The First Rift Has Closed - How Did You Find It? (Community Survey)



  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm going to be looking at "average" from a mathematical perspective. So if more than 50% of players managed to finish the Rift, ideally without buying tiers, I would call that "completeable by the average player", or at least by the average survey respondent.

    There were no DLC characters or perks required for the challenges in the first Tome. There will be for the second Tome, but the levels are intentionally designed such that you can complete everything else in the Tome without needing to do any of the character-based challenges. Having said that, I think that the fact that there are still about two tiers' worth of Rift progress locked behind those challenges is a problem and puts new players and those who can't afford to buy the characters at a disadvantage. So I hope that's something they'll consider revisiting in the future.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Ah. Some of those DLC ones I saw may have been for dailies. Still, there were specific perks required for some of those challenges, which makes it hard for newer players. Having to spend your blood points to level up characters to unlock perks you don't really want is not a lot of fun.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah. They do make sure that all perks required for challenges make it into the Shrine at some point while the Rift is open, but as you say, people still have to spend the bloodpoints to level up the characters and hope they get lucky with the perk.

    I agree as well that it puts new players, who don't necessarily have the shards or bloodpoints to spare, at a bit of a disadvantage, which isn't a very welcoming precedent to set. Personally, I think it would be a better idea to make the relevant characters, equipped with their unique perks, freely available for a limited time while the Rift is open. It's a change I'd like to see in future Archives, but unfortunately I think it's a bit too late to implement it for the next one.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    the new ice hag? It does look good! Better than Haggage.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's the one! It looks great 😀 I didn't even realise it was a recolour at first.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Looking at the results so far, a lot of people who didn't manage to complete the Rift seem to have gotten to within the 50-69 range, which I thought was interesting. It's possible that those people completed the Tome, but didn't want to grind out progress through XP alone since, as you say, that part did get a bit tedious.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    @Fibijean Thanks for taking this survey! It's very nice of you to do all these little things for the community and I know it takes time and effort, so just wanted to let you know it's appreciated! Hopefully you'll be able to share some interesting results with everyone.

    As for my personal two cents on the rift:

    • It took significantly more than 1 hour/day, however, I tend to play this game too much anyway so I finished the rift before the tier 4 tome came out.
    • I bought the premium pass from day one mainly because I really liked what the devs did for us with this rift (I.e. introducing new objectives, offering free skins and all in all adding more variety to the game), so I wanted to endorse it from the start. I'd never bought auric cells before that.
    • I think the pass is the perfect amount of grindy, but am a little concerned that the challenges will start to repeat in future archives, so I hope to see more build/character specific ones and less generic challenges (such as kick x pallets/heal x teammates)
    • I'm looking forward to the next rift
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Aww, thank you! ❤️ I'm really looking forward to sharing the results with everyone. They're looking pretty interesting so far.

    Opinions seem to be very much divided when it comes to the grind, difficulty of the challenges, and how excited people are about the next one. I agree with you in general, although I do think it would be nice if most people were able to make it through the next Rift just by completing the challenges (through a combination of challenge rewards and XP gained in matches while trying to complete them). I believe that was the intention for this first Rift, but changes made to the last two levels of the Tome made that much less doable.

    Your point about challenges repeating is the main reason why I am generally happy with the way they've done the current challenges, even if many of them seem unhealthy, unreasonable or luck-based to a lot of people. I don't want them to restrict themselves to a certain kind of challenge like "complete one generator" too much, because I feel like that would get really boring really fast. Having said that, I do think that the character-specific challenges should remain fairly limited as long as DLC perks and characters are involved, since I think it puts new players and those who can't afford to unlock the characters at an unfair disadvantage.

  • You could have asked us what we actually thought about the time/rift challenges.

    I liked it for the most part, other than some of the challenges relied on factors outside of a players control (end game rescues etc)

    I think it was a good first time event. I think in future, it would be better if there was more perk challenges and definitely less challenges that are decided by the opposite team.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Filled it out secretly a day ago, but didn't have enough time to comment.

    Overall, I rate the Rift as 7/10 in my opinion. 😁🤗

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    On the point around the divided player base and grind - yeah, I'm not surprised. Even though by design the rift is supposed to reward people playing a lot, it's still a bit disheartening to know that you won't be able to unlock everything, since you just don't play the game enough. It must be difficult to strike the right balance, because the first group wants a reason to play the game as much as they do and the second group feels a bit shafted in the fact that others are able to unlock stuff that they cant. It's very difficult to make everyone happy.

    Regarding the challenges and locking some of them behind a DLC - you're right, I didn't think about that. I guess I always just assumed that the first few archives will be based on the original characters, but now we know that's actually not the case. I guess where I was coming from with this is that character/perk specific challenges incentivise us to discover new playstyles experiment with new characters. For example, I always thought trapper was quite boring, as I generally prefer a more fast-paced playstyle. Being forced to play a bunch of matches with him made me realise how much fun he actually is to play and discover the dopamine rush of herding survivors into cleverly placed traps. I have the archives and rift to thank for that. I do agree however, that introducing too many challenges that are tied to a DLC may not be the healthiest thing for the game.

    In terms of perks though - there are plenty of underused non-teachables (and original character teachables) on both sides with potential to design a bunch of interesting challenges at least in the first few archives. I'd really hope to see more of these

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I lowballed the play time. Ps4 🤷‍♂️

    And I did play way less near the end because of pokemon and jedi fallen order.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I asked a few yes/no questions in the survey about the general experience with the Rift, but I was more interested in the raw data than in measuring general player satisfaction. I think that kind of opinion-based information is more valuable to the developers, and it's something that as a player, you can get a fair idea of just by looking at people's ideas about the Archives on the forum. What you can't get just from looking at the forum is any kind of accurate numerical data, so that was primarily what I was looking to get out of this survey.

    Also, I didn't want to make it too long or overwhelming in case it turned people off, which is why I stuck to multiple choice and a few (optional) text-based responses, rather than open-ended questions.

    Having said all that, I do appreciate you taking the time to do the survey, and sharing your opinions here 😊 The experience with the challenges does seem to have been generally pretty mixed, which has been the case since they were first released, so hopefully the devs will be able to take some of that feedback on board when it comes to making improvements to future Tomes.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Yeah, I think the balance is probably harder to strike than a lot of people give them credit for. I think designing it for the average player was the right idea (which, incidentally, does seem to have been the case based on the survey responses so far - 60% of those who responded were able to complete the Rift). However, whether or not it was completable within 70-80 hours, an estimate which was based on the average player's daily playtime, according to the devs, is much more in question. So far, the answer to that is looking to be a general "no".

    I too was surprised about the turn they took with the archives - I thought for sure the next one would be about Wraith or Hillbilly, given that the devs had expressed a desire to expand primarily upon the lore of the older characters who didn't get much backstory when they first released. I feel like all of the original characters are in much more dire need of additional lore than, say, Jane or Spirit, which is why I'm a bit puzzled as to why they decided to do it this way. I do like the fact that we're getting four characters in one Tome, though, because it will hopefully mean more lore and more variety in the challenges.

    I definitely agree that it's a good thing to incentivise players to try out new characters and playstyles and discover fun new ways of playing the game that they might not otherwise have considered. That's one of the best things to come out of the Tomes, in my opinion. And I would also be interested in seeing more perk challenges, for the same reasons. Even if they don't end up working that well as challenges, it would be nice to give them a go just for the sake of putting the spotlight on underused perks and encouraging players to break out of the meta and discover different builds and synergies.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's okay. As I said to others, I assumed most people wouldn't have a very exact idea of their playtime, but even rough estimates are valuable to have. Thank you for taking time out of your busy gaming schedule to complete the survey, though! 😋

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Another question I think could be useful:

    Were you able to complete the challenges by playing normally? (Did you have to farm?)

    I feel as though The Rift completely alienates newer players, especially with the broken matchmaking recently, as they will have to play characters they have absolutely no experience with, which could make some of the challenges nearly impossible unless they farm.

    That's also a problem I have with the new Rift as well, in which some of the challenges will be literally impossible unless they pay more for the game, which indirectly raises the price of entry into the Rift.

    These issues are something I think BHVR should take more of a look into in the future, Incorporate The Rift without making the player feel as though they need to farm to complete the challenges as well as redesign the challenges so that they don't artificially make the Rift cost more money, as it could be a real turn-off for the newer players, and seen as unfair.

    The Rift as a whole seems like something designed with only vets of the game in mind.

    Just a thought I saw as worth sharing.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    The main reason I'm interested in knowing how many challenges people completed is because I want to know how much of their Rift progress was earned in that manner. But you're right, that definitely could be an interesting question to find out the answers to, particularly when it comes to the difficulties faced by solo versus SWF players.

    I agree that the Rift could be somewhat alienating for new players, but even veterans may be forced to play with characters and perks they're not experienced with in order to complete challenges. It could be more difficult for newer players while they're still trying to learn the game, certainly, but I don't think it's particularly polarising.

    It's very possible that some new players might struggle with it a lot more than others, though. My assessment is based largely on my own experience watching my brother, who started playing about a week after the first Rift opened, trying to complete challenges. I know him to be smart, a fast learner, good at video games in general and to have a very relaxed attitude, so perhaps he had some advantage there, but he was able to easily make it to tier 55, and could have gone well beyond that if he (a killer main) could have been bothered to complete more of the survivor challenges. For a new player who has less gaming experience or is a slower learner than my brother, however, the Rift may have proved a lot more insurmountable. And with the introduction of DLC characters into the mix, I worry that the issue of alienating newer players will only worsen with the next Rift.

    Having said all that, I do definitely agree that veteran players have some significant advantages when it comes to completing Rift challenges. But off the top of my head, I can't really imagine a way in which the challenges could be designed where that wouldn't be the case to some extent.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited January 2020

    I'm really keen to see the results once they're out!

    Regarding the characters in Tome 2 - The doctor could be in there in order to incentivise people to try him out after the rework. Regarding Rin - as far as I know herself and the newly released Oni are the only characters who are linked in some way, so the devs might be pretty excited to tell us more about that. Or.. it could be a bigger picture altogether that we can't see yet which requires certain parts of the story to be revealed before others. Whatever it is, I'm sure there is a reason for it. I'm with you on the point regarding more content on this archive. I'm interested to see how players who don't have the dlcs are considered for this. I'd be a little disappointed if it's just a matter of "you don't need to do the character specific challenges in order to get to the end".

    Completely agree with your last point. Even for veterans, there are still a lot of builds that they haven't thought of or had a reason to try out.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    edited January 2020

    Is it bad that I would pay 10 dollars for that Jane hair alone? Lmao

    I'm one of the few people though that just used cells up until tier 60 and just used XP to get to 70. I could care less to do the challenges, I find them tedious and annoying. And I don't care about the Trapper or Claudette lore. And I didn't like the completion charm either, I found it ugly, all 4 of them. The only reason I'll be doing them in the next tome is for the Jane lore as I'm a Jane main. But even then I'll only be doing the survivor ones and hopefully ignoring the David ones if I'm able. Then I'm still buying up until tier 34 to have the full Jane outfit right away.

  • SandySushi
    SandySushi Member Posts: 27

    I completed the entire rift with no auric cells used. I played almost every other day for 6-14 hours and all but 4 of the challenges and found myself hating the game more and more. After I got to Tier 70 I felt relieved and am currently taking a long-needed break before Tome II releases. The grind is stupid ridiculous and is causing more resentment than happiness if I'm being honest. And this is coming from a Rank 1 Survivor who's been playing since August 2016. :/

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    From what I've seen on the PTB, "you don't need to do the character specific challenges in order to get to the end" does seem to be what they're going with as far as designing the Tome to be fair to all players goes.

    Post edited by Fibijean on
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's interesting. What made you want to complete the last Rift?

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I'm just a really big fan of this game and want all the cosmetics, especially the charms which will be exclusive, I'm a sucker for exclusive cosmetics.

    I mean, I own all the cosmetics for Jane, Feng, and Kate. I bought all of them, even the ones I found ugly and will never wear simply because I love the characters and want to own all that they have avaliable.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Fair enough. I wish I could afford to do that, lol! Are you planning to do the same thing with the next Rift as well?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Even from those who enjoyed the Rift/Tome overall, most people seem to feel that the grind was a little much. Personally, I only started to have a problem with it once I ran out of challenges to do. As long as I was working on challenges, I didn't feel pressured to grind XP because of the significant boost they gave, and progress felt quicker as well. Once I finished the whole Tome and had to spend a couple of days grinding out the last few tiers, though, it started to get a bit wearing.

    As I understand it, though, the extensive grind was at least partially to do with the changes that were made to the Tome challenges, so hopefully that's something that will be fixed for the next Rift.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,146

    Oh, I know this is an issue with the Tome and not the Rift, but I hope it's cool to mention it, anyway:

    Not being able to select separate challenges (one for survivor and one for killer, or the same challenge for both) is really frustrating. I actually had a chance to complete the "sacrifice 4 in the basement" challenge, but I had tried to play survivor before switching back to killer due to long queue times, and I forgot about switching back to the killer challenge. That was just.... agh.

    It's also bad that players can't check to see what challenge they have selected mid-match the way you can see what offerings were burned. (They didn't fix that in the PTB, did they? I know they made some changes, but I don't remember if that was one of them.)

    Trying to complete the challenges can be annoying enough. The poor UX when it comes to selecting challenges really needs to be fixed.

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315

    I went through a survey. But I think that developers have their own statistics, how many players played, how many levels they unlocked, how many bought a premium track, etc. This makes little sense. We all know very well that the words of the developers about 70-100 hours was a lie. And the grind is very large. I finished all 70 levels in a month, but I played for a very long time. We all understand why this was so done. And why do we return all the cells spent. Online. Everything is simple. Developers want to raise online, so the battle pass will always be based. And so the premium track returns all cells due to the grind.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's totally cool to mention. And no, the PTB didn't add the ability to see which challenge you had selected while in game. I agree that that would be a good feature to add for future Tomes, as well as the ability to see how far you have progressed in your challenge during the match.

    As an alternative to the "able to select challenges for both roles" thing, which I think is a good and probably much easier to implement suggestion, I think it could also work if the system were changed such that players could gain progress in any and all valid challenges (that is, those that have been reached on the web) during a match, but they have to choose one challenge in which to keep the progress at the end. This would remove the frustration that a lot of people seem to experience whenever they forget to select a challenge, or forget to switch to a different challenge when changing roles.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,146

    I would also be very happy with that. There are plenty of times I've completed the requirements of one available challenge when I went in with the intent of completing a different challenge. It would be sooo nice if I could tell it which challenge to put progress towards/complete at the end of a match. Much more user friendly than its current state.

    It'd also be nice if, once completed, I could move on to the next challenge without having to "accept" the completed challenge; for one, it's easy to forget, and for another, it means I can't bank BP if I want to continue on in the Tome.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The developers do have access to these statistics, that's true, but we as a community do not. Since we can't expect the developers to necessarily share their statistics with us (they are under no obligation to do so, after all), I decided it might be useful to generate our own for everyone to access.

    And yes, it was fairly clear from the start that the 70-80 hour estimate was probably inaccurate, but we didn't know that for certain, and we didn't know how far off that estimate was on the whole. We knew that we and the people we talked to weren't able to complete it in that time, perhaps, but my hope here is to give everyone a more accurate picture of what the community experience at large was like, outside of our individual bubbles.

    If you don't find hard data of this kind particularly valuable, that's okay, it's not for everyone necessarily. But I personally am very interested in statistical data here, and I think enough other people are as well that I felt it was worth doing.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. I don't really see any reason, practical or technical, why players shouldn't be able to move onto a new challenge and leave the rewards from the previous challenge unclaimed.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    For anyone who is curious, the survey is currently at 627 respondents! Thank you again to everyone who has shared their experience so far.

    Aiming for 1000 as a stretch goal, because I think it's a nice round number and significant enough to make for a solid sample size.

    Incidentally, there have been some interesting patterns emerging from the responses so far. If anyone is curious about particular stats, let me know and I'll be happy to share them 😊

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315

    It would be better to share all the statistics here, no? And do not write it to each survey participant.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yes, I'm eventually going to share all the stats in one big post, and I wasn't saying I would PM the results to anyone. What I was saying is that if anyone is interested in particular data points, for example what percentage of respondents so far managed to complete the Rift, I can share that here. But I wasn't going to do that unless someone asked, which is why I invited them to do so if they were interested.

  • Scorp721
    Scorp721 Member Posts: 47

    Was terrible on both sides. Had a challenge that was glitched that I couldn't make progress on and my post is almost a month old with zero responses.

    Couldn't even do half the killer stuff because of dcs. Had a couple games where I ran devour hope for the kill the obsession challenge and as soon as I downed the obsession to mori them guess what....dc. Tried to hook people in the basement guess what.....dc. Had one game where a survivor dcd because they needed pallet stuns and said I was an ######### for blocking the pallet while I uncloak as Wraith.

    Trying to do survivor stuff was just as bad. Try to get heals in one game even running we'll make it but people rather run to the corner of the map and selfcare. Can't get safe unhooks or heals when the killers are camping or when someone gives up on their 1st hook.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, I think DCs and other players generally sabotaging (or in the case of survivors, often competing for) one's challenges was a widespread issue in the first Tome. Unfortunately, it's not something that's easy to solve without making all the challenges pretty boring, but hopefully the DC penalties that were tested recently might help when they get implemented, especially for the killer challenges.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited January 2020

    I liked the rift and tome. The challenges made me play several different builds, playing with different characters while I was looking who has the needed perks and checking out who would offer the best build to solve the challenge.

    Some "webs" were nicely designed, some really poor (like the last one, looking nice shaped with the eye but forcing you into the harder challenges being a blocker sometimes, or starting with Selfcare challenge so everyone on day one runs it without having alternative challenges available).

    Some challenges were nicely designed, some really poor (like "drop all the pallets as soon as you are in chase, before someone else can drop them"). You could play them normally and just take one or two more games. But there are always the other guys, that just farm, occassionally making you think "they do, so why not" :)

    I think most of the challenges were fair to achieve. I must admit that my average playtime heavily increased during the rift (from 20 hours per week to 35, including idle times) but I also managed to finish every level within 1 week by that, although you had 2 or 3 weeks per level available.

    For the requirement rework they did, it was nice to see, that they listen and can respond quickly. Although for level 3 they overcharged a bit. Some almost impossible challenges needed to be adressed like the 3 endgame saves (while you are only able to do 6 unhooks at max, when noone else is quicker than you). But the grinding ones like key depletion that don't really need skill did not need such a hard cut. Although I like the changes they did to level 4 anyway in that regard, as it was over christmas and not everyone having time to reach their average playtime, so reducing the grind was very welcome on that as well.

    Regarding the rewards: I now have a cool trapper skin. I don't play trapper that much and now have an alternative to the basic skin, that really shows that DbD is already 3 years old :P Of course along with all the other cosmetics.

    What I dislike: the charms, especially on survivors. I don't use them. They really look somehow "attached" to me, not part of the complete model. You know the bug when a medkit or toolbox is carried upside down, floating above the hand? Charms look equally unrealistic to me. Another thing I disliked (although not targeted by this issue) is that some cosmetic sets were split over free pass and rift pass. So you get your one item for free but need the pass to complete the set. That was stupid. It should be one or two complete sets achievable over the free pass and the rest completely in the rift pass. But I think as I saw it on PTB, they changed it for the next tome. At least the elephant clown is completely on free rift.

    @Fibijean Regarding the DC stuff to avoid challenges: let's please mention that there were also killers granting the flashlight save once they noticed someone is really hard trying to get that but performing super bad with it. Just as an example. After I saw that I did that as killer as well when I was in a good spot in that match or letting the flashlight survive with another one to finish the challenge. I even helped my brother and suggested to farm it. We made noise on the first floor on Hawkins sitting crouched in the middle of the path staring at the killer when he arrived and clicking twice with the flashlight. He stopped shortly like "#########", I approached slowly and my brother pointed at me clicking the flashlight again. Killer nodded, we got the flashlight save and afterwards going on with a normal game resulting in a 3k. Just wanted to mention that as well, it is simply the community being full of donkeys and nice guys, the challenge design can bring forth both of them.

  • Amaro
    Amaro Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2020

    Did the survey.

    Liked the overall feel of the rift when I was doing the challenges. They promoted new ways to play for me and changed my game up.

    But had some issues with the RIFT, the grind and how DCs were handled. And ofcourse the beautifull tale of an hour a day, which was a complete lie.

    • Annoying that DCs don't count towards objectives, if I need 4 basement sacrifices and 1 disconnects, it should just count it.
    • After all challenges I was 56, grinded to 58 and already started to get burned out.
    • Challenges that promote poor playstyles/ annoying builds/ camping etc.
    • Grindy challenges like drop x pallets, just make these requirements higher but make the challenges always active. That way people will get them when they play normally.
    • The overall grind when all challenges were done

    Probably not getting the next rift if they don't reduce the grind, or wait untill I have fully completed it. Because my overall feeling right now is rather negative because of the plain lie that the average player with around an hour a day can get it. Played more than an hour a day on average and still missed around 10 levels.

    Post edited by Amaro on
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I agree with pretty much every point you made regarding the challenges and the design of the Tome overall. I personally like the charms individually, but I also agree with what you said about how they appear ingame and I wish they had come up with a better solution for survivors. Having said that, I myself haven't been able to think of one, nor have I seen one proposed. So maybe there is no perfect solution there.

    And that's a very good point you make regarding the DCs. As much as there were people DCing and trying to sabotage one another, there were also people going out of their way to help each other. I personally experienced much more of the latter; Scorp, unfortunately, seems to have come across more of the former kind of players. Possibly, it's something that varies by platform and/or region. For myself, though, I really liked how the challenges brought people together that way, because we all wanted to complete them so we were all in the same boat for once, killers and survivors alike.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The one hour per day thing does seem to have been nowhere near accurate. I can only imagine that the initial calculation didn't take queue/lobby times or early disconnections into account at all.

    I have mixed feelings about the disconnection thing. In the case of the basement sacrifices, for example, I think if the last survivor disconnects on hook or while being carried, it should perhaps count, because you were clearly about to complete the challenge. But if someone disconnects at the start of the game, I don't think that should just grant the challenge automatically. It's not the player's fault, of course, but they still didn't earn the challenge. In any case, hopefully the disconnection penalties will be implemented properly soon, and we'll see a significant reduction in that kind of behaviour for future Tomes.

    I agree that the grind towards the end especially, after completing all the challenges, was quite wearing, and I hope that at least is reduced for the next Rift.

    It's probably a good idea generally to wait and see how far you can get in the Rift before investing money into it, so you know you won't regret your purchase. I think it's unfortunate that so many people bought the pass because they assumed the devs' estimate was correct and that they would only have to play for 70 hours, and now are feeling disappointed and resentful because of it. That figure probably should have been looked at much more carefully, because the effect it's had on a lot of players hasn't made for a great start to the Archives in many ways.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    It should work with an hour pure trial time, and unfortunately it needs perfect games of exactly 10 minutes (longer games don't give you additional XP, capped at 600, and less would need another game to fill the missing XP). But regarding queue times, trial duration and everything else, this will more likely be at least 2 hours a day. So just out of curiosity, you might try to check on the next tome if 6 games a day would be what actually is the correct amount. Do you roughly know how many games a day you had?

    From my side, I played maybe 4-5 hours a day on average including queue times and also some idle times (when I just forgot to close the game while away for some time) and finished all levels within 1 week each and also finishing the rift 5 weeks before end, so also without the challenges of level 4 needed. I calculated some times and found out, that the 2 hours a day (or 6 games) should actually match to achieve it right on time.

  • Amaro
    Amaro Member Posts: 20

    I think on average throughout the entire rift that I had 4-5 matches a day, depending on queue times.

    It could have been more because I had around 1 day per level to finish the rift, but the grind just burned me out and I like the game but didn't want to get burned out and put it down since a couple of friends play it as well

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That seems like a reasonable estimate. From the responses so far, around 70% of the players who completed the Rift reported between 100 and 220 hours of playtime. So 2 hours a day seems to be more or less accurate as a rough average.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I spent some time at the start of the Rift, after I had finished the first level of challenges, trying to grind out one tier every day. Typically, it would take me about 12-15 games to do so, or around 2-3 hours of playtime. The challenges helped a lot with progress, so I didn't have to do that for 70 days straight, but ultimately unless you're someone who is outrageously passionate about the game and/or plays it for a living, I don't think that level of dedication is very sustainable over an extended period of time. So it doesn't surprise me that a lot of people who play more casually, or who like to spend their time on other games as well, got pretty burned out by the end.

  • JackaloMoss
    JackaloMoss Member Posts: 27

    Since the title of this is "The First Rift Has Closed - How Did You Find It?", I think a good question that's missing would just be simply.. How did you find it? Since a lot of the reasons people didn't like the rift are missing completely from this survey. The main reason for example that I completely hated the rift was it ruined a huge number of games, even ones were I wasn't trying to do anything for the rift, because other players would be playing stupidly trying to do a challenge, or when I was playing survivor just having to waste my time doing all the gens solo bored out of my mind while the rest of the team is just grinding with the killer.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    Most likely yes but I'll only buy up until tier 34. Then grind the rest, and if I'm not at the end by the time it closes I'll just purchase the rest.