Why do you guys insist on taunting at the exit?

I just got a Three Kill from what should have been a Zero kill because Survivors got cocky.
Vortexas said:
I just got a Three Kill from what should have been a Zero kill because Survivors got cocky.
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As killer i don't mind this as when you hit the survivor out the gate you win the chase and get the hit bonus.
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I view it as a submission for respect and skill, and I hate it when I save someone from a hook at end game with BT, only for them to T bag at the gate, makes me wish I could undo the save1
It's a question that'll never have a definitive answer, I suppose. They've all got different reasons. It's mostly for disrespecting a killer though, sadly. I hate seeing survivors doing that.
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Some random did this early and got his ass killed. ######### idiots lol0
I don't usually mind T-bagging at the exit gates.
But when they do it during the main trial, that's when I start judging their character.
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can't stand tbaggers or taunts of any kind. It is funny that this is my biggest complaint of the game, I admit that. It's already a 4v1 disadvantage with third instead of first person view. U won, leave the game. the only time I wouldn't mind tbagging is if the killer was camping hooked survivors, then the killer deserves it.2
Are we talking about them teabagging and pointing or just staying within the gates? Sometimes I'll stay in the gate just in case they want more points (from hits/etc.) or have a daily to get a certain kind of hit. I don't if they camped or tunneled, though. I know some survivors use teabagging to talk. Like when another survivor goes up to the survivor, they teabag to say hello or to say thank you.
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The intention behind t-bagging also depends on the rank I think or rather if the player was new. When I started playing DBD I did not know that t-bagging at the exit was a way of tauting the killer I just thought the survivors had a dance party lmao (yes I was that naive) and always joined in. Some use it to tell the killer to hurry up and hit them others try to brag about their victory.3
I like it when they do that then try to escape when i have blood warden active its so funny
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They are like little children, they are still learning a lot and everytime they (just) made it they are more than happy to show you by doing their little dance with which they pretty much want to say ''Look daddy/mommy, I escaped!''.
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Fengminni said:The intention behind t-bagging also depends on the rank I think or rather if the player was new. When I started playing DBD I did not know that t-bagging at the exit was a way of tauting the killer I just thought the survivors had a dance party lmao (yes I was that naive) and always joined in. Some use it to tell the killer to hurry up and hit them others try to brag about their victory.
That happened to me within the first handful of games, I was at the exit gate with one other guy and after healing, I crouched and the guy smashed the crouch button making it look like a dance party. Me as a baby survivor happily joined in, we barely escaped from the killer
Although sometimes I'm not sure if it's really not just survivors interacting? Everyone's always reading too much into everything in this game lol
Sometimes I just hang out at the gate waiting for other survivors, it's just nice escaping together.
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Little kids see all the advertisment, buy X to make your penis grow larger.
Too bad that they dont have enough money, but at least they can tbagg in DBD to get a bigger E-penis0 -
Usually to pull killer off hatch or away from a survivors who may be in a precarious position if caught. If its all of them then likely free hits out of respect if tea bagging is involved they want a reaction because the game before they got face-camped or were screwed in some way that they feel taunting a different killer makes everything even. People are illogical and shortsighted.
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Heck if I know, maybe people are just jerks and some feel like they earned it
I don't do that really to be honest, If I get the gates open, I either leave or wait to make sure no one else is caught. (because my purpose is focused on being the escape goat)
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Heck if I know, maybe people are just jerks and some feel like they earned it
I don't do that really to be honest, If I get the gates open, I either leave or wait to make sure no one else is caught. (because my purpose is focused on being the escape goat)
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So they can believe they have a reason to complain about you, the game being broken, the killer you were playing being OP, etc...
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Honestly I don't know why this bothers everyone so much. I only play killer and survivors tea bag me all the time. It's not like they are personally attacking you, it's them spamming a button on their keyboard. Not only that, it's not like they can stop and send you a /tell in game, it's the only means of communication lol. They tea bag each other for "thank you" or "heal me" too. If this bothers you, then the Internet must be a terrifying place to be in.
I don't mind it. It gives me the opportunity to get extra points or sometimes even an extra kill. I've had survivors tea bag me and body block each other at the exit so I could get an extra kill. It's hilarious when that happens and so satisfying. It's like your childhood story, "the turtle and the hare" applied in a video game. People that automatically leave the game always win, but sometimes the cocky survivor's action catch up to them and it's awesome.
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@Fengminni said:
The intention behind t-bagging also depends on the rank I think or rather if the player was new. When I started playing DBD I did not know that t-bagging at the exit was a way of tauting the killer I just thought the survivors had a dance party lmao (yes I was that naive) and always joined in. Some use it to tell the killer to hurry up and hit them others try to brag about their victory.You're not the only one that was that naive lol.
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And to think this entire time it was lag or something lol.0
And to think this entire time it was lag or something lol.0
It’s the same reason crap killers taunt survivors on hook at red ranks, they lack skill and if they get a 1k they think they are the best killer in the world when I’m reality they suck
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I actually do it to give the killer some more blood points. I feel bad if we finish too fast.
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It's kinda warranted if the killer/tunnel/camps etc if you do so, players sometime feel compelled to taunt, so if you do tend to play scummy, ensure the kills and don't complain how survivor will react, other then that usually swf tend to try to be toxic, i had some decent swf who waited at the exit for the free hits and downs
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To be fair, you did try to kill them and deny them of: points, pips, etc...
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IDK if what you're talking about is completely different from what I'm about to say, but some people (including myself when I play survivor) want to just let the killer have a free hit before the game ends/the survivor escapes, almost like one last farewell kiss. I don't find that very toxic, just trying to give people a little boost in bloodpoints.
Plus the end game collapse exists now so worst case scenario if you for some reason want the game to end but don't feel like chasing the survivors out the gate, you could just let the 2 minutes pass by.
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It’s their way lol. If I know they’re in the exit tunnel I won’t even go over just to deny them the satisfaction. It drives them nuts. Lol
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This was an oldie from a good person.
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So I'm not the only one who saw it too. I don't get it some old discussions just appeared on the first pages of General Discussions.
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Only thing that is worse than a bad loser is a bad winner. Never t-bagged a killer at the exit gates, except when he camped / tunneled the whole game.
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So you only give them the middle finger when they're just playing the game normally? Seems legit.
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because why not
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Kinda surprised a mod didn't pop in and lock this down yet.
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I've never done it. The only time I stay at the exit gate is to see if someone needs a late save. And if the killer gets near, I just run out the gate, sometimes allow him to hit me, other times I just stay still to offer him a kill if he got no hooks during the game.
Never understood the need for t-bag, at the exit gates or anywhere else.
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I actually 100% agree with @Peasant They have no skill whatsoever so they try and make themselves look Pro when actually they are just embrassing themselves, It takes a good killer to not camp and do there job but people think that it is all about kills when it actually isn't, Hence the Teabag if you don't get any kills, It is annoying and pathetic really but let kids be kids :)
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I remember when people were tyring to tell me it was a sign of respect. Nah.
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Seems you forgot to take you pills.
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Teabagging at the exit gates should be reserved only for killers that play trashy (hard tunneling, facecamping or using an ebony mori.)
By hard tunneling I dont mean downing the same survivor twice, there are scenarios where that will happen and the killer isn't necessary trying to go after the same survivor. By hard tunneling I mean completely ignoring every other survivor just to make one survivors experience miserable. Those killers deserve a good tea bagging.
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Seems someone forgot to change your diaper.
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i do it because im Jane and it looks funny when she teabags. She looks like a stripper working for bloodpoints haha
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Bro how did you even find this thread.