Do you think some players are overreacting or not?

Do you think some players are overreacting over this new ruin or no?
Do you think some players are overreacting or not? 62 votes
Both. Some of them are clearly over-reacting and others are clearly right about about this change.
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Some people do, I think the new Ruin is just meh on it's own, but with Surveillance and Thrilling Tremors then we can say that the new Ruin is strong.
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Yes they are overreacting
I agree.
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some are some ain't
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Yes they are overreacting
Samething happened with exausthion nerf, now everybody is ok with it
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No there right explain.
Survivors can run in pairs and genrush.
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This is pretty much my thoughts as well.
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Yes they are overreacting
Some are definitely over reacting that ruin will be the death of the game
It is actually the busted matchmaking causing 30 min queues that will be the death of this game.
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Yes they are overreacting
I do think the changes are good, I'm just not entirely happy with the way ruin has to be paired with surveillance and thrilling to be considered useful since it should be able to be useful on its own and not have to build your perks around it
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Yes they are overreacting
At least from what i have seen in the forums, almost everyone is overreacting, yeah, the change to ruin will be extremely rough to most killers that relied heavily on it, but besides that, there is not that much to complain about, like come on, the changes to doctor seem great now that the devs have considered reducing the stun after shocking and that the shock delay has been announced as a bug.
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No there right explain.
I'm not sure what your idea of overreacting is. I've seen people upset over the potential Ruin changes but nothing too crazy. BHVR wants to drastically change Ruin without trying to remedy the reason so many people run it. I think a bit of frustration is valid.
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No there right explain.
My thoughts exactly. They used a band aid solution to fix a problem then rip the band aid off without actually fixing the problem.
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No there right explain.
For me its both. Some just jump on the bandwagon and say that its instantly bad without giving it a chance and some actually give reasons why ruin needs to not change. Im in the middle. I didnt meant to pick an option.
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No there right explain.
People are right about this, change is at a horrible time. Gens last what 5-6minutes with the current version of ruin up.
So yeah it feels less and less rewarding to survive in this game. Doesn't feel like you survive because you are skilled but because the cards are stacked against killers. The change will turn into a bigger joke.
Yeah gotta love the devs, they care for new players so much, yet ignore all the issues that people state on steam/metacritic and why they do drop the game. 10/10 logic
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No there right explain.
Both is probably the most correct answer, but it was not a choice.
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They explain his points
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No there right explain.
It’s not even about the perk, it’s the fact that the developers are very biased towards survivors and the update in general showed that.
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No there right explain.
No it's become pretty clear that devs aren't listening to the killer side so I'd say players have a right to get made less they just drop the game or watch something they like die, most people aren't angry just because they want to be angry, they're upset because the devs are turning something that provides them with enjoyment and making it less enjoyable