THE BEST way to TRULY BALANCE this game

So... It's a fact that DBD suffers from an identity problem, the devs wants the game to be for fun only, but they balance the game around people that don't yet have a grasp of how the game works, don't know about looping, gen rush, meta perks, etc etc (Lower ranks), making us (red ranks) unsatisfied and disrespected, this is so true that they are nerfing ruin, which is BS at its core and I believe it doesn't matter if you're a killer or a survivor, you probably agree with me (I play more survivor lately because killer isn't worth the stress at rank 1)... "How do we solve this?" you may ask, and one thing I came to realize, and perhaps I'm not the 1st one to do it, is that the only real way to solve this issue is by balancing ranks by color for example, like if you're a red rank, your gens would be repaired way slower than a rank 20's game, having therefore a permanent debuff attached to your rank, or something like that, and if you're rank 20, you have to be hooked 4 times to die (just throwing numbers so you understand the idea), with all this would be possible to remove unfun/inconsistent perks, like Ruin, NOED, DS (quite possibly) and etc, making the game possibly be fun/challenging to play at all ranks. Then with this solution, another VERY OLD problem would come back, which is "Why should I rank up??", and this would be a matter for a whole other discussion.
Tell me what you think =)! (this is a repost, because I think I infringed a rule on my first one.)
Might aswell derank then so you matches will always be super easy. There isn't any incentive to be in a higher rank other than giving you a tougher challenge and more knowledgeable teammates.
But with that idea you might aswell stay in the brown and yellow ranks to have easy matches, cause why would you want to rank up just to have a pain in the ass match.
Then once you add in incentives for ranking up, people begin to game the game to get the rewards.
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That would just encourage people to derank more, so that they have easy games. That will not be in the benefit of new players who will probably not enjoy being teabaged and flashlight spammed.
A solution to fix that is adding rank rewards. Like if you were rank 1 at the end of the season you get a cosmetic, and that is for each color of ranks.
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That's why I said THE REASON to rank up isn't what's being discussed here, but rather the balance of the game itself.
I agree with you Bloodlust, a rank reward is something ppl have been asking (me included) for a loooong time.
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With the rank reset, this rank-based debuff can easily throw people off, not to mention that with matchmaking and SWFs you get people of all ranks in a game (one of my last games was 2,4,3,20,4), and this will mess with people, especially since you can't see ranks in the lobby and soon postgame. This also doesn't take into account smurfs, or other players who are more skilled than their ranks.
Theres also the fact that you only brought up Survivor examples- to be fair, Killers would have to get similar debuffs/buffs. This would make them stronger at low ranks and weaker at high ranks, since their success per rank is roughly the inverse of the Survivors.
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What do you mean that it would throw ppl off with the rank reset? Yeah, swf wouldn't be so easy to fix, maybe inserting an unranked mode, who knows.
The survivor debuff is a buff for the killer, I think you just haven't thought it through correctly lol, like making gens slower would make possible to remove ruin from the game for example, noed, etc etc, because the games would last longer anyways. (I did put this on my other post, but I think I ended up forgetting to put it on this one, I'll fix it.