Does anybody have any meme builds suggestions?

I've done quite a few, curious if there are some I haven't heard of. This game is really boring me


  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Have you tried?

    No Mither, Solidarity, Lucky Break and Inner Strength/Second Wind/Self-Care

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    The perks no one uses build.

    Hangmans trick, Monstrous Shrine, Territorial Imperative and 4th of your choosing.

    BBQ for points or use the 4th on something silly like insidious on Wraith.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Thrill of the Hunt + Haunted Grounds

    Nevermind about gens, just protect the totems.

  • MerGirl2003
    MerGirl2003 Member Posts: 110

    For those who thought a teenage girl lifting a former rugby player over her shoulder wasn't ridiculous enough, may I present to you:

    Stronk Susie

    Brutal Strength, Iron Grasp, Enduring and Pop Goes The Weasel (playing as Susie is optional, although recommended for maximum memeage)

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Soon any build with ruin

  • TheNHK32
    TheNHK32 Member Posts: 30

    I got a ton

    Legion Frenzy Only : SWS Franks Tinkerer DD Insidious Enduring

    No Mither, selfcare, purple medkit

    Sneak doc with both terror radius addons, M&A, Ruin, Pop, BBQ

    No blink nurse with PWYF for added memes

    Exhaustion perk only bulld DH,lithe,BL,Headon

    Burgerking myers : scratched mirror and tombstone, use any perk to try and mend the wounds that are your addons

    Slug nurse build with deerstalker knockout nurses and ruin

    Basement bubba with insidious agitation iron grasp ebony mori and noed

    Lastly whats always fun for me is tombstone myers

    PWYF, Brutal, Ruin, Enduring/possibly corrupt?