The Devs Clear Bias Towards Survivors Is Both Hilarious And Pathetic.
I guess Otz,Trutalent and Monto are baby killers then
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Stop the whining already... Ruin is getting changed... Live with it or stop playing.
I guess ZwigglyLee, Tweedul-dee and Dumbee are baby killers then.... Huff puff... LULs
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Being Mad because I responded to your claim
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This is fun.
I stopped using Ruin months ago. Grow up. I agree that the root issue rather than ruin should've been fixed, but there is no need to insult the Devs.
Also none of the thing you listed in ALL CAPS FOR SOME REASON are OP in any instance. In fact, hit detection is in favor of Killers, since we're using this super toxic us-versus-them mentality.
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I found your response hugely funny... Biggly funny.
Cause I don't care about any of those streamers you mentioned. In fact I don't give a crap about any streamers who stream Dead By Daylight playwise. They provide entertainment, I don't care about their DBD prowess, as I don't watch streamers just cause they might be good at a game. If you enjoy watching them then good for you. I don't care.
Many of us act pretty juvenile on these forums... While acting like some random kid at school I don't know, you came running over to me in the school yard and said "Nuuh huh... Their dad can beat up your dad!", while pointing at some kid crying on the bench.
Oh the memories... Funny days.
Who are you? LULs
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I don't need my dad to beat up your dad, I will go over to his house and suck his Ding Dong and I'll become your stepmother
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i play both sides and what i see is that you only show the survivor side pov.
Ebony = counterable by not getting hook then found again and killer actually have to work to get it to work and survivor will pb DC or not load the game when they see secret offering
Annoying build and addons = both sides have the same amount of annoyance to the other side in term of build and addons
scummy playstyles = see above
hitbox = yeah they are busted right now but people choose to only see the one that hit when it shouldn't and not talk about the one that doesn't hit even if it should
if you talk about the recent survivors nerfs :
BT = was abused by survivors and is now truly an altruistic perk
DS = was actually buff as you have the same effect if you are the obs or not + killer can't juggle you anymore
Balanced Landing = merely a nerf more a adjustment so it's like the other exhaustion perk.
Insta heal = abused by survivors and was a no-brain addon
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Nerfing ruin coz its hard for new survivors is (sorry for that word) extremely stupid. Rank 20 is like tutorial for new players where both survivors and killers learn basic mechanics of game e.g. skills checks, loops, hexes and totems, gen repairs, pallets, windows...etc. And only because for new survivors is "frustrating" finding hex totems to remove Ruin, BHVR is going to nerf it. So instead of learning newbies we have comforted newbies that sit with M1 to gen and sit. No totems, no tactics but so much comfort. But they didnt realize that its ruining higher tiers that are extremely prone to gen-rushing. Best is that current matchmaking is putting green killers vs red/purple survivors so there is literaly no chance apply some pressure or prevent gen-rushing. Killers are not "frustrated" vs gen-rushing? But BHVR cares only about survivors comfort. They are still raising cap for killers how win game while making eden garden for survivors. Building game around ranks 20 is extremely silly.
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dosen't matter because the devs are making a ######### ton of money
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Nurse is utter ######### and boring af to play now, if they didn't nerf her base kit she's be fine
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I was about to comment the exact same thing.
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Prey stronger than the hunter? That's dbd.
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Considering how you're a survivor main, I wont be surprised if you dont understand, ruin was the BEST for gen slow down to where killers didnt have to be super sweaty to win the game and get the pip but now thats about to all change thanks to the devs.
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Not getting hooked let alone being found by the killer is something almost impossible. It still doesn't make up for the fact that it's bullshit though
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It's past your bed time baby survivor. <3
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I play both survivor and killer and actually a little bit more killer. And there's still plenty of other slowdown perks that do their job someone even better than ruin. Frankly, ruin was probably the worst of them all though.
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"DS was nerfed" yup you're definitely a survivor main XD
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Yeah ruin is crutch because gen speed in this game is terrible. XD
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The only other decent one than ruin is corrupt but that only last the beggining and did you really just say ruin was the worst?
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Yes it was, The RNG of survivors matched up, Map, Skillchecks, Totem spawns. It's just to much for one perk to work perfectly that's why I say it's bad also it's effectiveness sucks. And corrupt is not the only other alternative. Pop Goes, and Dying Light are other perks that are just as good.
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A little melodramatic there Outland, and it misses the mark. If you take the time to read the various posts of the developers over the past year or so you would understand they have an ideal system in mind. You can't really balance a game like this for all playstyles, so you have to create a baseline. They continue to mention having a healthy ability to chase, pressure, and slow down the game by not standing still. In other words, pressure the map.
They have not condemned camping or tunneling, rightfully so, because there is a time in which both are strategically sound strategies. But, if you take a macro look at the changes to both killers and survivors, they have tweaked the game towards the killer engaging in shorter chases with all survivors throughout a match. This Ruin change pushes that even more by rewarding the killer for pressuring gens and punishing survivors for being too hesitant to re-engage the gens.
Quite frankly, this is a great move. The killers that will notice the biggest difference are those who hard camp the whole match in ranks 13 to 20. Old ruin paralyzed survivors at those ranks and rewarded a very lazy play style. Ruin and NOED were an easy 4k for that killer. Now, not so much.
I have not seen a huge difference as a red rank killer until I play a match with lower ranks, which is horrible on PTB. Red rank survivors tend to blow through old ruin, and don't act to skittish about engaging a gen if pushed off but not chased.
Time will tell. I can tell you that lower rank survivors are really blindsided by the effectiveness of new ruin when they spend the next 30 seconds hiding instead of jumping back on the gen. They find that 70% gen nearly back to 0%.
When I play survivor, I prefer stealth. Stealth play has been steadily destroyed over the past 2 years. I do know what it is like to see a favorite playstyle reduced. I get it though. As a killer, there is nothing more boring than a match vs 4 stealth Blendettes hardly doing anything.
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Well, the game is now basically 4vs1... but 4 killers vs 1 survivor, given the fact how badly devs are working to turn killers into the ones, who are actually struggling in the game. When I think it should be other way around, right? Survivors have strength in numbers, so individually they shouldn't be stronger than killer.
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But thats a totem issue that the devs could fix but are apparently too lazy to, totem design is the reason why a lot of the mechanics in this game are unbalanced but they still refuse to fix it when all they have to do is make totem spawns more random and put them in better hiding areas and also make hex totems regular totems that way it can be harder to find them and not make them clear as day to find and this would also improve game play and have survivors doing more objectives by trying to find the specific hex they are trying to get and not just make it super easy to get it in 16 seconds when it makes sounds and glows.
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Making hex totems not lit sounds kinda but but it should be vice versa making all totems lit.
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A. Insults gets us nowhere.
B. You didn't deny my points.
C. I have the majority of my time on killer. In fact, probably more than you from the looks of it.
D. This "Us versus them" mentality is not doing anything for us. This is OUR game. Not the Survivor's. Not the Killer's.
I don't agree with the ruin changes, but people are acting like they doubled gen speeds. Relax. Pick another perk. It's that easy.
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I bet you gonna have a good time learning Nurse on the new Yamaoka Map lmao.
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Imagine thinking that the hatch is broken lmao. I stopped reading after hatch.
What a bait post.
Just another baby killer whining instead of facing these challenges
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It is
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Aight baby, lemme just grab my robust, curvy, some dare say, even, sensual, Commodious Toolbox and equip two gorgeous addons. Then, as my sugarbaby meg runs the killer around any of the numerous broken buildings in the game, I'll relaxingly hold mouse one in gens until they're all done rather fast, because the killer can either leave the chase and let my sugarbaby come sit on my lap as we do gens together and go find someone else who will just take a hit and run towards the same broken building, or the same broken setup, or he can commit to my baby and as soon as he's about to catch her, all the gens pop and there she goes, sprinting away with her, may I say, orgasmic adrenaline play. Genrushing isn't real, and neither are broken buildings who allow genrushing to be an issue, sure, keep talling yourself babe. Just remember some parents keep telling themselves vaccines will give their kids autism, and that doesn't make them right :kiss:
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"Friend, just cut them some slack! We're clearly trying to just make their game better for everyone! Wait, what's that, Killers are actually players and part of the playerbase and not AI? Oopsie daisy!"
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*Survivor as profile pic* *reads comment* *laughs in OMEGA LUL* XD
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*EZ af Killer as profile pic* *reads all of your comments*
You've gotta be joking. No one seriously thinks this way. You're trolling, if you're serious then I don't know what the hell to tell you
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The funny thing is Masantonio is not a survivor main. At all.
Maybe look at their post history, you'll be surprised.
And also. You're complaining about everything because your ONE perk got nerfed?
It's past your bedtime baby killer
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Yeah that ######### is inconsistent. Want me to talk about more inconsistent things?
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I too suggest my fellow survivors to play nurse and blink into basement vacuums and get migraines from the constant fatigue visuals all while being annoyed by constant cooldowns and weird nurse 38 year old cooldown orgasm sounds. She honestly has nice legs.