Horrible PS4 matchmaking and long q times for survivor

Just not enough high rank killers. It's either that or wait 30 minutes in a lobby
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What makes you think it's only on PS4 ?
This was my first game ever as a killer about 3 and a half months ago.
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I'm amazed on how this game can get new players.
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Matchmaking for survivor for me is usually 0-30 minutes, mostly 15 minutes. For killer it usually takes 0-1 minutes. Both is red ranks.
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Matchmaking is busted and the killer population is pretty low. Expect it to get worse. Bonus points for brand new killers that get wrecked by a red / purple rank survivor squad and quit playing killer altogether.
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Stop nerfing stuff for killers and maybe there will be more killers to make matchmaking right. It’s only gonna get worse.
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It's always been awful on PS4 before this ruin nerf. Always.
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Trust me, I know
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On the last Live Q&A, they said there was a glitch that registers "Some" Killers as being higher rank than they actually are, and that they wouldn't be able to fix it before the Holidays were over.
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That's why I've stopped playing survivor. I'm not waiting 10+ minutes to play a game that won't even last as long as I waited. And then they keep nerfing killer making me not want to play killer, haven't even played in the last few days.
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Well they wanted to appeal to new players...I guess it worked 😂
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Holidays have long been over.
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It's easy to get addicted to since you're constantly rewarded with points/upgrades, has iconic characters and a grind that pretty much never ends.
Those 3 things are what i assume draws a lot of people in and why it keeps a dedicated base.
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super grinding system, awful matchmaking that leads to awful killer experience, long queue times, high skill cap that hits hard when you reach purple ranks.
i don't know how somebody can get addicted if he play every 10 minutes/gets destroyed by people with much more experience than him.
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And to complete the new gaming experience, you'll get some well-wishes in the after-game chat.
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The old ranking system was better. You needed two kills and a hook to rank up.
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If the game is actually supposed to be balanced around two kills and two escapes (which still seems stupid to me), then killing two survivors should be a safety pip (since that's exactly how you're supposed to be performing) while three kills is one pip and four kills is two pips.
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On ps4 myself and I have to agree survivor match making and is a problem. Good thing I play killer about 90% of the time. I also have to agree with mrs.ghostface, it's about to get a lot worse due to all the one sided nerfs that the devs keep throwing at killer mains.
Red rank in both (green rank in killer now due to all the mori usage since the patch was announced😈) and I don't plan on playing as much if at all once the new patch comes out. Im tired of being told my fun doesn't matter as much as survivors.
Would switch to being survivor main but imo its boring as ######### . Generally games are over within 5 minutes because I don't know how it is on PC, but on PS4 it seems like survivors, in purple and red ranks at least, go into the match with the intentions of gen rushing the killer as fast as they can.
I don't get it either cause when i'm survivor I hate when that happens because you generally don't pip up or get enough points to justify the wait to get into the game in the first place.
But I guess thats fun and why ruin needed to be nerfed to make it even more fun/s
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It was better, but camping and tunneling were much more common. I rarely have it happen to me anymore, unless I potato. When it was kills for pips, camping happened every other match, and you'd get tunneled off the hook anytime someone made a save. Didn't matter if someone tried to bodyblock or had BT, you were going back up on the hook because "muh pipz".
Emblems can work, but it seems like they are just haphazardly band-aid'ing it instead of taking a real look at the matches and coming up with a legitimate system to reward the good players and make the bad ones actually git gud.
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You're both in Grey Rank, Grey Rank naturally has a high queue time for Killers and Survivors as well, mainly because when this was taken, the rank reset was REALLY late, meaning not many Survivors or Killers were in Grey or even Yellow ranks, so the match making takes longer to find OTHER ranks to play with, since your rank hardly has any players.
This could be because of not many players in those ranks, the region you're in, and the time of day it was during these images.
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Hmm, I wonder why nobody wants to play killer anymore?
But hey, at least survivors finally got what they wanted. Killers so gutted that nobody actually wants to play them full stop. GG BHVR!
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It's not me, but this is the most hilarious facepalm moment I've ever seen in DBD 🤣🤣-https://clips.twitch.tv/SmallProductiveSlothWutFace
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Matchmaking for survivors is basically lobby simulator lol so I do my part and main killer to ease the queue pains non toxic killer here.