The real issue-killers want average 3-4k kills balance



  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited January 2020

    A big issue isn't the number of kills. A game where you get 2 kills can still feel like a victory, while one where you get 3 feels like a failure.

    A lot of it comes down to the fact that, especially for more 'controlly, passive' killers, you never actually get into a groove where you feel remotely in control of the match. A big reason why killers really hate SWF is that the ability to communicate your in a chase and the killer's activity makes chases very negative for the killer in terms of match control, because they take a long time and unless you get a kill or good hook off them they don't create much pressure.

    In essence, you feel like your constantly on the back foot, rather than like a predator chasing people down. Chases where someone slips away 5 seconds into them feel way better than chases that last a minute where I get the down and a kill because the guy was just looping a safe bunch of pallets and I chose trapper because he is fun when he works.

    A lot of the issue comes around waxing about how 'unfun' it is for the survivor to 'not get to play.' But in game design, often player elimination is a mercy. A survivor run out of the game lost through not being good enough to evade detection and capture, and is in theory free to just watch or play another game. A Killer who is just getting run about and who falls behind on Gen pressure is in a worse spot because they are obligated to keep playing. You are stuck in a game you know you aren't going to win, you can't even do side objectives because your ONLY objective is player interaction. Survivors sometimes complain they don't have anything to do besides repair for their objective but that is a total joke, killers HAVE to interact with survivors and that interaction is often defined by extreme frustration.

    This is part of why Killers would like a surrender feature. They WANT to be able to lose matches with dignity because despite being the 'power role' killers have very little control over the game's tempo if they don't IMMEDIATELY start neutralizing players.

    This is why, even for a killer who DOESN'T care about wins but just cares about emblems or having a good time, they will often tunnel out one survivor if they detect weakness. If you get rid of a survivor before 2 gens pop, your 'ahead of curve' and have the freedom to do more stall oriented play. If the survivors ever manage to get the number of remaining gens below their own player count suddenly you just don't have time and are rushing about like a headless chicken in a very unfun way.

    I think the IDEAL DBD balance point is that, on average, 2.5 players lose, including the killer, and the game de-emphasizes cooperation among the survivors. It was like this when the game came out, cooperative play such as looping legitimately didn't work and for survivors to rank they had to play selfishly, viewing other survivors and evaluating them on how much time they took off gens vs how much of the killer's time they ate up. But a big issue with SWF is that it makes it so that EVERY survivor is super emotionally invested in ANY survivor dying, which is a problem when the killer's main interaction with the survivor's that is positive for them is killing one. SWF also hurts the virtue of player elimination: Solo survivors who get eliminated borderline don't give a ######### because they just Q up for a new game. SWF survivors need to wait for the game to end, and are in a similar (though still better) position of that 'hostage killer.'

    It is not remotely an accident that the push to punish killers for trying to efficiently eliminate players despite it being a KEYSTONE of how the game is balanced came about after SWF came out.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    I play swf mostly because I like having people to talk to and working as a team. Also, the people I play with I met through this game. On the other hand, I've adepted every character, most of my killers have breached teachable perk levels and I think I'm 15 or less achievements away from earning all of them.

    This being said, I agree with you. I think killers need a huge balance buff, especially since they receive majority of the toxicity. I think it should be balanced to have 3 kills per match. Horror movies usually only leave a sole survivor, and usually survivors are on edge during all the scary parts. When I started playing as a survivor, I got hooked on the adrenaline rush from being scared of the killer. I started off always sneaking cause I didn't want to be found, barely ran until killers found me. Now, IDC who the killer is, what they are running out even if they find my scratch marks. I know I can loop them for a gen or 2 and even lose them if I must. I don't fear them.

    To me, this is why the game is struggling. It shouldn't be easy to survive. It should be challenging, and it should feel rewarding but it's not. If killers were harder, survivors wouldn't be running around like vigilantes and popping gens super fast. If killers were harder, sneaking and hiding would be more mandatory this slowing the game down a little more. Killers should be feared and hard to beat, not laughed at and mocked.

    IDC if I'm never the 1 out of 4, but I think 3ks a game should be average or to convert to something more, 8-10 hooks a match should be average.

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    It's ridiculously easy to pip red rank survivor. I can +1 easy and still die. Killers take so much more to pip. Also, there are 4 people any given game trying their best to prevent my pip. That's why I stopped playing killer. Used to be red rank. But now I stick to green ranks and only do dailies. Best thing about being green rank? I still get to play against red rank survivors! *sarcasm alert to those who don't grasp it*

  • Sixnno
    Sixnno Member Posts: 53

    Devs don't use tiny test groups for the stats we ask. Usually they use data from the last 3 months of games with no disconnects.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited January 2020

    I had the opposite reaction I went from a solo survivor to a killer and I don't really feel bad for them since bad teammates is the biggest problem and you can't really change it not to mention the tons of safety nets they have

  • JKastle
    JKastle Member Posts: 4

    Genuine question, you guys are made there's a 50% survival rate that they escape?

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    How is a 2k a loss for a survivor when it's easy to pip as a survivor

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    No, the real issue is that when a killer at high rank gets 2 kills, he likely had to sweat and stress the whole time just to get that. so it wasn't fun. Killer is far too stressful, particularly because gens go too fast above rank 12 or so, and also looping is an absurd and tedious mechanic.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I can understand that. If I was survivor first than killer I could see taking on that mindset and fully embracing killer. I have in the past.

    I went from killer to survivor so I have so much to learn from that side. As well I have played killer enough to appreciate the skill of the top survivors. I want to be that good and have a team that good.

    But I can understand being a brutal killer. Just please have mercy on us weak loopers.

  • crossboy
    crossboy Member Posts: 55

    Do you have any proof this is the case or are you just mindlessly spitting out "bhvr bad"

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    these kill rates are so dumb.

    give me stats on how many survivors are alive when 5 gens are done. that gives a better idea of how the match goes. once the gates are powered, survivors just hook bomb and you could have 2-3 kills just because of their altruism whoring. doesn't really tell you that the game was a complete joke and really over after 2-3 hooks.

    also, how about the average game time when all 5 gens are completed.

    too hard stats to get?

  • dizbruhlikesthering
    dizbruhlikesthering Member Posts: 113

    Obviously people will try to do their best to win so much as they can. When you play as killer, do you let two people escape only for the sake of keeping the game "balanced" and "fair"? This thread is talking more about how the emblemsystem is bad, considering the game should be balanced around two escape and two kills, however, its more difficult for killers to pip for that reason. Noone ever said anything about purposefully making the game fair (by letting someone escape), it needs to be balanced already before in the game for that to happen. And that is exactly what this thread is discussing about.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited January 2020

    Anyone remember the Victory Cube we had? It was only about hooks to get pips.

    If killer would put on hook every survivor 2 times, that would be safe pip. (8 hook points for safe pip.)

    A full sacrifice counted as 4 hook points.

    playing fair and killing only 1 survivor was a pip.

    Now remind me why did we moved to Emblems? I think that devs just want survivors dead. Dont hold back from Mori, Rancor and the best killer add-ons. Do your best to 4k.


  • skoopydoo
    skoopydoo Member Posts: 24

    I love how killer mains absolutely lose it when you post stats that show how low survival rates are. Apparently they should be even lower, right guys?

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,101

    Killers want 3-4 kills because 3 kills = no pip and 4 kills = pip.

  • jjwild909
    jjwild909 Member Posts: 10

    Playing killer is all about applying pressure. You can 4K a SWF with the right amount of pressure no matter how much they talk in discord. There is usually one person who purposely takes agro and screws you over and everyone escapes or one person dies. The games is fine where it is at the moment. Hit boxes are the real issue right now

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I don't think that the problem is Killer's wanting 4K, I personally don't care to get 4K as a Killer and this isn't the balance issue that we should be looking at, the issue which I explained in another similar thread just a moment ago is the following:

    (One thing I will add is I have heard before from Killers at Red Ranks that it is extremely difficult to pip without getting 3-4K, I cannot speak to this because I have never even gotten to Red Rank as Killer before, probably because 100% of my matches in Purple Ranks are against full on Red Rank Survivors) Please Continue Reading to understand the bigger issue at hand:

    "The statistics are an issue that causes this problem of perception.

    Truth is, Killer's are really easy to get 4K's with throughout the "majority" of ranks. Probably all the way to about Rank 8 or so it is very easy to get 4K as a "decent" killer with practice.

    But once you hit Rank 8, all you end up facing are Red Rank Survivors. Rank 8-5 every single one of my matches had at least 3 Red Rank 2-4 Survivors and most of them were in parties of 2 or more SWF.

    Once this happens, and you start playing against those type of Survivors.. all of the sudden you start seeing constant 4 Survivors escaping.

    The bottom line, and truth of the game, is that once you get into "Red Ranks" which is the "End-Game" of DBD technically, especially for a Killer who automatically pips whether they try to or not because of EASY 4K's in Ranks 20-8 .. all of the sudden the game becomes EXTREMELY Survivor sided.

    I really honestly wish we could just play an "Unranked" game mode for fun whenever we don't feel like playing like a "sweaty try-hard" or want to practice a new Killer, but there is NO SUCH GAME MODE... which means, we go from literally having to not try AT ALL to get 4K against bad Survivors to all of the sudden having to constantly try our HARDEST and still get wrecked by Pro Survivors.

    A lot of this has to do with skill and the extreme learning curve and skill cap of DBD unfortunately, I suppose for both Killer and Survivor.. but there just really isn't a good middle ground.

    Green ranks you would think is the middle ground, but it is still too easy for Killer.

    Purple ranks is way too hard because you are now facing Red Rank survivors. Red Rank survivors are honestly too good at the game, and have too many tools to succeed in safe looping Killers and Gen rushing and working as a team.

    This means that in the END. ULTIMATELY the BEST KILLER in the entire game vs. THE BEST 4 SWF SURVIVORS .. will never really have a chance, unless he just gets super lucky. At 100% optimal performance, Survivors will ALWAYS win, because its 4v1.

    This is the problem for Killers, and EVERY single time there is a new Killer Nerf to help "New Survivors" because it its TRUE that it is WAY TOO EASY to KILL Inexperienced Survivors.. it just Widens the gap even more for Killers to do well against the "Pro Red Rank Survivors" that are already dominating them.

    At least this has been my experience thus far, and in my opinion the biggest issue with balance in DBD. Somehow Balancing has to be done in ways that make it more challenging for the "Pro Survivors" and yet easier for the "New Survivors" in order to be fair for the Killer. But as of now any Survivor change or Killer change effects ALL Survivors ability at the same time."

    And by the way, I am only a Green/Purple Rank Survivor and I think Killers are WAY too strong against me, but I also happen to know that I am NO WHERE NEAR as good of a player as Red Rank Survivors who can do ######### I have never been able to do before ever.. and maybe never will be able to.. which means yes I WANT Killers to be weaker against "newer survivors or less skilled survivors such as myself" but at the same time KILLERS NEED to be Stronger against the pro best of the best Survivors that can LITERALLY bully Killers all game long and escape with 4 without even seemingly trying.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    This is true. As killer I love getting a 4K and it’s always my goal. I think other killers are the same.