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Favorite Non-Meta Perk Build?



  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    The one I pretty much always run now. Kindred, Detective's Hunch, Iron Will, Inner Strength

  • Member Posts: 275

    Fixated, Urban Evasion, Sprint Burst, Iron will

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    On Pig - Make your Choice, Nemesis, Furtive Chase, Monitor & Abuse

    This isn't a good build, but it was useful for learning loops - Open Handed, Windows of Opportunity, Bond, Quick and Quiet

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    I like farming WGLF with No mither. It must be meta.

  • Member Posts: 120
    edited January 2020

    Ninja Hag: Insidious, Dark Devotion, Nurses, for the third i either have im all ears, bbq, monitor, or Iron Maiden to give the locker dweets a surprise. For addons i use cracked turtle egg and half egg shell.

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Ds + Head On + Q&Q + perk of your choice

  • Member Posts: 110

    Rancor, Franklin's, noed, and brutal on wraith is really fun and unconventional.

  • Member Posts: 1,448
    edited January 2020

    Iron Will + Quick&Quiet + Inner Strengh + Lucky Break = easy heal during chase and saving lucky break timer a lot more

    Iron Will + Kindred + Bond + Open Handed = abusing the aura reading even if Kindred and Bond is too much ahah

    Iron Will + Stake Out + Better Together + Prove Thyself (will not use it anymore when the Ruin change come live coz i don't want to be that girl gen rushing the poor killers)

    I used to be an Ace main so Iron Will wasn't necessary but now as a Yui main i can't stand her high pitch grunting sounds ahah

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I love a Pebble, and I've had some Endgames that turned out really well due to my Autodidact when the killer went on a slugfest. The absurd amount of Ghostface games have kinda ruined the Pebble though.

  • Member Posts: 924

    Every non meta build fails in something, so I just keep away from those perks

  • Member Posts: 306

    Better Together, Kindred, Detective’s Hunch, Prove Thyself

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I'm always excited to see a fellow Mad Grit user. Underrated perk!

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Wraith with fire up, brutal strength, bamboozle, bbq for points and shadow dance addons

  • Member Posts: 4,883
    edited January 2020

    Lithe, quick and quiet, dance with me, head on. No mither, tenacity, unbreakable, dead hard

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Once you hit rank 1 on either side, perk roulette is pretty fun :)

  • Member Posts: 495

    I've had extreme success with my bubba build. Its:

    I'm all ears

    Dark devotion

    Play with your food


    The plan is to gain stacks on your obsession. Dont find the obsession first? Make one with nemesis.

    Apply dark devotion. And move around the map with zero terror radius and at 125% movement speed.

    Find a survivor out of position and chainsaw them. This build rekindled my love for this game. And it's hilarious the amount of salt it generates. There are so many synergies around it its amazing. However you still need to sweat a lil vs swf that do gens.

  • Member Posts: 838

    Tenacity, Unbreakable, Filp-Flop, Boil Over.

  • Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2020

    For killer (I use this basically all the time on 80% of my killers): Bloodhound, Unrelenting, Sloppy Butcher, Fire Up/Discordance (these two I interchange).

    For Survivor (I hardly stray from my current build but when I want to switch things up I'll use): Solidarity, Quick and Quiet, Lightweight, Alert.

    Not sure if any of those are considered meta. lol Guess it depends on who I'd be asking.

  • Member Posts: 4,428

    I call it the toxic kobe build

    Slippery Meat, Break Down, Up the Ante, Decisive Strike, can't forget the Flashlight and some luck offerings of course, if you kobe click as much as you can if the Killer is near. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    Doctor: Huntress luluby, distressing, overcharge and ruin

    Trapper: Remember me(because of double gate protection(Traps+higher time)), ruin, BBQ and chili and overcharge

  • For killer

    make your choice to get that instadown if it works priceless

    agitation to get that basement hook going helps also with make your choice

    sloppy butcher to let survivors waste a bit of time healing

    and nurses calling believe it or not a lot of MYC. Victems will start healing the survivor that got unhooked by them making a ez double down in most cases

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Beast of Prey, Distressing, BBQ, and Whispers.

    As survivor, I dunno, my build changes constantly depending on my mood.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    I don't really play without meta perks. I pretty much always have DS and BT equipped, but I often change the last 2 perks up a bit.

    At the moment I really like running these builds (with DS and BT) Plunderer's Instinct, Ace In the hole

    OR Head On, Q&Q OR Resilience, Spine chill.

    But yeah... not the most off meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    I personally love anything thats anti loop, it makes me feel powerful, so:

    Fire up + Bamboozle/Brutal strenght + enduring/nemesis +PWYF

    Fire up is one of my personal favorite perks, I feel its underrated, with 3 generators done you are already cutting loops like butter

  • Member Posts: 83

    My Non-Meta Build:

    Survivors(Whom I always play as) =Empathy,Mettle of Man,Iron Will,Self Care

    Killer(Demogorgon only)=Shadow Born,Save The Best For Last,Corrupt Interventio And Pop Goes The Weasel.

    Killers=Bitter Murmur,Pop Goes The Weasel,Thrilling Tremors and Brutal Strength Or Bamboozle.

    Survivors=Decisive Strike,Unbreakable,Tenacity,Dead Hard or Flip-flop

  • Member Posts: 1,534


    I'm grinding like hell to get all perks on all characters, and for me, my Survivor build is:

    WGLF (for the 100% potential BPs)

    Prove Thyself (to max Objective category super quick)

    Small Game (for those sweet +1k Boldness per totem)

    Empathy (to help get those altruism points from heals)

    Good luck!

  • Member Posts: 918
    edited January 2020

    Build I always run on Tapp: Detective's Hunch, Kindred, Inner Strength, and Quick n Quiet or Spine Chill. My healing build is Empathy, Botany, Inner Strength, and Resilence. Thanks to dedicated servers I have been running resilience and spine chill more often for that split second vault I need not to get hit 2 feet from a window.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Hag with STBFTL, Corrupt Intervention, Unrelenting and In All Ears. I hope @SpaceCoconut approves my girl! 🤗

  • Member Posts: 4,883
    edited January 2020


    Post edited by HellDescent on
  • Member Posts: 49

    I hate playing survivor with a passion, so whatever allows me to die faster.

    Object of Obsession, No Mither, Babysitter, Breakdown.

  • Member Posts: 496

    Looting Build.

    Up the Ante, Plunderers Instinct, Ace in the hole and pharmacy

  • Member Posts: 352

    Object of obsession

    Thats it

    Because 😂😂😂

  • Member Posts: 7

    Baby sitter and windows of opportunity

  • Member Posts: 2

    For games where I want to get items, I do [Pharmacy, Ace in the Hole, Plunderer's Instinct, and Adrenaline (or any other exhaustion perk)]

    But then normal games, I prefer [Balanced Landing, We'll Make It, Deliverance, and We're Gonna Live Forever]

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Iri Hatchets + Mori + Blood Warden + Dying Light + PoP + BBQ

  • Member Posts: 998

    New "Improved" ruin.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Survivor: Botany knowledge, Any means necessary, Iron will (I think this is a meta perk), Spine chill.

    Item: Med-kit with 1 charge and 1 speed add-on for item effiency by botany knowledge for self-healing and increased speed for healing others without med-kit.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Nice Survivor biased question

  • Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2020

    survivor: head on, quick and quiet, iron will, resilience

    killer: i never really stray away from the meta, but i usually use stbfl

  • Member Posts: 12

    Better Together + Prove Thyself / Sprint Burst + Vigil are my favourite synergies I like to run.

  • Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2020

    Insidious+Noed+Agitation+Iron Grasp/Monstrous Shrine.

    Well, not hard to guess which of killer this build for)

    Also Deerstalker+Knock Out+Infectious Fright is funny. None expect sluggame and can be difficult to find lying survs.

  • Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2020

    As Ghostface: Nemesis, Rancor, Furtive Chase and Dark Devotion. Sometimes I switch Furtive or DD for Corrupt Intervention or PGTW.

    As Hag: Dark Devotion, STBFL, Corrupt Intervention and M&A

  • Member Posts: 458

    I’ve had a couple memorable games with autodidact where we were getting destroyed early. But I got 5 tokens really early also and kept getting skill checks. Made some huge comebacks. Felt like Batman.

  • Member Posts: 52

    I'm addicted to aftercare + we'll make it, also using spine chill and dead hard but thats not anything interesing.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    For Survivor I have a few ones, depending on playstyle.

    1) Spine Chill, Resilience, Iron Will, Exhaustion Perk/Q&Q for those who get chased a lot or stay injured.

    2) Spine Chill, Stake out, Urban Evasion, Iron Will for the stealthy Gen Jockeys.

    3) Lithe, Q&Q, Dance With Me, Iron Will/Lightweight for the ultimate Houdini Build. Best on Lèry's.

    For killer I have only two:

    Doc: M&A, Corrupt, PGTW, Dark Devotion with both the Calm add-ons for Ninja Doc. Is really fun but requires an indoor map.

    Myers: Whispers, PWYF, Nemesis, Pop with Judith's Jurnal and J. Myers Memorial gives the best stalk from the obsession.

  • Member Posts: 196

    "We´re gonna live forever"

    does absolutely nothing but blood points.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Survivor I love to run: Inner Strength, Calm Spirit, We will make it, Borrowed Time.

    Killers I run a lot of non aura perks to challenge myself to get better at finding players like my Huntress build: Franklin's, Overcharge, Iron Maiden, Bloodhound

  • Member Posts: 379

    It use to be Small Game cause I found Ruin so fast but now that Ruin is getting nerfed, there is no point of bringing it unless I expect going against Trapper or hag

  • Member Posts: 3,666
  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    I tend to run BBQ, Nurse's Calling, Deerstalker and Iron Maiden on my Huntress. The first half is sorta' meta, granted BBQ is only for the bloodpoints. It's handy for switching targets and keeping track of your slugs, going for long range hatchets, and Iron Maiden catches people off guard. People who try using lockers to hide from BBQ give up once they scream, and reloading mid-chase often makes people think they're safe to move on to the next tile while you're reloading only to realize that you're right on them again.

    For survivor, Head On, Q&Q, Inner Strength, and Any Means Necessary. The first three combo together really nicely and give me a way to heal, and AMN has let me save quite a few pallets since I started using it.

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