A way to solve the decisive strike issue.

Tie it to an item. Thats it, a single use item, make the perk decisive strike enhance the usage of the item, similar to self care or sabutouer. Also make the stun duration similar to that of a pallet.
The rarity of the item will act as the nerf decisive strike needs while keeping it strong and usable. You could also potentially allow the killer to "block" a d strike by hitting a skill check back? 
To make the item even more useful as a sort of "single use" item, maybe be able to plant it in the ground to create a "hex" like trap that will slow the killer down


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Nope, DS is broken and making it an item wont change that

  • Zetara
    Zetara Member Posts: 31
    So are you think like the pocket knife in F13?
  • Zetara
    Zetara Member Posts: 31
    So are you think like the pocket knife in F13?
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Franklin's Demise would just become meta.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    pairing it to an item and nerfing it would keep it viable while also keeping it rare and restricted in use.
    haven't played f13 so i dunno about that haha

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Tie it to an item. Thats it, a single use item, make the perk decisive strike enhance the usage of the item, similar to self care or sabutouer. Also make the stun duration similar to that of a pallet.
    The rarity of the item will act as the nerf decisive strike needs while keeping it strong and usable.
    I wouldn't mind this for multiple reasons actually.

    1.) Survivors can't use a flashlight, insta-heal med-kit, and BNP (Even though it's nerfed).

    2.) If the item is ultra rare, not many survivors will have it unlike a perk since perks aren't consumable while an item is.

    Not a bad idea, guys, give this guy a chance! :)
  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    @Nickenzie said:
    Maelstrom10 said:

    Tie it to an item. Thats it, a single use item, make the perk decisive strike enhance the usage of the item, similar to self care or sabutouer. Also make the stun duration similar to that of a pallet.
    The rarity of the item will act as the nerf decisive strike needs while keeping it strong and usable.

    I wouldn't mind this for multiple reasons actually.

    1.) Survivors can't use a flashlight, insta-heal med-kit, and BNP (Even though it's nerfed).

    2.) If the item is ultra rare, not many survivors will have it unlike a perk since perks aren't consumable while an item is.

    Not a bad idea, guys, give this guy a chance! :)

    Exactly my point! it would keep d strike at a level similar to one shot items ie skeleton keys, insta medkits, bnps etc allowing it to be used to escape but only once (maybe twice with addons, or allowing you to keep it with addons idk im not a game dev)
    it would be brought to a similar level as adrenaline, being a sort of "oneshot" item/perk used to escape

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    oh and to add onto the perk decisive strike, perhaps make it conserve the knife (while keeping a restriction on a use of once per round) or make it possibly stun the killer for longer/give the survivor a small sprint burst after stunning the killer. ie you run d strike and the knife item and you have the same stun as d strike right now (4.9s), but if you use just a knife its the same time as a pallet? (2.1s) ie the perk would basically double the time of being jabbed, and allow for escape, while requiring the knife to remain useful. the perk without the knife item could just allow you to stun the killer in place for a sec as the developers were planning

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  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    best way to fix DS is to make it so it wont trigger till after you been hooked once.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    Make dstrike not drop survivor on use and stun him for 5 seconds.
    Do this and the perk will not be as broken as of right now, it will still be strong with swf (aka 95% of the surv playerbase).

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922
    Why not a mix of both those ideas and mine? Have d strike (as a perk) stun the killer *After they've been hooked once* but have the original effect tied to a one use item? That way it will keep d strike players happy, both keeping it the same just requiring a bit of extra work to pull off (and negating the combo of a flashlight and d strike to bm the killer/be super toxic.) I mean also giving the knife or blade aura reading abilites/trapping abilitys would make it beyond useful as a one use item, making people wanna conserve it for when they realllly need it. Hell maybe even don't tie it to the bloodweb, make it only spawn in chests (with a slightly higher chance in the killers shack?) That way people wouldn't be able to stockpile them as easily making it so that d strike is overall nerfed, but for that one special occasion, that one special time you wish to escape you can bring that super helpful item you've been saving...
  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922
    Oh and to add onto the special effects of the item* i meant having a single use aura reading ability/addon (ie breaks upon use but lets you see the killer for 10s, gives you a temp object of obsession)
  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    A mod can tell me if this is not allowed, but im gonna boop this conversation up and they can i guess stop this thread if it ain't allowed but i really think this should be discussed

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    Part of thinks it would work better as an ultra rare item, killers can just get franklins to counter it then there's no big deal.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922
    edited August 2018

    exactly my thinking

    Post edited by Maelstrom10 on
  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922
    edited August 2018

    I mean again if its an item then people will only be able to take it, or a flashlight (or another item etc). not both, effectively severely nerfing the survivors abilities