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Self Care is not overrated.



  • Member Posts: 800

    Hey Mr Dwight, what perks do you usually run other then self care on your build? Im getting tired of randoms running away and not healing me xD

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I'd rather run DS than BT in solo queue but I don't run DS ever so I would actually run BT over DS so it's complicated.

  • Member Posts: 182
    edited January 2020

    That's absolutely nonesense. I don't use 3 perks to counter one, i just use these because they are extremely useful for me. Botany is great to fast heal not only myself but most important my teammates, and Resilience is also great to genrush. As i said in my post, self-caring anytime is a waste of precious time, self-caring with brain is perfect. I don't use any other meta perk like DS or other exhaustion perk like DH or blah blah blah... i don't need that stuff when i can survive doing a bit of looping, help healing my teammates faster etc. etc. I don't feel i'm wasting any perk slot. These are the only one i need. I'm rank 1 with more than 1700 hours, and never took SC off my builds, and i will never take it off, i don't care what "hardcore" gamers says.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Exactly. As a solo player at times, I can’t rely on my teammates to heal me in a timely manner. Plus with killers like oni who feed on blood, it’s best not to roam about injured. I will always rock self care.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Yeah I’m the same way. These people getting fired up about it are sheep following what’s trendy, and an odd trend at that. How about they use the perks they want, and we do the same.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Each play style has its benefits and you don’t get to decide which is better. How about you do you and leave people the hell alone?

  • Member Posts: 763

    What if you’re last survivor and killers closed hatch. You’re injured so one hit down and need to try and get get a gate. The gates have obviously spawned next to each other because this is dbd. Self care gives you two hits and an extra shot in an already dismal situation. Saved my ass numerous times.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Ehm that's ok, you just made it sound like you used all three to counter sloppy butcher

    You use what you like, as long as you have fun

    I'm definitivly not a "hardcore" gamer

  • Member Posts: 763

    People acting like all survivors are gen grinding and performing optimally each game lol. Let’s be real, solo survivor is a gamble and many times you are only one doing ######### while the two p3 claudettes are in the bushes waiting for hatch.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Whats your 4th perk you usually run with those? Thanks for your time! Im just trying things out!

  • Member Posts: 182

    Well Iron Will helps a lot during chases and in many other circumstances. So it has a great value. With Iron Will killers might lose track of you, giving you a chance to sneak away from a chase. So for me the best build for my playstyle is Self-Care, Botany, Resilience and Iron Will. That's why i don't self-care all the time. Resilience is great to genrush, so if i get injuried and i escape, i go immediately to a generator to take advantage of that 9% more repairing speed. If the killer is a sneaky one, with no terror radious (like Ghostface, The Pig or The Wraith), then i heal myself (or ask to a teammate to be healed), because they patrol gens to find survivors and can catch you out of guard with a free hit.

    Btw, don't listen to killers who says they are very happy if you heal, because you're making their life easier. LOL. Dead By Daylight is totally survivor sided. Every person who run a decent killer knows that, and healthy survivors are actually a pain. Everytime you escape from a chase and you have the chance to heal, it's a hook denial for the killer, and that's basically what survivors have to do: do gens and press shift+w.

    If you wanna be a better survivor, definitely play killer, so you can discover all their weaknesses.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Thanks for the response mate! I figured you 99% the self care heal to make the most out of resilience honestly, great idea with iron will! Thanks for the detailed response ill defintely try it out!

  • Member Posts: 798
    edited January 2020

    It is.


    you get to heal on your own if nobody is nearby


    takes longer than medkit

    often its better to just stay injured

    replaceable by a medkit

    less efficient than medikit

    taking longer you are exposed for longer time to nurse calling

    people usually heal you right after unhook especially with “well make it” being strong and common

    You know, its not the worst perk but its too situational. And tbh there hasnt been a single occasion where I thought having SC would have helped me more than having other perks i already run

  • Member Posts: 1,920
    edited January 2020

    I'm a red rank survivor who has been playing for over a year. I am not a clueless noob. Self Care is a huge waste of time and the best gift survivors can give a killer. I cannot tell you how many times I've died because my teammates are all running Self Care and spend 3-5 minutes EACH healing themselves behind a tree, while I'm injured and repairing gens alone. It's not just 32 seconds of healing. It's hiding behind a tree or finding a nice pallet to camp, then healing for twice as long. Bond is BY FAR the better perk. My mind is genuinely blown you think otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I personally think Inner Strength is better since it ignores Sloppy Butcher and goes towards a secondary objective, but Self Care can also get you out of a jam, no doubt.

  • Member Posts: 182
    edited January 2020

    I'm a red rank too and i think otherwise, and i explain you why. Everytime people talk about SC think only about time wasting. Sorry but it's pointless. Is the search for Ruin totem a huge waste of time? Absolutely YES! Probably the most expensive waste of time in the whole game, because you can learn to perform perfect skill checks! But hey not everybody can perform perfect skill checks even after 2000+ hours, and this give to the killer a huge amount of time to down all your little friends... Most of the games, in my experience, where killer got ez 4k, it wasn't because he was that good but because all the job where made by Ruin totem. Not all players are able to perform perfect skill checks and this slow the game down for everybody. How much time you and your teammates waste regressing gens when performing wrong skill checks when Ruin totem is on? And think about the new Ruin that is coming with the new 3.5.0!

    If you waste "some time" to search and cleanse Ruin totem, you give the chance not only to yourself to genrush cosy, but also to your teammates. I can perform perfect skill checks very 98% of the times, so to me find and cleanse Ruin totem is a massive waste of time, way way more than spending 32 seconds healing yourself. Think about it. The time you spend to find a Ruin totem may vary from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Add the time it take to cleanse the totem. In many games you can't find it at all! How many gens you can repair in 3 minutes? And what about "Dull Totems"? Cleanse? Don't cleanse? Well if you don't cleanse you get NOED. So, everything in Dead By Daylight is, basically, a "waste of time", because this game is so situational and devs try to buy more time for the killers of course, because the game is totally survivor sided.

    Self-Care is nothing compared to other "waste of time" topics. Think about those games when you're the only one doing gens, and your teammates are hiding in a bush doing absolutely nothing. Self-Care isn't the problem here. At all!

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    The only reason I find it useless is that I have a ton of med kits, and when I dont I just go chest hunting.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2020
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  • Member Posts: 2,328
    edited January 2020

    Biggest waste of time and team killer. Thank you for being an useless sack healing in the corner while Im running a Billy who goes for m2s only.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    But a lot of people do, I know for a fact because I run Bond or Kindred every game. I’ll watch a teammate getting one hooked while a killer chases me because one player was self caring and one was in a locker

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Bring a medkit? Most killers in my region bring a mori if they see items.

    Bond? Doesn't guarantee you'll get that heal faster than self-care.

    Inner strength? You're spending almost the same amount of time, ignoring the fact you actually have to find a totem.

    Just loop? Not every area of the map allows you the same opportunities to loop. If you only stay in safe areas just so YOU won't go down, you are letting your team down, while the killer secures his 3-gen/victory. Smart killers don't chase players who refuse to leave the strongest parts of maps. While these survivors are thinking they are so good, they might actually just be throwing the game for their team.

    The people who claim self-care is always a waste of time get their teams killed as much as people who run to the corner of the map to self-care. Both of these kinds of players are not helpful for their team, with the former thinking they have much more game sense than they actually do.

    If I played in an SWF or knew that all of my teammates would be as good as me, I would agree that bringing self-care wouldn't be wise. But if you play solo-queue, which a lot of people do, having self-care is absolutely not a waste.

    I have to wonder if the people who say "just be good at looping" have ever actually faced good killer players. That extra heal state you can get from self-care has the potential to extend a chase a long time. At the same time, just one mistake while in an injured state can lose the game for your team. This 'mistake' can easily be forced by good Killers.

  • Member Posts: 201

    Self Care is infinitely better with Botany Knowledge lol and people don't like to waste the two perk slots. Tbh those two perks along with fast vault perks would be a nice setup; heal on your own terms without bugging anyone else at 92% speed, or 98% if the killer is looking in your direction (assuming the killer doesn't have any heal slowdown), and if you don't get to finish healing/killer keeps chasing you before you can heal, spine chill resilience combo will help you to loop while you're still injured.

  • Member Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2020

    "Self care is NOT overrated. It is very useful, and very good perk to have. It is NOT a waste of time."

    I can't even continue reading after this.

    Do you know what's better than spending 32 seconds healing yourself (32 seconds AFTER finding a safe spot to heal)? Spending 32 seconds on a Generator. Those 32+ seconds you spent focusing on healing yourself? Someone else has pulled off a hooked survivor and healed them and they are both doing gens or even popped a totem.

    Do you know what's better than taking Self Care? Taking a Med-kit. Don't want too? Take Pharmacy. But taking a Med-kit is better, why? Because you free up a Perk Slot and you, honestly, shouldn't be healing yourself that much anyway. Do you know what's better than both of these? Inner Strength.

    Lets turn that into spending time using Self Care to completely heal yourself 3 times: 3 x 32 = 96 seconds. That's that's a whole Gen and 16 additional seconds spent on healing yourself. Can't really help the team when you are doing that.

    32 seconds is a long time, and the times when you actually need to spend this time healing yourself are rare, and by that time the game is usually a crap feast. If you need to heal yourself more than once a match you shouldn't be using SC. Either find a teammate, or do something productive until you run into one.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Fair enough, I’m glad you won’t judge when I start using a late game build with NOED and blood warden.

  • Member Posts: 749

    It really depends on you. To me, it's overrated. And when I'm playing survivor and sitting there holding a button on a gen all game, I don't really care to be doing the same to heap myself with SC against sloppy butthole all game. To me, it's a waste of time. If I'm bringing a perk to heal myself it's going to be inner strength. But if sc works for you then do it

  • Member Posts: 182

    Oh c'mon... please stop these killers blackmails. Please. Every perk has its counter. Noed? Cleanse totems. Blood Warden? It actually works? I haven't seen any 4K with Blood Warden in more than 1700+ hours, so... we're not scared, stop blackmailing :D

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Take a medkit, even a yellow one with 8+ charges would give you 2 heals. Why waste a perk slot when you can use a yellow item?

  • Member Posts: 182
    edited January 2020

    Again with "perk slot waste". Are you people actually playing this game or what? Lets take some examples, do we? Aaaight. Let's suppose you have one meta build, like Adrenaline, Decisive Strike, Balanced Landing and Unbreakable. In a match the use of Adrenaline is not guaranteed for many reasons, so "perk slot wasted". Decisive Strike, use not guaranted, because the killer if he's smart, slug you on the ground and secondly i haven't seen any Decisive Strike grant so much safe after the use. So, to me is another "perk slot wasted". Balanced Landing, it's good if you're in Haddonfield, in other maps, so so... Finally Unbreakable. The killer don't slug you and hook you all the times. Perk slot wasted. All these perks use is not guaranted in an actual match.

    Self-Care, Botany, Resilience and Iron Will, are all perks that has an actual use on every game. Time wasting? With Botany and Resilience i can heal faster anybody, even myself. There is sobody who got downed and he is slugging on the ground? I can heal him so fast that they all come back to me when they need a heal. Think about this build as a "doctor" type of class in the game.

    I play DbD more than any other game, and people with "meta perks" get killed as well.

  • Member Posts: 136

    I was used to pick Selfcare for a long time playing DbD and I'd say its still not a bad perk.

    But I am not using it for a while now and I must say it makes me more efficient. Okay, I am one hit for a bit longer than with SC.

    But since then when being unhooked or escaped a chase now, instead of healing myself, I assist my mates in doing gens before I let them heal me (exception for We'll make it still active on my mate)

  • Member Posts: 73

    Self Care is a great perk for low-rank survivors who don't know how to loop the killer yet and/or are scared to do objectives while injured. Red Ranks would never run it (ideally) — if the killer comes they'll loop him for days even while injured, and besides, you can ALWAYS find a teammate to heal you. It makes no sense for red rank players. Most streamers are red ranks so that's why you see them talk bad about Self Care. If you're a beginner then it's actually a great perk.

    As an example, I'm a rank 1 survivor and I run resilience and adrenaline. I stay injured most of the match (if there's no time to get healed) and I count on Adrenaline to heal me. Remember there's no point in healing while you know the killer is busy chasing someone else. Just do a gen while injured, it's not that scary.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    What about if you play against a legion, plague, billy, myers? Against those killers you dont need to heal that much or not at all. Then your amazing perk build is "a waste of perk slot"? You realize that the origin and reason of perks is that you can take them IF this specific situations happen. They are not made to be ALWAYs in every situation good. Passive perks like botany etc are nice to have and I personally love to play with iron will.

    I never said that you are invincible with meta perks and I dont use dead hard either, Idk whats your problem xD For me as killer main view it is just stupid to play a heal build. You want that survivors heal, because it is time waste. If survivors stay injured and just do gens, thats a MUCH bigger threat.

  • Member Posts: 182

    Well i well explained in this post many times the reason why healing isn't a waste of time at all. I also compared it to Ruin totem search some posts above. Maybe against legion it is, but it's one killer over many, and i don't meet so much legions to be honest (luckily!).

    There are 4 survivors on the map, right? If one survivor is healing himself, i don't think the other 3 aren't doing a single gen. Maybe one is on a chase, but the other 2 are certainly messing with some generator. So going to a teammate, that is doing a gen and asking to be healed, it's 16 seconds taken out from the gen he is reparing. Right? Time wasted. With Botany and Resilience, i can heal myself at almost the same speed, and i don't stop my teammate from commiting his gen. If you see it from this point of view, Self-Care isn't a waste of time at all. Yes you could help your teammate commiting the gen, instead of asking for a heal, but they heal you anyway after the gen is done. Where is the "time gain"? It's simple math.

    As a Resilience survivor, i don't heal everytime (that would be stupid), or the use of resilience would be pointless. I actually start using Self-Care only when most of the gens are done, and i need to start organizing the escape strategy, that is almost a pain at every match, with the killer camping his prey. I don't believe that injuried survivor are such a threat for killers honestly. With one hit they are down, especially with sneaky killers, like Ghostface and The Pig. They can catch you out of guard. Not all the survivor players are killer juking gods, so an extra help is much better than no help at all.

  • Member Posts: 2

    The amount of times i've experienced being up on the hook about to hit phase 2, with 5 gens still to go and 3 of my team mates, in each their corner, on the opposite side of the map is a strong argument to why self-care is a perk too many survivors rely on. Even outside this specific scenario i often experience a 4k wipe, and i feel the reason is i have 3 team mates constantly self caring.

    Like others have said, Bond is a way stronger perk, because it not only gives you the ability to get healed, but also heal others, work on gens together faster and even locate people getting chased and so on. With experienced players, there is even the added benefit of the person healing you being able to take a hit if you are found during heals.

    Self-care is rarely useful even when you are on your own. If you are the last person alive you have to find the hatch before the killer. If not you'll want to get the gate, so self-caring should be fine. But usually the killer will find the hatch, close it, setup traps/tunnels at the gates or just start patrolling the gates and you wont get out anyway.

    In my first 300 hours i used self-care religously, but after that i found out it was holding me back. It's a good beginners perk to learn skill checks and rise the ranks, but after rank 10 you shouldn't bring it.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Also, stacking perks to improve self-care is just stupid. Bring a medkit instead.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Make sense but in that case I would just go for a chest and search for a medkit. I dont see a reason to use selfcare if you have teammates or medkits from chests and I get alot of medkits in chests honestly. But healing overall is not that important. I stay injured for over the half of the match and I rarely get punished for that. I can understand if you aren't that good in loops but if you are well enough and trained well you will see that healing is not the most important thing^^

  • Member Posts: 182
    edited January 2020

    Go for a chest and search for a medkit, isn't a waste of time? You can find a toolbox or a flashlight instead of a medkit. :D As i said some posts above, in comparison, is the search for Ruin totem a waste of time? It is, at least for me because i can relay on my skills, but can i say the same for the rest of my teammates, that constantly regress generators performing wrong skillchecks? But if you find the totem, you give the chance to everybody to genrush. I think that "time" is important but also very relative in DbD, because the game strongly depend on "different scenarios". I'm rank 1 so i don't feel any pressure about "ranking", but i never took SC off my builds since i started playing DbD, because those i use are the only perks that a really suitable for all type of scenarios, while other meta perks are only scenario dependant.

    Post edited by aurum_exe on
  • Member Posts: 13,036

    If you are hit by sloppy butcher and you use selfcare, thats gonna be a LONG time off generators

  • Member Posts: 195

    I tried running self-care and I always forget I even have the perk equipped/exist in my perk slot. It such a waste for me. I would rather run no mither than self-care in all honesty, but I just bring medkits or inner strength if I’m in desperate needs to always healed. It’s just far more superior than self care. I confident in walking around the map injured 99% of my game. I can run a killer for a long time one heal state down.

    Typically the majority of people who use self-care can’t last 15 sec in a chase. It’s a rinse and repeat process with them.

    Get smack go heal (32 secs) just to get smacked again, go down in (15-20sec) hooked, get unhook, spend (maybe 30-40secs) looking for a tree, pallet, or going to the corner of the map to heal, go heal (32secs) finding a gen (maybe 30-40secs) start gen (25 secs in) killer comes get smack - rinse and repeat.

    I never seen self-care come it clutch in my games. I’ve only seen it the cause of problems. They might be people who you it effectively, but majority of the people don’t.

    As killer I love Self-Care it’s the best treat you can give me not a gens beautiful. In fact it’s the reason why most self care survivors die so easily. I play Ghostface with nurses. I can easily sneak up on you while you’re (32 secs) healing EZ DOWN.

    not to mention on console self-care is the same key bond as unhooking and throw pallets. I messing you up more than help you in dire situations.

  • Member Posts: 73

    I run Sloppy + Nurses on a lot of my killers. Whenever someone has Self Care I know it's over for them lmao. Easy free kill

  • Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2020

    Can we agree using selfcare and not using it has both pros and cons depending on how many people are on hooks and if it is a stealthy killer or not with nurse's calling aka situation.

    Also I get not getting heals and just playing safe so you don't get one hit and make it to the pallet before killer hits you and do gens even though it will only work on really good survivor and hoping there is enough pallets so you can make it to another after another one before you get basically noed effect 1 hit.

    But using bond instead selfcare it same if not even worse on bond side. Let me explain.

    First I ran bond alot to test and what I see is that yes finding a teammate will save you 16 seconds from self heal because 32 self and 16 normal heal but most cases you won't find a survivor in less than 16 seconds who will notice you and start healing you so you will probably end up spending same or more time trying to get heals.

    2nd as soon as someone dies your chances of finding someone to heal you is even way way lower considering someone is already being chased you literally have only 1 guy left that can heal you because just 1 person died.

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  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I don't think searching for totems is a waste of time, especially since most killers tend to run Ruin and/or NOED and I run Small Game. I'm not sure what platform you're on, but Ruin is incredibly strong on console. I think because the frame rates are lower? It's very hard to hit great skill checks on console. When you run Small Game and learn where totems spawn, you can cleanse very quickly and it's definitely worth it for one person to cleanse a totem that affects everyone, and it's really nice to know at the end of the game I'm not getting smacked with NOED, or if it does pop, I know where the totem is because I've done all the others. I cannot tell you how many games I've single-handedly been responsible for cleansing every totem and everyone making it out easily because of no NOED, not to mention cleansing Ruin within the first 30 seconds or so of the game. It's amazing how often my Small Game pings as I load into the game and it's the Ruin totem right there. I literally spend zero time searching for the totem sometimes. But yeah, you're right, 0 seconds is a huge waste compared to 32+ seconds someone is going to spend Self-Caring. And when you're running around checking for totems, you scope out the layout and see where the gens spawned and can make sure you know where the basement is, the gates are, and make sure you don't three gen yourself.

    And Self Care doesn't just take 32 seconds. It probably takes a solid minute if not more every time because most people look for a pallet to camp or a nice tree to Blendette behind. Shockingly, you can continue to play the game if you're injured. You might even find that you get a gen halfway done, and then a teammate comes by, heals you, and the gen is done together. If you run a perk like Dead Hard, you could even argue that being injured just makes you stronger. I find that 99% of my teammates will heal me when they unhook me, and then we can stay together and work on a gen.

    Self-Care is a problem and it's so frustrating to me that even in red ranks, most if not all my teammates are running it. I've lost so many games because teammates will Self-Care after every hit and they spend 4-5 minutes each per game not doing gens. Just bring a medkit if you have to heal by yourself. Not only is it faster, but you get another perk.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Has any of the anti selfcare people here adressed the fact that selfcaring is not wasting more time than getting healed by team even if you directly find a teammate without having to search? When you are getting healed by a teammate two people have to do nothing instead of just one. So two people doing nothing for 16 seconds is the same time wasted as one person doing nothing for 32 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 321

    SC was overrated before it was nerfed. We have inner strength. SC is for poor, noob survs.

  • Member Posts: 182

    I'm rank 1 with 1700+ hours: never took SC off my builds, and i have an equivalent escape rate of survivors that hasn't SC in theirs. What "anti-selfcare" players don't understand is that escape in a DbD match don't depend totally on the perks you have in your build but from your playstyle and looping skills. Self-Care still useful in late phases of the game, when you're in solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    The anti self-care people don't understand that. They think that being a good survivor is only about running the killer well. They often only do gens in the safest areas of the map when injured and let their teammates take all the aggro. At the end of the game when everyone is dead and they still haven't been hooked (because they went against a good killer who understands which parts of maps not to chase in), they often think they carried, and that their teammates weren't good.

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