For god sake

JLew Member Posts: 160

Please do something about the matchmaking on ps4. For survivors the wait is ridiculous. Waiting 10 minutes for a game then it gets dodged being both swf and on solo, just to then wait all over again for the same thing to happen. So on a good day you need to play 4 hours to maybe get a few games. I swear, so many of your problems would be solved by just making this better. I wouldnt care about being dodged, camped, tunneled, or any of the things killers do that annoys most survs. If games actually started up in a reasonable amount of time this game would actually be playable...ffs just fix it. Thank you kindly


  • SinfulHarlot
    SinfulHarlot Member Posts: 154

    Strange, I just came back to the game after a 2 month break due to a similar problem. My que times for both killer and survivor are up. Then again I am making the climb back to red/purple, so it might be your tank.

  • ImJustHereChillin
    ImJustHereChillin Member Posts: 13

    It might be especially bad at the moment because of the ptb, but if you thought the game has a lack of killers now wait till next patch after old ruin is gone (specifically people who use weaker killers).

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    Yeah I attempted a few games out of curiosity. Managed to get 2 in an hour. Looks like I'm not the only killer who's leaving.

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    It really depends on your rank I find a game in 5-10 minutes tops on both sides

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    And also there's too many swf for solo queuers to find games. Because randoms are so bad to play with no solo queues anymore they either don't play or play with their friends who are just as toxic as they are. I play mostly survivor. But since the archives came out I started playing more Killer, but it's really not fun to play this game with all the toxic flashlighting, teabagging, fast vaulting, toxic survivors on either side I feel if Dbd actual got rid of these players more people would play killer making queue times better

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    No killers at high ranks on console or pc is just the start. Low rank killers won’t be able to get high rank because of the upside down matchmaking.

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2020

    Matchmaking and queue time is not the same though. There is nothing a game can do because bhvr ######### on killers and nobody wants to play killer.

    Try playing killer queue is 5 seconds and survivor is 10 minutes this explains the issue.

    Maybe they shouldn't nerf killer perks and killers like they already did to nurse and spirit and so on then maybe they wouldn't have such a problem.

  • poli
    poli Member Posts: 34

    i guess those dc bans are working well

  • bearded_mullet
    bearded_mullet Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2020

    This could also be the reason killers are not playing. I go against red ranks every game, and I float between rank 8 and 9. I still have fun playing them because I have learned a lot from it. But i cant rank up.

  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160

    Ya this is really depressing...they are failing hard on the console which is too bad if this game dies which sadly looks like that is where it is going...and also playing on pc and console are completely different experiences...a hard nerf to something on pc can be a little less of a nerf on ps4 and vice versa. But i agree the toxicity of useless survs is a main reason no one plays killer and all the nerfs on top of that just make it not enjoyable anymore....the sadness is real...really real.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2020

    When I was rank three I was put up against A LOT of 11s. So much so that I noticed it and thought about how weird it was.

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    Red rank survivor on PC and I've waited 11 minutes now :D

  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160


  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Console killer is so instant i dont even have to wait the one minute start up because i join a lobby with 4 survivors in it all ready up lol.

  • Broccoli_Jaeger
    Broccoli_Jaeger Member Posts: 252

    There are almost no killers in purple-red ranks. Thats why the survivor queue time is so long. As a purple rank Killer i can find a game immediately.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Like the others said, not enough people want to play killer with how the game currently is. No matchmaking algorithm can fix this.

    If you want to have short queue times, you'll have to play killer.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Literally this. For 3 days now, my survivor lobby time on Xbox is around 5-10 mins per lobby, but Killer is about 10 seconds. This is not a good sign for the game

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,791

    It's incredible how everybody attributes this to the newest changes. This has been going on for quite some time. Queue times regularly vary between 1 and 10 minutes depending on whether there's an event, a new patch, new DLC, rank reset, etc, etc. They will pick up again for the mid chapter release, then lull in a couple weeks or so until chapter 14.

    Every single patch there's some change that will finally be the one to kill dbd and send killers away in droves! The victimhood will never change.

  • Quiet_Observer
    Quiet_Observer Member Posts: 68

    Its almost like something recently happened to where they finally had enough ;)

  • gauger236
    gauger236 Member Posts: 11

    I suggest all survivors play as killers and all killers play as survivors you will see why they keep nerfing killers.i play both and could 4k pretty much every match but dont.killers mentality is anything less than 4k is a loss so if one gets away their on here crying about nerfs

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Watch it get 4x worse when they ram that ruin nerf through

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    NO ONE think less thinks a 4k is the only win, get out of rank 17 killer

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Yeah, they’re all on this forum now complaining and rushing everyone’s posts to whine vs. playing game lol.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    See I had same experience. I could 4K as killer by rank 18 and I continue to most games, even getting matched with rank 5-8 as a rank 13 killer. Yes some games I sweat and really have to work hard, but it’s still fun.

    I think the ruin nerf is awesome strictly due to how it exposes just how many unskilled,crutch relying killers are in this game. You can see them all over this forum. Hopefully they go play something else.