We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

So these are the survivors the devs are catering to!



  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    I play both equally as well. And I get it, it's no fun being camped or tunneled or slugged. But I also realise the guy on the other side is not playing this game for my enjoyment. I think killers that dc because they are being rolled are babies. I think survivors that dc because the killer isn't playing to make you happy are babies.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    im just saying, there would be far less dc'ing and possibly far less toxicity if killers would just chill a little bit.

    Do you know how many people said once ruin changes go live they are camping/tunneling/slugging just because they are mad. I don't understand it. And I'm not saying that they have to play to make me have fun.

    But if you wanna act like that then I'm gonna make it so you possibly don't get a pip. Its one in the same right? Seems like most killers just chalk a win up to pipping..or getting that 4k

    Well DC isn't actually a kill and could cause your little pip to not be there..

    Im just saying, People need to look at the reasons in WHOLE. not jus "they were mad" or "they werent good enough" it actually takes me a bit to dc but once I do, Im done with the game for the day.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Again I see what you're saying. But I'm also looking at it from both sides. Also something like this has happened to me recently. I was playing as wraith. Downed the first person. Heard footsteps and right behind me was someone waiting to flashlight. Downed him and went back to pick up the first person and someone was there healing them. Downed them and went back to the first person yet again...there was person number 4. Everyone dced

    So, every survivor in the match played the situation extremely poorly. I deserve to lose all those points because I didn't just let them run around like potatoes?

    I've had plenty of games as killer that I've played poorly. I get absolutely rolled. I've had games where I only get one or 2 hooks. I never, ever expect the survivors to chill a little and allow me to get something I'm not earning.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    edited January 2020

    I don't see why people are saying the Killer shouldn't have slugged the Survivors. If the Ace didn't DC, this situation wouldn't have occurred.

    I understand the frustrations against a Killer that actively slugs the whole group, but when the situation is caused by a Survivor you can only really blame the Survivor.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Thank you! I had full intentions on hooking Ace, so David could get Claud up, than I would have gone after David, than Nea and or Claud could have gone after Ace. But Ace chose to get mad because I heard him healing Claudette and instead of running he chose to stay in a obvious hiding spot and DC because HE ######### UP and got spotted.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Your kidding why didn't the 3rd person run away and come back for the save instead of trying to blind the killer twice and then DC when that didn't work and they got downed, If they all want to hang around in the one spot like in that video then why shouldn't a killer down them all it was bad play by the 2 survivors and the killer had every right to use that chance to there advantage.

    All your doing is telling survivors if they make a bad play/move that it is ok to DC, didn't get that blinded on the killer just DC when they down you?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I don't condone their dc'ing. I don't see the leap of reasoning to connect this fat sample size of one to these supposed "survivors that BHVR caters to" either.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I can fully agree with you, on those reasons to DC besides slugging. I didn't intend to slug but the reason why it came to that is Simply because I downed Claud within the pallet and Nea was in my face, so I hooked her in hopes that claud would be on her when I heard her being healed by Ace who orginally ######### up, because instead of getting Claud on her feet and taking agro like I wanted him to, he chose to hide in an obvious place, and get mad and DC because he misplayed. Like that David, I ######### up my blink, he had plenty of reaction time to see that I ######### up my blink. What did he do, vault the pallet and DC because he ######### up.

  • JOBreazy
    JOBreazy Member Posts: 128

    Sounds like you just want this game to have no survivors with that statement lol

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    After seeing the video I get it and I should have known better. I'm a survivor main, but the overwhelming majority of the time the people that annoy me the most when playing are other survivors.

    You would think it would be really simple to figure out that running right into the middle of a situation like that and just making yourself another easy victim isn't the most intelligent way to play. However, that seems to be beyond the understanding of the survivors that end up on my teams every match. It seems there are a good percentage of survivors whose only strategy seems to be handing killers easy kills via hook farming, flashlighting, etc.

    Why I even entertained the thought that you went out of your way to slug these survivors is beyond me. I watch it match after match. Survivors playing with absolutely zero strategy and just handing themselves to the killer. They deserve to be slugged. It just sucks being in constant crap match watching everyone else get slugged because they have no strategy whatsoever. It makes it hard to get BP or level up. I honestly can't blame any killer for that though.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yes, just pick up the claudette in the middle of the pallet with one guy camping the pallet and one guy standing around with a flashlight. he will certainly make it to a hook.

    it surely wasnt them being way too overaltruistic that got them killed asap, it was the killer being toxic, obviously.


  • bumbewildered
    bumbewildered Member Posts: 16

    There's an inherent reason that a 3 man slug in the first minute or so rewards no pips. It's in the lore. Be a selfish killer and kill for your own sake and the Entity isn't fed. Give the survivors hope and then take it away from them, and the Entity becomes pleased. This also allows everyone to have fun, unlike in this situation where the 3 DCs didn't have fun, the guy who stayed didn't have fun, and you didn't have fun.

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    This happened to me last night. I got wrecked until the end and 3 DCed because I brought a mori. Good job devs! Let's let cry babies run the game and ruin it for the players who MAKE THESE GAMES POSSIBLE.

  • pichtuhq
    pichtuhq Member Posts: 11

    As the survivor “main” who is always the last guy in a match because everyone D/C’d due to slugging, I can say this:

    It is NOT the killer’s fault that 3 people went down in one minute. It is the survivors for playing like potatoes and dying so quickly. That’s not all though. The survivors had the audacity to screw over the last survivor by D/C-ing.

    Sure it sucks being abandoned like that butI run Bond and I see the survivors running loops wrong or not being able to juke the killer’s attacks :/ When I get found, I let the killer kill me because there’s a 100% chance that I was going to die anyways BUT I can always get my survivor level back easily. Killers can’t.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    It's crap like this that makes it obvious that there needs to be more done about disconnects. Why the hell they haven't introduced the husk system or a reasonable amount of points for disconnects yet is beyond me. But people who disconnect just because the game isn't going their way are validation for having more sting to a disconnect. Maybe 1 less perk available per disconnect for the next 3 games after your final disconnect resetting with each disconnect.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    People saying 3 people got slugged didn't watch the video also they were bad and screwed the Claudette and whoever was on the hook

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    So killers need to "apply gen pressure to not lose three gens in a minute ( which isn't fun for killer ) but when they do like the op oh how dare the killer make the game not fun for me and dc also on the bnp add on I don't know what you're talking about it's quite strong without old ruin it allows survivors to get a gen done before killers can even cross the map depending on the map

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    From what it looked like to me (here's a guess) you downed a survivor another survivor comes around the corner they get downed and you pick them up you then go to get the first downed surv, but someone was there so you hit them they DC. you see the other just around the corner they try to flashlight you, you go and down them you pick them up for the hook they DC end video. respond if you can I want to see if I was anywhere near the truth.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I didn't intend to slug but the reason why it came to that is Simply because I downed Claud within the pallet and Nea was in my face, so I hooked her in hopes that claud would be on her feet when I heard her being healed by Ace who orginally [BAD WORD] up, because instead of getting Claud on her feet and taking agro like I wanted him to, he chose to hide in an obvious place, and get mad and DC because he misplayed. Like that David, I [BAD WORD] up my blink, he had plenty of reaction time to see that I [BAD WORD] up my blink. What did he do, vault the pallet and DC because he [BAD WORD] up.

    It's Copy & Paste since I don't wanna retype all that, so excuse the tone.

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    Its all good I just wanted to figure out what happened with the first down but now it just makes me think 'object of obsession' or something.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Nah! I predicted her spawning point but she ran to the shack

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    If the killer slugs the entire team in under a minute, the survivor team comp is trash. Survivor main, I don't que with randoms. They're mostly carried potatoes who dc for stupid circumstances like, "I don't like this map" and "Killer targeted me first." Don't enable dcing for doing horrible.

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138

    That is why one must use spine chill and play stealthy while dealing with nurse, but most survivors want to play rambo.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    He is a red rank survivor maybe stop with the us vs them thing that's how you make yourself look silly.

  • lamekiller
    lamekiller Member Posts: 23

    Not even the moment he was dead if it was first hook. I hate it when survivors dc on first hook or worse I've had them dc on first hit.

  • What slugging? There's a survivor in a pallet with other survivors nearby, only a foolish killer is going for the pick up. There was no slugging here. Just spoilt SWF players bring extremely selfish.

    If you're a killer main, then you're obviously not a very good killer then. If you don't know the difference between slugging and and not picking up a survivor under a pallet lol

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    So much ######### double standards here. Is BHVR also catering to theses people as well? Who are obvious entitled survivor mains and have double standard?

  • Streetwise_Hobo
    Streetwise_Hobo Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2020

    Why are people saying that it's okay to DC in this position? If they had unbreakable I bet they wouldn't lol...

    Feel sorry for that top survivor though, teammates abandoned him for sure, that Ace could have just ran off took the down and the other go unhook atleast, a bad start but atleast could have made the most of it, instead of DC'ing like that, how frustrating.

  • Nazia
    Nazia Member Posts: 37

    The whole argument of dumbing it down for Survivors is flawed because the game has a problem with retention. If you just look at the achievement "Getting the Hang of it."

    According to the Global Achievement list on Steam, only 43.5% of players ranked up once. I.E. got to level 19. What in god's balls is going on with your game if only just under half of your base was able to do one of the simplest of tasks?

    The vast majority of survivors don't even have access to the numerous 2nd chance perks and all the devs are doing by buffing that crap and adding more crap is giving the minority of red rank survivors even more tools to win and troll the killer. That's all they're achieving.

    It's time to wake up, Behaviour.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    LOL, text is hard to tell when it comes to tone and sarcasm.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2020

    I'm not saying it's okay for them to DC but judging off what you said "heard a survivor, downed them, heard another downed them, heard another and downed them"... it sounds like you were slugging with all 5 gens remaining and that seems sort of toxic. It's not like you were about to lose or anything. You could have hooked the second guy and allowed them to try and make a save. Instead, to me, it seems like you were all about killing them all as fast as possible. Sounds like the game was going to be a minute long whether they DC'd or not because of you.

    Edit: And if you're not playing to get points or have fun but instead just to kill everyone asap... you might need a hug.