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I am rank 1 survivor and just got done with a game where the other survivors were 3, 4, 4... and the killer was green rank 9. please tell me they’re fixing the matchmaking SOON?! 🤦🏼‍♂️


  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Nope, if they fix it, queue times will get longer. Apparently they want to hide ranks from the tally screen after a match too. All to hide the fact that matchmaking is broken. It’s probably the real reason they hide ranks in the lobby as well.

  • Fleece
    Fleece Member Posts: 253

    But if they don't it goes against the whole making the game more accessible to new players no?

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    No silly, the devs aren’t making it more accessible for all new players, they’re making it accessible for all the new survivors. Survivors are their cash cows, so they’ll do everything in their power to make the game more attractive for them, including nerfing killers.

    With how matchmaking is now, you’ll have new survivors teamed up with at least one or two veteran survivors, so their team will have more of a chance in a match than a team of all new players!

  • arianator
    arianator Member Posts: 8

    i wonder if i played against you since im green rank and only get matched against reds

  • Asap12200
    Asap12200 Member Posts: 4

    For the last 3 hours, I tried to have fun on DbD on PS4 (EU) as killer. I'm rank 8. I really tried my best to deal with the matchmaking (herbal tea, screaming in a cushion, etc.). But I only had red rank SWF (mainly 3 man SWF, rank 2/3) with BT, adrenaline, DH and so on.

    I don't want this kind of game. I really don't. I didn't have fun at all. I don't care about winning with a 4k. I really don't. I just want to have an interesting game (for both sides), where I don't feel completely helpless. These games make me feel stupid.

    I don't want to deal with the hardest teams right now. It's way too early for me. I don't have the tools to fight them cause I'm still learning this game. And no, I don't want to bring any Moris or NOED, I consider them stupid & unfun.

    I make mistakes all the time. I don't have all perks, I'm not full of add-ons. I don't want to face camp. Let me have opponents of my level. You talked about frustration in the last designer notes. Purple and green killers are frustrated right now. (note : I played Leatherface for my last game (daily) against red rank SWF, without ruin, at Thomson's house. Could I be more frustrated?)

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    They are not hiding the damn ranks. holy gees

    I made a post about this yesterday and I was told that they are working on a fix for it. please stop putting out false info

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188
    edited January 2020

    Hmmm I wonder what would the devs do if all of the sudden there were no killers. Lol

    Options that could happen

    1 they buff killers trying to get the killers to come back as there cash cow is now falling:(

    2 they make another game and use that for cash.

    3 they sale this game to another company and they do better then bhvr.

    4 they try to hide stuff like less killers so they can keep gaining new players.

    But really I don't think there catering to just survivors if they did then this game would have been dead a long time ago.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I wasn’t putting out false information. It was leaked that they were going to hide the rankings, they just changed their minds. They probably did so due to the backlash they would receive from doing so.

    Matchmaking shouldn’t be too hard for them to fix. Match players within similar rankings of 2/3 ranks above or below. They intentionally broke it before the holiday due to the fact that queue times were too long for too many players. If they have really wanted to fix it, it would have been fixed a long time ago.

    As things stand, rankings are useless.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    LMAO! You're complaining about going against a green when being red?! I played solo survivor and went against a rank 2 (I'm a 3) with three guys ranked 19, 19 and 20...

    I was like "WHAAAAT?!" The killer wrote post game after I escaped via hatch "Sorry you had to deal with this matchmaking..."