Totem Rework

A lot of players, both killers and survivors, have asked for there to be a secondary objective. As we all know, Gen Speeds are ridiculously quick. And while I actually like the Ruin rework (if it was no longer a hex), there will be nothing stopping gens from popping in the first few minutes anymore. Totems have always been a part of the game, but they are often ignored, unless they are Hex totems. And even then, none of the hex totems besides old ruin and Noed (which players are attacked for using), are worth breaking if you can just bust out the gens. Old ruin could even be ignored by good survivor players.

This might be a band-aid fix, but I figure why not add more depth to the totem aspect of the game? Dull totems are just extra points for survivor. They serve no purpose other than spawning a potential Noed for killers. What if dull totems actively give the survivor players a debuff to repair speeds? Maybe something like 2-3% per totem, for a maximum of 10 to 15% with all 5 totems being up? Working on gens together would be discouraged and perks like Prove Thyself would mean more. I think generally survivor perks would mean more. Small game and detectives hunch could be meaningfully ran and builds could be more diverse.

If survivors wish to rush the gens anyways, then they would do so significantly slower, allowing set-up or low mobility killers to play the game without losing a gen or two without any say in it. And survivors could counter the debuff with toolboxes, making it a real option instead of a "win more" type of deal. It would also encourage survivor players to "have a choice between when it's necessary to cleanse a totem and when it isn't". With the new ruin/surveillance combo, killers are alert when it comes to generators. For the most part, killers can't find you if you aren't on a gen, if they haven't hooked someone, or if you aren't near enough to be heard. If the killer is bad then you could probably bust out the totems and gen rush them anyways. If they are good, you would have to know when to work on a gen, totem, or save a fellow survivor. Honestly, I'd much rather have a whole different objective. But I don't think this idea is so bad. And it's easily implemented.

Totem spawns are RNG and would need to be fixed. Generally, the spots need to be better hidden. But more importantly, I think Hex totems should spawn where the killer spawns. This would ensure that the totem isn't immediately destroyed and survivors would have to avoid the killer on their way to the other side to begin their search. And if the totems become a more important aspect of the game, we could have killers decorate their totems or survivors could have fun effects or animations when cleansing a totem.



  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Most of that could work...potentially. Having them spawn next to the killer isn't a good idea, though. Then you'd generally know exactly where to look if you're a survivor. The opposite side of the map from where you spawned.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Actually an interesting idea. This would slow down the early game like we need and also get survivors more focused on the side objectives.

    Even after they keep fixing totem hiding spots they are still always just so awful. Along with still trying to improve the spots they should also make the totems color black in color so they are harder to spot. Lastly make the lit Hex totems only show to the killer. This will make them start breaking totems while trying to find which one is the right one. This is also important because a lot of the time you find the Hex totem just from hearing it because it's so freaking loud.

  • ChunChunMaru
    ChunChunMaru Member Posts: 52

    True. But if it spawns on their side, they are likely to find it anyways. Good survivors will find the totem no problem. So at the very least, if it spawns on the opposite half of the map, they still have to walk all the way across to look for the totem. And the killer will be walking towards were the survivor spawned, encouraging survivors to stealth play around them, or wait for them to be distracted with another survivor.

  • ChunChunMaru
    ChunChunMaru Member Posts: 52

    Honestly, I don't know why this hasn't always been a thing. When I first started playing, I assumed that cleansing a totem worked in some way to my benefit. But it's just for points. The community has been very vocal about gen speeds, so I figured why not kill two birds with one stone. I mean it makes sense theme wise as well. "The killer places the skulls of his old victims in totems across the map, cursing the survivors". Assuming totem spawns remain as RNG as now, I think making the Hex silent might work by itself. We can't make it too hard to find either or the Hex Perks would become too strong. And survivors not being able to tell makes it feel too RNG for me. Id rather them find it, than it be "Oh I cleansed this random totem and it happened to be the right one". The rest of the totems can remain the same, as they aren't necessarily meant to be impossible to find. Plus they spawn all over the map, realistically survivors will only destroy 2-3 on average. Or we see totem builds, which would be cool.

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    @not_Queen good idea might check it out