What is your biggest flaw as a player



  • MisterGein213
    MisterGein213 Member Posts: 31

    Survivor: Not being able to hit great skill checks consistently, not being able to juke all that well

    Killer: Bad at tracking during a chase, whiffing a lot of my hits.

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    As a Survivor main on Ps4 it is hard for me to 360. Which is a unique skill to acquire not neccessary but useful. I can only and 180 and loop which works but you know I think a 360 will work more effectively then a 180 which is my flaw...idk how to 360 on the sticks

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Having weird stage fright/anxiety with Rank Play, caring way too much about Rank and how many kills I'm getting and limiting the number of matches I play and how long I play for....

    Like I am WAY too harsh on myself when I get bad or mediocre games where I get fewer Kills or if I get outplayed and tend ro stop playing prematurely....really need to stop caring as Killer...and yet every match, I feel pressured to do really well...Survivor is Chill...even bad matches I just roll on...

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568

    Actually, i have the same problem on both sides. Tunnel vision.

    I decide I'm going to go check on THAT gen, and I'm so focused on it I don't even see the survivor hiding in the bushes halfway there.

    Or I keep going back to the same gen every time the killer kicks it, even though I know he'll be coming back to check on it again. This is also stubbornness, of course.

    Or I decide I'm going to take a hit and run to THAT loop, not even noticing the closer loop that could have prevented that first hit.

  • justaSpirit_phase
    justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142

    Go for someone during end game and get myself killed but the other escapes and doesn’t even say thanks

    and as killer it’s me breaking unsafe pallets, I want points so bad but I just took out a dead zone for survivors

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Killer: fall for the most obvious loop. Like the ironworks ledge. Every. Damn. Time.

    Survivor: I am waaaay too altruistic and it gets me killed more often than not.

  • Yanthegamer558
    Yanthegamer558 Member Posts: 93

    Survivor: Can't do 360 on PC killer.

    Killer: what flaws?

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107

    Survivor: I can loop to save my life. I also suck at using dead hard, so I don't use it.

    Killer: Too impatient to actually wait in the lobby to play as a killer.

  • Creepingcam1070
    Creepingcam1070 Member Posts: 330

    Survivor- When I play with my friends I will tend to become a backseat gamer.

    Killer- I can mind game myself.

  • StrayDog
    StrayDog Member Posts: 25

    As survivor I try to hide when I should run and put as much distance between me and the killer as possible

  • Geiger
    Geiger Member Posts: 3

    Survivor - Altruism towards all even if they just sprouted

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited January 2020

    i always hort the good stuff and refuse to use it...

    like, i have almost 400 red mories on my account now! HELP!

    Edit: i counted them. 596. holy #########.

  • Peppa_Pigsaw
    Peppa_Pigsaw Member Posts: 184

    Survivor: I get way too greedy with my Head On stuns.




  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 370

    As a survivor: Throwing myself at the hook in an attempt to save people before they die or get put into second state even if it puts me on it. Then watching the entire team just leave you to die and never bother to even attempt a save.

    As a killer: Not using add-on combinations that are incredibly strong to make the game more entertaining only to get four people switch to Claudette at the last second with the most overpowered bullshit in the game.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291
    edited January 2020

    I find the survivor role so boring that instead of doing generators I'll look for the killer and try to get them to chase me if for some reason I'm playing survivor. I don't enjoy doing generators because there's no skill or effort involved and there's just not enough to do. The most exciting part about survivor is getting chased and evading the killer. Because of this though if I'm stuck doing gens I'll generally just mess around wasting time. Can't be bothered to try and improve anymore as survivor because ranks are just handed out and I find it hard to depip even in red ranks.

    This leads me to only playing SWF's or killer only which for me is primarily the killer role.

    tl;dr - I waste a lot of time as survivor if I'm not getting chased.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    As killer if someone gives me a good chase I sometimes tend to commit, because I enjoy it, knowing that I'm throwing the game by doing that.

    As survivor I go for too many mindgames and often get hit in safe zones, just because I tried to do something that I thought was pretty creative that ended up backfiring.

  • TheEversong
    TheEversong Member Posts: 25

    Hmmm. As a survivor I think its committing too hard to a task. If I'm on a gen I assume others will unhook or save someone. As a killer.... probably noticing scratch marks. Too use to letting my perks give me info like I'm all ears.

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204

    As killer: improving each day since 2017. 135k hatchets thrown.

    As survi : I'm pretty decent for sure but if I want to match the best survs in EU I need to improve .

  • Awsomedude6655
    Awsomedude6655 Member Posts: 8

    Having to be the distraction because all killers find me first, I can sometimes get my self out of it, but not all the time, if I do get my self out, I'll try to help someone out because I feel like I'll die anyway, so it's a surprise if I survive

    So i guess my luck

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    As Survivor:I can get cocky with chases and can be sometimes too altruistic I sacrafice myself to let the other survivor get away alot body blocking and everything. It's just in vain when the survivor does dumb stuff as soon as their off the hook.

    As Killer:I dont use Scratch Mark's and bloodtrails to my advantage. I mostly just rely on Survivors Injured Groans and generator sounds and mainly all sounds in general.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Survivor: Get annoyed at teammates way to easily. If even one does something blatantly stupid it irritates me so much, it shouldn't

    Killer: Way too pessimistic when playing. If a gen pops before I down someone because I guessed the wrong spawn points or something, i'll often think 'this game is over' instantly when it clearly isn't, usually putting me off for the rest of the match