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General Discussions

What’s your guys signature outfit?

Member Posts: 204
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

For any of you people that have at least enough clothing pieces to mix and match, what’s your outfit?

For example, I use his original pants, the shirt from the withering blight outfit, and his P3 face

edit: yes I forgot to name my character, I’m a Jake main


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  • Member Posts: 6,556

    You forgot to name your character.

    I just use bloody valentine trapper. He looks way too good.

    Don't really have a lot of cosmetics besides the ones that came with the game and the rift ones

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Wraith: Hessian Head, Withering Vines, Blood Reaver.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    P3 head Demo, Chains torso, P1 arms

    Looks really good tbh

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    David main: every kind of face or torso, but you can be sure I’m gonna rock his blue sweatpants, such a cool skin.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Gonna rock the new skin from the rift? The "after fight" david?

  • Member Posts: 250
    edited January 2020

    Day of the dead David with shirtless body. There are other better body skins but shirless David is just too meme worthy, and i've kind of grown an emotional attachtment to it...

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    If I reach it, of course. Isn’t it in the premium track tho?

  • Member Posts: 1,167


    Usually it’s been The Ponytail(Jane’s), her summer top, and the white jeans.

    I love those jeans, and I can’t wait to get a new pair for new and fun colors :)

  • Member Posts: 1,471
    edited January 2020

    Trapper: Pointed Smile, Osseous Overalls, Firebrand Stinger.

    Wraith: Glowing Vigil, Fury Waist Wrap, Oozing Spine.

    Huntress: Hound, Pelt Lice, Rancid Broadaxe.

    Legion: Bloody Legion(Frank), Cozy Holidays, Wet Hunting Knife.

    Plague: Bloody Plague, Foul Gown, Putrid Censer.

    Ghostface: Bloody Ghostface, Classic Ghostface Shroud, Wet Tactical Blade.

    Demogorgon: Full prestige outfit, going to get the new Demo skin that was leaked.

    Oni: Sanguinary Mask, Dripping Domestic Armor, Ice Cold Legacy Sword.

  • Member Posts: 4

    For Doctor I use the wooden baseball bat plus his blight head and body, I love the silliness of it

    For the Wraith I use his blight top, root and branch body, plus the bloody sickle knife

    For Hag her weapons are kind of weird bc its just her arm.. so I just use her sexy little red dress :-)

    For Survivors I only use Jane bc her booty is a perk on its own

    I give her the lose ponytail, xmas sweater, and her jeans. A goddess.

  • Member Posts: 4
  • Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2020


    Default hair (might get the black cap sometime), the blue tank top from the first rift, and black sweatpants.


    Complete Blight set

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    Pig black leather

    Legion Julie Suspended

    Feng Enter the Matrix with the Electric Dreams jacket

    Huntress Bird of Prey Sugata

    Nurse Miss Smithson (sometimes the purple victorian one)

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    They’re the best pants Jane has.

    All of her pantsuits aren’t form fitting and are kinda ripped.

    My biggest wish is to have a shoe option. I normally am not a stickler for this, but the gladiator sandals make pairing the outfit with a cropped business pantsuit top look odd.

    Her flats are cute too, it’s a shame really.

    I wanna see more exploration with Jane’s style, even though her look may not change that much her style is something that modern not something athletic— compared to many survivors attire. I’d love to see hats with long hair, flashy accessories or hairpins, anything really.

    Jane’s style is something that I personally think is super chic— but the pinstripe pants are a big no no for me due to how they look with the rest of her attire.

    Not to mention the Skater Dresses, which are adorable with cute sixties glamour with the boots. One of the other options is kitten heels, something I’d like to see on Jane. Nothing too crazy of a heel, but something that is a little more chic compared to the rest of her footwear.

    I’d personally love to see formal wear outfits on anniversary, where Jane is either rocking a crimson dress with a lipstick to match.

    This is simply due to the fact that it’s a challenging makeup look that Jane could probably pull off- IF the cosmetic team took time to look into makeup more (contour, matte foundation, more fun eyeshadow).

    Sorry for being irrelevant to the post, but I think that all the survivors have what it takes to have really interesting styles, but the person they’ve designed the best (in terms of actually wearable clothing) would be Jane.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    The spiky metal jacket, bloody pants, and groomed beard for Jeff

  • Member Posts: 477
    edited January 2020

    Jake: Legacy I, Vigo's Marauder bottom, Life of The Party head. Whenever I play survivor Im a true candle, sticking out so badly xD

  • Member Posts: 119

    On my Dwight I refuse to take the bike helmet off.

    On my Ghostface I wear the classic robes and then just about every mask.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    the ultra rare jake body cowboy hat and those purple pants

  • Member Posts: 77

    For Jeff I use: P3 Head, Spiked Metal Coat, and Ripped Jeans

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Billy with hallowed blight body.legs and pro-pain hammer

  • Member Posts: 11

    Dwight with legacy 1&2 with the failed parachute head is what I have been rocking

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    I like black.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    My main survivor is Dwight with the first Blight body and head. I decided to get 2/3 of three different outfits rather than 2 full outfits, because I wanted Doc and Wraith as well (skipped doc head and Wraith weapon too). Dwight just has default pants, need to see if I can get some cool on him too, but it works as well because there wasa not much difference to the blight pants (except the key he is wearing)

    My favourite killer combo outfit so far is Hag with new Blight body and weapon combined with Ashen Locks head from the Wood Witch set. She looks like a goddamn Fallout Feral Ghoul!

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    Lord and saviour P3 face and pants Bill with a christmas sweater

    The Dwelf

  • Member Posts: 982

    Masuku Bijin, Christmas sweater, Raw denim shorts

    I think I have almost everything for Feng but I usually wear that, sometimes the pink dress torso. I’m basic :)

    bet ya ass I rock that christmas sweater on halloween too.

  • Member Posts: 363
    edited January 2020

    Kate: Grey Hair, US Flag Shirt and Climb pants

    Dwight: Slick Dealer Fedora, Blue-Gray Waistcoat, Dusty Nut Brown Trousers

    Jake: Mining Pants and Torso and the Head from Hallowed Blight (the one with the mask)

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    Love that Doctor head! I hardly see anyone use it which is a crying shame!

  • Member Posts: 674

    These threads never get boring to me because of the unique combos people can come up with.

    What i'm currently using for my mains:

  • Member Posts: 71

    I've run this outfit on Kate for awhile now. I like the default shirt over the biker jacket cause it shows off her tattoos. I also like the hair cause it's the same style as mine IRL, :P

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I really like the red outfit on huntress with the ram skull. Also the clean axe from rift is really nice

    The kimono is pretty and the oni mask is great. I just never play her

    Always hope survivors would get distraced by the midriff. Glowing eyes since the outfit glows.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    Not home but I've been rocking this lately:

    I don't see anyone using the pink camo top.. and it's one of her best.

  • Member Posts: 7,669
    edited January 2020

    currently this one.

    but i like to change things up from time to time, so...

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    I like to keep it simple. Looks elegant, and scary from far and close up. Also makes it harder to spot from the distance.

  • Member Posts: 351

    The fancy suit for Jeff. I don't use it any more but I consider it my signature outfit since I grinded for all the shards (21,000) to get it. Now I use the torso and pants from his Try Hard Roadie outfit and the head from his fancy suit outfit. Best combo in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 275


    The Black top she starts with

    Grey side shaved hair

    Winter pants with the axe

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Jeff is my main survivor and I use Recovered Vest Jacket on him and the Resc-You-Me head and Leather pants.

    Have many killers and outfits and I change around a lot. Played a lot as Santa Clown lately for example.

  • Member Posts: 244

    i use nancy with the pony tail cosmetic and the christmas sweater and the bloody pants combo looks soooo good imo

  • Member Posts: 600

    I don’t really have one since I play all killers and only play Quentin for survivor and he has no cosmetics. But I do like my trapper who has the Prestige body, the mask from the rift, and the sword with the glowing edge. (I don’t remember the names of these)

  • Member Posts: 3,145
    edited January 2020

    Sheriff Jake

    Cowboy hat, windbreaker, p2 pants.

    Full p3 Spirit except blighted sword.

    Edit: @NMCKE's seen it.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    I don't have one. I like to rotate through all of Dwight's cosmetics.

    Michael only has two, and I use both. Well actually he has three if you count his P3 one. That and the hospital gown are what I swap around on him.

  • Member Posts: 81

    I like your name, any thoughts that the next killer may a siren of sort?

  • Member Posts: 71

    @monstermaster42 I kinda doubt it, lol. I'm not sure how that would work, though it would be cool! Siren is just what I've been known by for years :P

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