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General Discussions

Some Survivors do sooo sooo little it's bewildering.

I play solo, and I always kind of knew people weren't playing very efficient or optimal but running Bond and Kindred really opens your eyes.

I see players hiding in lockers for way longer than needed, crouching across the entire map, following a killer who is chasing someone else, etc and even without Ruin it's no wonder they can't get five gens done.

I am by no means perfect or even great at survivor, but my most recent game (all ranks 1-2) I spent the first two minutes being chases by a Clown, two gens popped GREAT! Three would have been better but I see another survivor was literally following us the whole time and is now crouched in the bushes to make a save the instant the Clown turns around. Not surprisingly I get slugged since he didn't have BT... ugh

Now just one survivor stays on gens but the other begins chasing the clown who is chasing the second person. Honestly against teams like this you don't even need Ruin, it's like they're allergic to doing gens.

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  • Member Posts: 988

    Did the clown get more than two kills though? Because if thats the case then the clown is overperforming from the 2k ratio and doesn't need buffs.

  • Member Posts: 286

    yeah clown OP please nerf him hes annoying to play against please :)

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Sums up the solo experience. Got chased by a Billy earlier today. Looped him through the entire map till I lagged into a wall allowing him to chainsaw me after 2 minutes and 20 seconds. It takes 80 seconds / 1 min 20 seconds for one survivor to repair one gen which means about 4 gens were supposed to pop in that chase.

    Instead only ONE generator popped just after I got hooked and I realized everyone's just crouching around. I got unhooked only seconds after Billy had left which obviously made him come back immediately. Afterwards he sent me a nice "ez" even though:

    - I play solo

    - with no items

    - no meta perks

    - I never tbag, use emotes or anything.

    Spitting into the face of a skillful solo survivor. Way to go champ.

    However I noticed that guy was running Ruin so there were have it. Another red rank killer that gets carried by Ruin. Plays completely clueless with no mindgames at all resulting in overly long chases and still wins thanks to Ruin.

    This is why people need to play both sides equally as a solo. They will quickly realize playing killer may be stressful at times but at least the game depends solely on your own decisions rather than the decisions of 3 crouching hook farmers who unhook you behind the killer without borrowed just to Urban away immediately.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I don't think he got carried by Ruin, he got carried by bad survivors (your teammtes, not you) that don't do anything and play overly altruistic but in a stupid way.

    I feel like I have to run DS now because I'm sick of getting unhooked in the killer's face with no BT and depipping in a two minute game.

  • Member Posts: 763

    It’s mind numbing though. Even in swf it happens. I got two buddies I play with and there’s one who is always in a locker. I’ve seen him pulled out of more closets than I can count. He’s a buddy so we deal with it, but it’s become a running joke.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    That too, there are times to hide in a locker, most likely to hide from BBQ... but other than that survivors over use it. Like they run around a corner into a locker and think quick and quiet makes it perfectly fool proof. Uhm, no the scratch marks ended, I don’t see anyone in sight, there’s only one place you could be...

    Then in post game chat they accuse me of cheating that I could see them

  • Member Posts: 123

    Best get a new "buddy" in the game. Just don't play with him (still be his bud) for the fact he is dragging down your progression along with the team. Not really fair for the others.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Gens are boring, and I can't really blame survivors for not wanting to do them. Holding down a button for 80 seconds isn't thrilling gameplay, and you don't make that many points for doing it, either. Stealthy/ignored gen jockeys earn the fewest Bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Not everyone need to gen-rush. If im playing survivor, and it is no ruin or it is ruin but it is cleansed. I like doing gens with other survivors for more bp. Also I like hiding, and doing totems.

    I want the killer to try look for me like hide and seek, instead of just running away wasting so much of the killers time as possible.

  • Member Posts: 120

    I recommend using decisive strike, you will feel much more confident playing survivor when you have a safety-net. Decisive strike have worked many times for me, just try not go into a locker or you might get outwaited.

    Or if you get unhooked and killer chases you, try run to a jungle gym and dont use pallets. If you know you can loop him longer than the decisive period, try playing dumb and get downed. You will probably get picked up right away.

    If you get downed right away on purpose, the killer might suspect you have decisive strike and not pick up.

  • Member Posts: 351

    Just died on the hook to a similar group of survivors. They were 9 to 11 rank and the killer was 18. Nah...I'll mive on to the next match thank you very much.

  • Member Posts: 351

    This is why I feel points need to be distributed more evenly.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    BHVR: "We want survivors to interact with killers, so we'll give lots of points for that."

    Survivors: -Still focus on gens.-

    BHVR: "We don't want survivors to focus solely on the objective, so we'll give them fewer points for gens."

    Survivors: -Ignore the boring ass objective, even though it means dying.-

    BHVR: "We also want to balance based on 2 killed, 2 escaped."

    Everyone: ...

    Everyone: "What even is this game??"

    This game has conflicting goals for its players, which is why point distribution and all that are so messed up. Sometimes I think DbD would be better off with some other kind of core gameplay, like "no gens, match is on a timer, last survivor standing wins; more than one survivor makes it to the end = killer lost." I mean, obviously not exactly that, but something other than gens as they are now.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Yep for both sides. So it’s hard to know what’s winning and losing. I mean in theory pipping up should be a “win,” but I’ve had games leading the killer on a three gen chases, doing the last two gens myself after losing him, but then black pip because I didn’t rescue someone? I’m sorry mike got hooked, getting punished for winning too devise ty like #########. Especially when you put all rank 1 survivors against a rank 15 killer with one perk.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Luckily ruins getting nerfed but depending on how they play it kinda forces them to do a 1v4 and that will still slow down late game so I guess us survivors are at a standstill either way

  • Member Posts: 47

    Solo Survivor is terrible. It happens way too often that the last survivor to die has the least amount of points. They don't go for saves, they hardly work on gens, they just urban around the map and jump in a locker at the slightest hint of a heartbeat never to be seen again.

    Can't even run We'll Make It anymore because people rather waste time running to a far off corner to heal even if someone is being chased when they get unhooked. "8 second heal?? Nah let me spend 30 seconds running to a corner, then 10 more seconds standing there to see if the killer followed me, and then spend upwards of 30 more seconds selfcaring."

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Lol your healing comment is so true, even if they stay there they would rather self care for points and take forever.

    Also about the least points, yeah I saw someone escape hatch with like 7700 points and tell the killer “get rekt.”

    We all sided with the killer in that chat, dude you literally scored 700 points other than what you got from hatch escape for doing nothing all game.

  • Member Posts: 1,110

    Sad part is, they probably still rank up.

    Meanwhile, at red rank killer, you can kill everyone and almost depip at times.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Solo survivor is a pretty miserable experience. The criteria for ranking up is existing and escaping. There should seriously be an emblem penalty for idle time. It obviously wouldn't be perfect, because circumstances happen, but I see a ridiculous amount of teammates that straight up do nothing at red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 443

    It's way more than some. People are just generally bad at the game. Camping pallets, instantly throwing them instead of just going for a loop, going for saves when the killer is camping, taking self care, and several other things. Survivor games are basically 2v3 or 1v4 because teammates hurt more than help.

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited January 2020

    Agree. I had a funny game yesterday night playing with a friend. I looped the billy for 5 min (2 gens) and my friend then 3 gens until the gates where open. He had still the billy at his ass and trying to run to a gate, sadly we miss communicated and I wasnt at his gate, but recently there was a claudette hiding and waiting for... nothing? When I saw her I thought okey she might still wait at the gate for some reason. After my friend came to that gate no one was there... while he had his billy inthe ass he tried to open the gate but got sadly chainsawed, he had nothing around, no windows or pallets just trees. Then claudette just opens the other gate and leaves after he died. I tried to save him but I got grabbed at 100% unhook :C.

    We both ended up dying while the other 2 randoms left and then claudette writes in the chat. "Thats what you get for trolling, stop waiting for the killer to teabagg him". I am like... yeah not like we carried you the entire game and you didnt even managed to open the gate for someone who got chases. Then she wrote "Yeah keep beeing a salty moron, just stop crying".

    Oof I was really dissapointed but well that is how it is with randoms.

    Often survivors do almost nothing but mostly escape somehow? I wonder how but well, ppl should really think more about their teammates, maybe reward better protection hits not just 100 bloodpoints? Idk but mostly randoms are really selfish, thats why I mostly play swf.

  • Member Posts: 70

    My favorite part is running Kindred yet still 2-3 people are still scrambling to get the save.

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