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Mori question

Do you see moris often? Please answer that,along if you like your rank. Let me know down below.

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  • Member Posts: 376

    At rank 7 I have not seen them too often. Maybe 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 matches

  • Member Posts: 175
    edited January 2020

    i use it only when I see flashlights in the lobby and if they happen to be a SWF who only wants to mess with me. That's the only situation when I regret not having Mori. Otherwise I rather just chase everyone off the gens (not necessarily hook them from the beginning). Turns out to be a fun gameplay even for survivors, I get positive messages everytime even if I end up killing them (on hooks, not with mori).

    As for it being used by others, I don't see it that often. But seeing comments around here, I suspect this will change tho', along with NOED.

  • Member Posts: 16,605

    As Survivor: Rarely see them, Rank 1, PC. I know that some people claim that they get Moris everygame, but this is not the case (as well as there are no Keys in every game). Yesterday I got morid, but on Death Hook, the only difference was that I was not able to use my DS in that case, but its fine. Was a Clown who just wanted to mori someone because he likes it. So not that "Ruin/PGTW/Stridor/BBQ Spirit with Ebony".

    As Killer: I most likely dont use Moris. If I see a 4 man SWF with a lot of Stuff (mostly Toolboxes, I dont care about Flashlights), I will equip a Mori. I try to not use it, but when I have to, I will (or if they act toxic).

  • Member Posts: 21,155

    Rank 1, Xbox NA.

    Haven't seen a mori in awhile. Maybe a month or so.

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    for me its rare to see a killer using a mori, or even i use a mori

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    As survivor, purple ranks, on xbox in 3 months i think ive seen 3 or 4 mori. Last time I got killed was devour hope. Killer just snowballed before we could find the totem.

    As killer, last time i used a mori was for a ghostface daily about 6 months ago. I do love devour hope though. Won't feel remourse if i get to kille people only because of that perk.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I use them when I get a kill daily and don't wanna use devour hope.

    I don't see them often.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Rank 4 survivor on ps4, I see them maybe 1 out of 15 to 20 matches. I did notice a spike during the double bloodpoint weekend, i saw about twice as many for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 156

    All the time but I am a twitch streamer with the ttv tag so I expect to see more mori's.

  • Member Posts: 984

    As killer I haven't used a mori in about a year

    As survivor I see a mori roughly 1 in every 5 games

    Red rank killer/survivor PS4, EU region

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