Dedicated Servers are.....broken?

Now it was my assumption that dedicated servers were supposed to fix a lot of the lag and other latency issues happening in the game. Why is it that ive been hit through gens, trees, literal WALLS or from like 10 feet away??? I know killers arent too happy with the ruin changes, but as long as im still getting downed when the killer weapon is nowhere near me, forgive me if i cant find the empathy :(
Well, according to our data, dedicated servers are just fine. BUT, we have some more cosmetics here for you. Want some? Only 1080 auric cells. : )
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Well they fooled you didn't they
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YES....yes they did lol
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Seriously, one of the most frustrating things is when I get hit after I'm well past a window (as in both feet on the ground running away already) or if I've stunned the killer with a pallet but the weapon somehow went through and got me anyway. Drives me crazy. 🤬
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Just wait til you get unhooked, run 30-40 meters away, and get downed by the Killer who swung at your T-posed body still hanging on the hook. It makes for a great view. Lol
"I got dedicated" is the only thing you can say. Heard it from numerous Survivors the past few nights of playing due to various bugs, glitches, and random bullshittery. Gotta love it, or else you'll be needing some blood pressure medicine soon.
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I've hit survivors I have had absolutely no business hitting, yet whiffed on people standing directly in front of me. Baffling.
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its not surprising anymore i'm still getting dedicated hits but through pallets mainly
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Well, PC players warned you, but you guys didn't listen.
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lol its not like we had a choice haha they forced this upgrade on us
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Watch this clip of a game I played earlier today. Seems like the servers are working just fine to me.
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Oh look..another post exaggerating on dedicated servers..honestly chill
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Dedicated servers have been a big improvement for me on PS4. Much more stable connection. Only a bit of lag every 20 or so matches.
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I would guess it's because you have trash internet
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Dedicated Servers has been doing very good for me. No errors, no games with yellow or red ping and slightly faster queues, very slightly. However, it does need more improvement, of course. It differs from person to person though. Some get great ones, some the same as before, some worse and some whatever in between.
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Well there probably wouldnt be so many posts about it if it worked properly. And if you are so sick of reading these threads, why did you click this one?? Im confused....
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Guess my internet went to trash all of a sudden after the dedicated servers were live on console. What a coincidence
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If youd think before you typed my point is everyone is taking a level 3 issue and cranking it up to ten..and of course its gonna be a tad rough at first but all things considered there are surprisingly few issues compared to the initial pc implementation
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Edit your thread title. Replace "Dedicated Servers" with "Dead by Daylight".
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We really
are exaggerating about dedicated servers.
Lag switching was fixed right? Nope.
I get it bud, you like your free hits on dedicated servers but the truth is, P2P is superior in every way.
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Lol from the killer end there are no "free hits" but I wouldnt expect you to know
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I provided plenty of clips from BOTH sides, so I wouldn't be saying I don't know about the problems that both sides have. Really not surprising considering 99% of your posts are brainless. But hey, guess just because I don't like servers means I know nothing about killer. Very smart assumption by you I guess even though I play killer for the most part currently and get the most bullshit hits I have ever seen.
Edit: And yes, those hits that shouldn't ever connect that you THINK are only on the survivors side, nice joke.
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Lol ok never said the servers were perfect..if youd read as I'd recommend as it's an important life skill youd see I say people are going nuts over small issues that will be ironed else ?
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It's been 3 months now, these issues have not even been addressed let alone fixed. And again, your entitlement thinking anyone that plays a lot of survivor means they don't play killer is silly. I read your comment twice and it was just as dumb as the first time I read it.
You are trying to say hits look fine on the killers end when in reality they don't and I have proven it multiple times in my posts.
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You've proven nothing dude....I'm going to go off what I see with players who have reliability and actually think about everything from a factual standpoint...rather than just blowing smoke
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Factual standpoint? I hope you're a really elaborate troll if you really think the hits in those videos should've hit.
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Connection isnt perfect..but the devs themselves have stated that is nothing but animation yes sometimes it's worse than before but it's been slowly getting less and less janky..also..dont call me a troll..just because I dont follow the sheep who only know what they are told doesnt make me a troll..learn the difference
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But it isn't animation lag. Back on P2P you'd get more loops out of something because you wouldn't get hit miles away. Even some of those clips animation lag isn't even a thing it's genuine ######### servers.
Calling people sheep but your posts complain about gen times, survivors being overpowered, and killer being hard. I'd say its a hard opposite. :)
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Multiple hits tonight were trash, and that's playing from the Killer side of things. Swung around a corner on a Bill, moved through the pallet square and got the hit, after the hit animation I got the stun animation and heard the pallet drop, Bill was back on the other side of the pallet and down.
This is uncommon, but not as infrequent as people think. It's one reason I disrespect most pallets now. I get a ton of bullshit hits on Survivors, and it's not their timing at fault. When the pallet drop + stun animation play after the hit goes through and I've already done my wipe, there's something wrong.
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Lol I speak of reality..while you ignore what has been tirelessly explained by the games creators and by people who work with these type of things or once did..animation..lag..simple to understand and based on my experiences and the evidence therein I'm certain of its validity..I personally have encountered no real changes to chases themselves and merely experiance some mildly annoying but hardly game changing bugs..and these clips show exactly what I'm talking about..
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Yesterday I went for the daily for nurse on slightly laggy server.
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Well I notice you aren't stating your ping. The dedicated servers are much much much much much better if you have good internet.
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It could be that these survivors have trash internet
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@immortalls96 this is not an exaggeration, never have I had this much lagging and rubber banding on any game with 100 ping, I know 100 ping isn't good but it isn't awful either and most games actually compensate for ping but that doesn't happen att all with dbd
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Well I notice pc players highly exaggerate many things..and this is no I concede that on console some champs are rough to play atm fuel to some meter bug but the majority are still working as normal..honestly I fail to see how the rare pickup which is obviously going g to be ironed out is worth a post every day never adding anything or asking a question..always just this
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Lol ma’am, don’t come on my post disrespecting me when I never disrespected you. “If you’d think before you type” girl please. You came in trying to invalidate Someone else’s experience because it wasn’t a reflection of your own. Just say you disagree and keep it pushing. Next caller 😌
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85 mbps download speed
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What's your ping to the server download speed is irrelevant
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You do you next caller..that's a new one