What is your biggest flaw as a player



  • UrbanEvading
    UrbanEvading Member Posts: 35

    For killer, it’s probably lunging and allowing survivors to run me in circles which can waste time instead of getting the immediate down.

    For survivor, it’s not running loops effectively. Sometimes I won’t run loops as tight as I can or when I do I’ll usually get stuck on something.

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    Lol yeah too soon bro, killers lost a real soldier this time around 😔🙏

    But yeah same I always try to over mindgame and end up just looking like a complete pepega lmao, I gamble too much when I loop

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    As a Survivor no matter how hard I try I SUCK at Looping.. I just feel like every killer catches up to me instantly, and do not understand at all how the survivors I play against as Killer are able to do such a terrific job at it, sort of blows my mind, especially because I'm a pretty deadly killer. It's like these Survivors are playing a different game than me haha

    As a Killer I have gotten better at it, but I think probably knowing when to give up a chase or continue one.. often times I end up getting bullied by great/pro survivors who can loop like gods and I feel hopeless because even if I give up chase the gens keep popping just as if I were to continue the chase, I just don't know what the best thing to do is in these situations.

    ^^ The above I'm referring to (I'm sure you all have experienced this) where you literally chase someone for just like 3 pallets and all the sudden 2-3 gens pop and it's GG.

  • JinX_Of_Fire
    JinX_Of_Fire Member Posts: 38

    As a survivor - overthinking the killers strategy and movement. Most times im caught its early in the chase and i over thought the killers plan.

    As a killer - being too committed to chases. I play alot of huntress, and if i use all my axes, ill chase even when its unlikely ill catch them for a while.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Biggest flaw is trying to enjoy this game at the moment.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    Survivor: I hate my teammates :(

    Killer: I try to mindgame, unmindgameable (new word webster) loops.

  • PatBrutal
    PatBrutal Member Posts: 565

    As a survivor I am not that great at loops and getting away from the killer when he is in a close range.

    As a killer : I tend to stick with the same survivor until I hook the person, instead of putting pressure on other survivors.

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    Killer: losing survivors because they change direction, or crawl away after I down them. I get distracted easily.

    Survivor: can't lose a killer to save my life. Once they see me, I'm done.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Sometimes, I pick strong survivors over weak and kill them first. I prefer to give the hatch to the strongest player.

  • LegioPotatica
    LegioPotatica Member Posts: 50

    Im still yellow rank, but...

    As a survivor, I need to work on my juking/looping. I play david, so I've got dead hard, but im a smol potato when it comes to using it. Tbh it seems like i wait too long and it goes unused.

    As a killer, i think i need to learn when to ditch a chase. Ive had a few games where some quick footed jackwagon has bamboozled me for an embarrassing amount of time, but i kept chasing because i alllllmoooooost got em!

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    As Killer: trying to read someome but end up reading to much into them to what I think was going to a mind game, they simply ran straight.

    As survivor: Never leaving a man behind, from face camps, to basement bubba, if I have borrowed I have one goal.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Red rank survivor and I can't loop the killer. The only thing I am good at is open spaces doing 360s and stuff, but vaulting, pallets, shack etc I'm finished.

    As killer well chasing survivors at loops same thing, so I give up pretty fast if I sense that the survivor is good att looping.

  • Siren
    Siren Member Posts: 71

    Survivor: I'm not the greatest with chases. Sometimes the stars align and there's enough pallets and windows set up that I recognize a decent loop and can run the killer for awhile. But generally, I'm good at not getting found by the killer till the end of the game when there is no more pallets left so I don't get much practice at actually looping the killer. I suppose the solution to this would be to purposefully put myself into chases to practice, but meh.

    Killer: I get super frustrated when a survivor infinite loops me and it carries into the rest of my game, and I just get more and more angry with every little thing a survivor does to try to survive. I need to learn to relax and just enjoy the game.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Killer: I swear I am blind at random moments. I can see a glimpse of someone crossing a field but will walk right by a person crouching in a corner... doesn’t even have to be a Claudette. Partially why I play Hag, they reveal themselves to me.

    Survivor: Whether to rescue or stay on my gen. I don’t usually play with friends, so I am always unsure if someone is going to get the hanging survivor or not. It makes me anxious and drives me nuts.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Killer - Chasing for too long or making mistakes when running a loop. Sometimes I dont think and give them easier windows when I could have easily got a hit.

    Survivor - Getting stuck on or running into objects looking behind too much. Not sure if it's myself or the game putting random items in my way when I'm not looking though 🤣

  • yermom
    yermom Member Posts: 155

    Killer - Checking areas too thoroughly (yay whispers); forgetting what my strategy is midmatch; trying too hard to mind game, i.e. leaving a chase to hopefully cut a survivor off elsewhere, only to end up all alone :(

    Survivor - Running for too long and not capitalizing on hiding when breaking line of sight.

  • HVMBL3
    HVMBL3 Member Posts: 18

    Imma be honest and say my flaws:

    as survivor I tend to get really tense with my teams and the killer I’m playing against

    and as killer my only flaw is working on big maps and that’s about it

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    As killer, I am not the best at gen patrolling, which could conclude to I don't know when I need to break a chase that well.

    As survivor, I tend to over mindgame myself, to the point I get caught... Also, I can't Moonwalk 😥

  • jes
    jes Member Posts: 6

    Probably because I mindgame way too much and that's why I lose chases really fast.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2020

    I'm new to the game and played killer exactly once. My biggest flaw playing that role was that I was constantly worried about giving the survivors a good game. My sole focus was on being a good-enough killer to make sure other people had fun. In the end, I got no kills and had no fun, lol.

    As a survivor, my biggest flaw is that I'm terrible at chases/looping. I don't think this will ever change from experience, either. I'm just bad at the whole mind-game thing, so I end up caught within a minute or so of being chased.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Caring too much about pips :(

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    My biggest flaw is becoming biased against anyone in the opposing role. When I mained killer for 1k hours I was adamantly against the survivor role and swore they were the real "power role" of this game. Now that I've been maining survivor for the past 500 hours... that point of view has been a bit skewed... Unfortunately this hasn't changed my stance that the Survivors are the Power Role, but it has enlightened me to the unfair feeling aspects of certain killers. Overall, I accept that this is an asymmetrical game, and thus is almost impossible to balance, and I take that with pride since i like a good challenge, but I can also see why many people may be less forgiving.

    I hate that I am Still favoring the killer side of things while maining survivor... but wonder if my few complaints against the killers are well founded.

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    I haven't been playing that long so I make lots of mistakes. Survivor side, anything involving a chase, plus I'm way too passive because I'm afraid to get chased at all. Killer side, I swing and miss SO often. No, it's not the servers or internet connection, I'm just terrible.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452

    I suck at 360s and I get 360ed a lot as killer. 🙃.

  • ASadGaymer
    ASadGaymer Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2020

    Killer: toying with survivors during the first part of the round and then end up losing. Also unless I'm having a bad day or I really want something on the bloodweb I tend to let one survivor go, sometimes I let two go.

    Survivor: I refuse to trust my teammates, I refuse to make risky unhooks, and I can't loop a killer no matter how hard I try.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    Not learning about the killer I'm looping against. I don't necessarily test them or don't learn their habits to adjust myself. I just end up mindgaming myself OOF.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    As killer if a survivor runs at me or dodges I miss quite a bit. It’s pretty annoying. As survivor I’m not the best looper but getting better over time.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    Caring too much about the fun of the other side. It sounds like a self flex but I actually end up ruining my own fun because of it a lot of the time, which is really stupid.

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  • pepperoninipples
    pepperoninipples Member Posts: 90

    As a survivor i tend to be a little too c****. Im a decent looper, but sometimes i go overboard and greedy.

    As killer i would say i get a little frustrated at being outplayed by really good teams.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I constantly tell myself, "Don't play a game with a Blendette," and over and over again I'm annoyed when they hide and do nothing.

  • CaptainAbsurd
    CaptainAbsurd Member Posts: 1

    I find that I often KNOW what the best action to take is, and yet I don’t take it. As a survivor there are times where I stealth the killer and they give me an opening to escape, but instead I stay in the same hiding spot until their terror radius gets a bit further away. This is a mistake I constantly make, and I’ve been pulled out of my fair share of lockers.

    Sucks to get hooked thinking “I knew I should have ran”

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306

    As a survivor I always get greedy when it comes to vaulting and dropping pallets, knowing damn well I’m gonna get smacked

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2020

    Getting in the headspace where...

    As I survivor I must survive in order to feel good about the match I just played.


    As I killer I have to get a 4k or I somehow failed even if I got the other three.

    Also, getting mad after a series of the above happening where I fail to survive even if I made a ton of points and got to the end or if I didn't get that 4th kill as a killer or worse yet if the survivors trolled me and I didn't get any of them or only just one of them. That makes me super angry.

    Post edited by liquidlight on
  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    As a killer Im too easily taunted

    As a survivor sometimes I’m too greedy with pallets

  • Local_Lettuce
    Local_Lettuce Member Posts: 2

    For Killer: I let things get to me too easily, it's not a game thing I'm just super hard on myself and I'll get frustrated while I'm trying to practice, being mentally ill makes it worse since it's almost like if I lost it takes a chunk of my self esteem and I react in an emotional and over dramatic way.

    For survivor: I really don't try as hard to better myself as a survivor, I just play and some of the decisions I do messes the team up big time. I'm definitely more comfortable playing survivor.

  • kld3169
    kld3169 Member Posts: 101

    As a new player who has only done survivor so far: using my camera to my advantage. I still forget to practice my finger movements on the keyboard while running and trying to look behind.

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    My eyes are my biggest weakness at this point. I can't see quick motions super well, so I whiff a lot even if I make good reads on survivors if they're good at juking. It's very frustrating, but nothing I can really do about it. I also end up focusing in on one survivor even though I'm consciously trying to switch targets whenever they get to a strong spot. As a survivor, my biggest flaw is looping. I can get a few good chases going, but I haven't played survivor nearly enough hours to really extend a chase more than a minute or two.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    As a survivor main, I hate depipping so much that if I depip due to a mistake I make, or the killer deciding I should die at all costs (the reason I dont play Steve anymore) then it can affect my game play.

    Usually I have to take a break to avoid my anger affecting the team or the match as a whole.

    Having said that, a lack of awareness (such as ignoring indications of a stealth killer while doing a gen) can also mess up my game.

    I try to not let losing pips ruin my game.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    i think my biggest mistake on my life was start playing this game, because like drugs, you cant stop playing but it makes me feel bad. really the devs need to fix this game. I AM ALREADY TIRED. but in game i think my biggest mistake is on loops

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    I only play Survivor nowadays, but my worst flaw is actually thinking the worst of people. Like, someone will be hooked and I’ll think “Oh, you won’t save me in return will you?” Sometimes I’m right in that reaction but other times I feel so bad for presuming such things. The community can be so lovely but sometimes it can be incredibly mean too.

  • Rex_Honeycut
    Rex_Honeycut Member Posts: 102

    As survivor: inconsistent patience with loops. Sometimes I can mind game and stretch a chase by an extra gen or two but I can just as easily get too eager and be in constant movement.

    As a killer: going for the lunge and missing when I should just close distance and tap. When I first started playing, I NEEDED unrelenting

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    As Survivor it's playing the hero. I can't leave a match knowing there could be a chance to save a hooked teammate, which usually leads to my death.

    As killer, I get a little too distracted by a T-Bagging Survivor and decide they must be hooked even if it means Gens are done.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    As killer I'm blind as a bat, and lunge too soon causing me to miss a lot of swings.

    As survivor I panic and potato more often than I like too admit.

  • sensualsatan
    sensualsatan Member Posts: 92

    As a killer, misjudging how coordinated survivors can be. This causes me to lose map pressure very quickly.

    As a (solo queue) survivor, sometimes getting overly frustrated with a teammate that hides in the corner of the map doing nothing (or self caring).

    EDDIERAMIREZ999 Member Posts: 7

    My biggest flaw as a killer is when the mind games are so good it gets me too and a survivor I always go back to save the guy who's down even when gates are open and the end game time is almost up or when I take the killer far and go down so I can let the rest of the random escape and if they try to rescue me I suicide on hook :) taking one for the entity

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    On both sides, I mindgame myself by always think the opposition is going to mindgame when they literally just run straight and I mess myself up.

  • KamalaGekido
    KamalaGekido Member Posts: 49

    I am excessively easy to ake angry or distract; thus I get Gen-rushed easy when mister "HEY OVER HERE" with their flashlight starts flicking at me and T-bagging at the pallets. This is why I needed ruin. With it gone I just prepare to lose now, and no longer care about rank, so I just tunnel all the time and camp when needed. I wouldn't if I had my ruin, but it's not worth being used anymore so I gotta get used to not having it. Noed and Blood warden here I come!

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    Looping as survivor and everything as killer LOL