarmed without any extra tools, he is the only one whose traps can be destroyed and he is the only one who instantly has a map wide giveaway that its him in form of beartraps lying around.

    also, all the others have 10 traps base, trapper can, with double extra trap add ons, barely reach 9, basekit 6.

    and yes, while his traps are deadlier, they are also 100% RNG reliant. ive had ppl escape from a trap in the time i vaulted the window they previously vaulted.

    it would certainly not be too strong to allow him to have 6 (9 with double bag add ons) traps at the beginning of the trial ready to place.

    so thats my opinion, please share your arguments. i am really interested to hear them.


    <-- rank 1 Trappermain (~3k hrs) - just so no one is gonna tell me that i am "just a bad trapper" and "had no idea what i'm talking about".

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    His best addon is the purple bag. Proove me wrong.

    In fact, any bag > any other addon

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    Make brown sack addon base kit and make his traps spawn opened and closer to gens and pallets so they dont just spawn in a random corner in the middle of nowhere

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089
    edited January 2020

    Agree.Bags (in rarity Order)>Tar Bottles>Setting Speed>Honing Stone>Bloody Coil>Rest

    The fact that you basically get a Bag nearly every time shows that he needs more Traps. I would be totally fine with having all Traps at the start with the Bags increasing the number of total Traps.

    This would also give more options for Combos, because one Perk Slot would not be needed to be a Bag. Like one of my favorite Combos is Honing Stone and Padded Jaws, to get a lot of STBFL-Stacks. But what is the problem? I only have one Trap. Or, when I want to be a little bit more casual, using Bloody Coil and the Oily Coil for extra long Disarm, which just injures them. Sounds quite funny, right? There is one problem tho... Only one Trap.

    Having all Traps would also not make him OP at all. They can still be disarmed (and need to be set again), they are still pure RNG because the Survivor can escape on first Try and they still need to be collected after they are not useful anymore. Positive Side effect: You dont know right away that the Killer is Trapper, because one of his Traps is lying around next to you.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    @Mister_xD Yes it would, having many traps in one spot is the best strategy there is. You can achieve this but that is 4 maybe 5 traps, if one spawned here aswell, in one spot without any strong addons (because using 2 bags already). If trapper could pull this of with tar or autotraps arround basement in 20 seconds with corrupt Intervention on so they have to come to you...

    If you really main trapper i don't get how you don't see ridiculousness of demanding 3 traps in hand as base kit.

    Trapper is area control killer, better than Hag even but he pays for it with time to set up.

  • 12powak
    12powak Member Posts: 15

    I Agree with your comment for that reason i shared this post...

  • 12powak
    12powak Member Posts: 15

    trapper if you need to have all the traps in your hand, I can't go from one end of the map to the other looking for traps and placing them, while I do that the generators are repaired, and it would not be strong just put it in comparison to a freddy who places traps while going walking

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited January 2020

    You guys can dream on, because Trapper is already most played killer and devs will never overbuff him.

    Isn't it better to preach for small but super helpful change that actually have chance beeing implemented?

    @12powak don't you see difference? Freddy traps help securing one hit, maybe. Trapper's is almost guaranteed hook.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Trapper is the most played Killer, because he is the guy on the advertisement. Also he is the Killer you get to chose by Default AND play in the Tutorial.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    trappers area of effect is much smaller than hags and his traps need to be placed much more precisely. hag has easily the superior area defense, therefore her traps arent as strong as his.

    having all 6 traps in one area means that anything outside this area is safe for them to loop you on and thats where they will run off to. also, survivors can easily disarm your traps with a little map awareness.

    and again: this is already a strategy many aim for. the only difference is, that they wouldnt lose 3 gens in the process of setting this area up. the result would literally be unchanged, as you eigther get to place a setup around the 3 gen of your choise fast and then start hunting or place it slow and then defend these 3 gens, since they are the only ones left at that point.

    they would still need to go through the exact same work to get these gens done, there would still be 6 traps placed around them.

    everyone agrees that trapper has a too long setup time. but allowing him to make a quick setup is suddenly overpowered?

    when literally any other trap based killer can do the same with traps that are a lot easier to use and not disarmable by default?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    and dont forget that when they released these stats the Trapper tome was out, which required you to eigther play as him or use his teachables.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    No. It will annoy the poor survivors

  • 12powak
    12powak Member Posts: 15

    literally trapper don't need buffs or something else just put all traps in his hand and that's all.... cuz lost a lot time looking for traps.. :)